“The Bitter Destiny” of Pisemsky in a brief summary

In anticipation of the return of an obese peasant Ananiya Yakovleva, a man from the soul of a proud, peculiar, hardworking and economic man, in the festively cleaned hut, with an earnest look from the earnings from St. Petersburg, two old women, Spiridonievna and Matryona, the mother of Lizaveta, Anania’s wife, in the absence of her husband who entered into a love affair with the young landlord Cheglov-Sokovin and the child who had become his child.

In the window you can see how the approach is approaching. Ananias, still not knowing anything, gently leads Lazaveta to meet him at home and distributes gifts to all. At the table “smart speeches” Ananiya on the construction of iron and ship business, the superiority of the trading man over the craftsman, the promise of taking this year to Peter Lizaveta alarmed those gathered. Lizaveta flares up, and drunken uncle Nikon, an empty, peasant muzhchinka, for a quarter of an hour, Ananias drove off, boasting of his former life in St. Petersburg, suddenly calls Ananias a brotherly brother-in-law. Hearing about the child, Anany in confusion rushes to his wife, to Matryona.

Lizaveta first explains her dishonor with nothing but fear, threats, coercion and a desire to save her husband from recruiting. The wrath and torment of Ananias is stronger than the fact that he himself did not live day or night without thinking about the house, above all else in the world setting family and Christian debt. In the end, having mastered himself, he decides to avoid shame, to forgive Lizaveta, and to adopt a little one-and-a-half-month-old woman, provided that the lover’s relations with the master completely cease…

Meanwhile, in the landlord’s house, in the office on the couch, Cheglov-Sokovin sits, head downcast, lean, thin and exhausted, and in the armchairs his husband’s husband, blooming dandy Zolotilov, has collapsed. He instructs Cheglov on the path of true examples from the life of the uyezd environment and his own experience of a successful connection with a special lower class. Cheglov faintly resists the cynicism of Zolotilov, trying to prove that his arguments are in the tone of Taras Skotinin, and “the peasant women are able to love.” When this woman was still pregnant, Cheglov suggested, to save her from shame, to throw the baby to the burmistra. She refused: “I am a sinner to them and must suffer for it.” The conversation is interrupted by the arrival of the bailiff Kalistrat Grigoriev with a report on the arrival of Ananias, his “disgrace”, “tyranny” and Lizaveta, “snatched” to the master. Through sobbing she confesses that Ananias has one intention now-to excommunicate and take her and her son to St. Petersburg, and this is “worse than death,” because before, forcibly, she looked at the young master when he came to the village, and now and at all “not a husband’s wife.” Cheglov, yielding to the persuasion of the foreman and Lizaveta, agrees frankly to have an equal talk with Ananias, explaining that this is a matter of love, and offers him either a cash ransom or a duel. The conversation of the three of them with witnesses even more offends Ananias. He remembers the burmistra, as he deceived the master with the drunkard-land surveyor and sold the bread loosely. A fight is tied up, during which the details of Ananiya’s family life, transmitted by Lizaveta, are clarified. Ananias is threatened with violence in her rage. Frightened Cheglov orders the burmistrer to watch, so that “

As in the beginning, Matryona and Spiridonievna discuss the incident: after the meeting with Chechnya, Cheglov left like a dead man, the pelvis “shook his blood”, Lizaveta spent a day silently, locked up, hungry, only the baby with her was transferred to her from the mountain. At the sight of Ananiya Spiridonievna, as if inadvertently, runs away to the burmist, who breaks in with the peasants “by the master’s decree” “guard his woman” just during the new explanation of Ananias and Lizaveta, his persuasion to leave a sin, to begin to live in a divine way in St. Petersburg and to buy a store for money. Ananias warns that if Lizaveta speaks at least with a “robber”, he will not part with her alive.

The captain, quarreling, pushes the men off with Ananias. In the midst of a squabble, Lizaveta appears from behind the partition, disheveled, in a thin sarafan, publicly declares herself a “lover of the lordly” and demands that she be led to her master, though “without the shoes and clothes,” the last cowshed, or a dog. ” The captain of the young guy unsuccessfully tries to forcefully take off his sheepskin coat and boots – Lizavete reaches the manor only – and eventually drops her siberian. Lizaveta hastily carries her over the partition to wrap the child. Ananias breaks in after him, takes the child away and, in response to resistance and abuse, Lizaveta, in unconsciousness, kills the baby. A terrible scream is heard. Guys in confusion. Ananias runs to the broken window.

In Cheglov’s house there was a lawyer, a police chief, collecting peasants, preparing for interrogation. The captain, disposed and justified, “why did not they stop and did not stop”, blackened the missing Ananias and bribed a hundred and fifty rubles secretly conspiring with the performers of the county government to hush up the matter more quickly. Sotsky leads Matryona. “Trembling all over,” she repeats the words of the burly master: “I was not… I do not know.” An officer of special assignments appears, a young man with an outstanding jaw, in a smart uniform, with long beautiful nails, ambitious but not clever, looks through papers, drives everyone, pushes Matryona, the burmist, and orders the murderer’s wife to be tortured. Lizaveta does not stand on her feet, falls and only sobs: “… I am a sinner, a sinner” – “in the mind has moved.” At the request of the official, Nikon is let out of the corridor and recorded his drunken, disconnected testimony, which Zotolotov opposed, constantly intervening in the proceedings with the demand to reckon with his “separate opinion” regarding the nobility. At this time, the peasant Davydov Ivanov announced the capture of Ananias, whom he met at the forest on his strip when he harrowed. He voluntarily surrendered to the authorities. Ananias is shackled. His expression is exhausted and completely painful. To the question “why did I surrender? I would have lived there in the desert…”, on bureaucratic persuasions to prove that my wife had an illegitimate child, and thereby to punish myself to mitigate, – Ananias replies: “It was not life… to go looking for. .. And death was lamenting… from the judgment of the human you can escape and hide, but from God there is no place! “,” it is not for me to be their judge and docker: He kisses her head. She falls and hugs his legs. Matryona baptizes him. Ananias bows. Everyone escorts him. The women begin to howl. He kisses her head. She falls and hugs his legs. Matryona baptizes him. Ananias bows. Everyone escorts him. The women begin to howl.

“The Bitter Destiny” of Pisemsky in a brief summary