“The Sorrows of a Young Werther”: a summary

The main character – a young man named Werther, he is inclined to poetry and painting. A young man settles in a small town, wishing to be alone. Here he communicates with ordinary people, enjoys nature, draws and reads Homer.

Werther is invited to a youth country ball where he meets a certain Charlotte S., who immediately falls in love. The close call the girl Lotta, she is the eldest daughter of the amtman (district chief) of the principality. The mother in their family died early, so Charlotte replaced her for her younger brothers and sisters. The girl was not only beautiful, but also smart.

It is from this moment that the most terrible suffering of young Werther begins. The summary tells about the birth of his love. The young man spends his free time in the house of Lotta, which is located outside the city. He, along with his beloved, goes to visit the sick pastor, cares for the sick lady. Werther enjoys these visits, since he can be together Lotto.

However, the young man’s love is doomed to suffering because Charlotte already has a fiancé, Albert, who went to get a job.

Return of Albert

The novel “The Sufferings of a Young Werther” is written in the sentimental direction, the brief content of which we are considering, therefore the hero of the work is very emotional, he is not able to restrain his feelings and impulses, he is forbidden to rationality in actions. That’s why Werther captures an unbearable feeling of jealousy when Albert returns. The young man shows his restless disposition: he falls into unrestrained gaiety, then the clouds grow darker. Albert is friendly to Werther and tries not to attach importance to such differences.


We continue to describe the summary of “The Sorrows of the Young Werther”. It is Werther’s birthday. Albert gives him a mysterious bundle. There is a bow from the dress of Charlotte, in which the young man saw her for the first time. Werther suffers and comes to the idea that it is better for him to leave, but the moment of departure is being postponed all the time.

A young man does not tell anyone about his decision. On the eve of his departure he goes to Charlotte. The girl starts talking about death, remembers her mother and the minutes when they saw each other for the last time. Werther is excited by the story of the girl, but still remains firm in her intention to leave.

In a new place

Serious changes are taking place for the protagonist of the novel “The Suffering of a Young Werther” (Goethe Johann is the author of the work). He is leaving for another city. Here he enters the service of the messenger, who is distinguished by pedantry, meticulousness and stupidity. The only friend of Werther in the new place is Count von K. who brightens the youth’s loneliness. It turns out that in this city there are very strong prejudices associated with the estate of man. Therefore, Werther always has to hear unpleasant statements about his origins.

A young man gets acquainted with a girl B. who is something like Charlotte. With this girl, Werther often talks about his past life, even tells about Lott. The society constantly annoys the youth, and the relationship with the envoy worsens. As a result, the chief writes a complaint against Werther to the minister. He responds by sending a letter to a young man asking him to be less touchy, leaving crazy ideals and channeling his energy into the right direction.


The novel “The Suffering of a Young Werther” (Goethe) continues. And the summary tells about why the main character had to leave his new place of residence, despite the fact that he managed to reconcile with his position.

Werther was visiting his friend Count von K. and accidentally stayed. At this time, the count began to gather guests. According to city etiquette, among noble society there should not be a person of low birth. Werther completely forgot about this rule and stayed with the count. In addition, he noticed B. with whom he immediately spoke. However, gradually the young man realized that the public casts a glance at him, and his companion has to make more efforts to maintain the conversation. Realizing this, Werther quickly leaves.

However, the next day, the city was flooded with rumors that Werther was expelled by Count von K. Young himself, realizing that this story would end for him by dismissal, he decided to resign himself and then leave.

The first thing Werther goes to where he spent his childhood. Here he is given sweet memories. At this time, an invitation comes from the prince, and our hero goes to his domain, where he soon leaves, unable to endure the separation from his beloved one.

Charlotte lives in the city. For the time that there was no Werther, she managed to marry Albert. Now she is happy in marriage. However, the arrival of an old friend brings discord to the family. Lotta sees Werther’s love and sympathizes with him, but it’s hard for her to watch his sufferings. The young man himself is constantly in a dream, he longed to fall asleep forever, so as not to leave the world of dreams and not return to the tormenting reality.

Creates images of very vulnerable and impressionable people Goethe IV (“The Suffering of a Young Werther”) – a brief account of Heinrich’s history confirms this. One day Werther meets around the city a local crazy Henry, who collects for his beloved poems. Soon it turns out that this is none other than the former scribe of the father of Charlotte, who fell in love with the girl and went mad with unrequited passion.

Werther begins to understand that the image of Charlotte pursues him and torments him. On this recognition, the letters of Werther himself break off. Continues to describe the events now the publisher.

The young man becomes unbearable to others because of his passion. Gradually the young man becomes stronger in the thought that the only salvation for him is to leave this world. On the eve of Christmas Lotta asks a friend to come to them no earlier than Christmas Eve. However, Werther is the next day. The girl takes it, they read together. At some point, the young man loses control and approaches Charlotte, who immediately asks him to leave their house.

The novel “The Suffering of a Young Werther” is coming to an end. The summary of the chapters describes the final episode of the work. Werther returns home, writes a letter to Lotte and sends a servant to Albert for the pistols. At midnight a shot is heard in the young man’s room. The next morning the servant finds out a living Werther and calls the doctor, but it’s too late. Albert and Charlotte have hard transferred the message of the death of a friend. They bury him outside the city in the place where Werther wanted to be buried.

“The Sorrows of a Young Werther”: a summary