MN Zagoskin
Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russian in 1612
Never before had Russia been in such a distressed situation as at the beginning of the 17th century: external enemies, civil strife, troubles of the boyars threatened to ruin the Russian land.
Moscow is dominated by the Polish King Sigismund, whose troops oppress and plunder the unfortunate inhabitants. The Zaporozhian Cossacks, devastating Russian cities, are not inferior to the cruelty and cruelty of the Poles. Next to Moscow are the troops of the impostor, the Tushino thief, the Swedes are in charge in Novgorod and Pskov.
Early April 1612 Two riders – a young boyar Yuri Miloslavsky with his servant Alexei – slowly make their way along the Volga bank. For the seventh day, Yuri, with the diploma of Pan Gonsevsky, the head of the Polish garrison in Moscow, is on his way to the paternoster of Kruchina-Chalonsky. The snow storm knocked them out of the way, and, trying to find their way, they stumbled upon a half-frozen man. The rescued was Zaporozhye Cossack Kirsha. He was trying to get to Nizhny Novgorod in order to try his luck and stick to the army, according to rumors, there are recruiting soldiers for a campaign against the Poles. Insensibly after the conversation, the travelers came to the village. At the inn where they hurried to hide from the weather, several travelers had already gathered. The appearance of the young boyar aroused interest among them. Yuri is traveling from Moscow, and therefore the first question: “Is it true, that there they kissed the cross to the prince Vladislav? “” True, “Yuri replies. “All Moscow swore to the prince; he alone can stop the misfortune of our unfortunate homeland. “Vladislav promised to be baptized into the Orthodox faith and, having ascended to the throne of Moscow,” to preserve the Russian land in its former glory and might. “” And if he keeps his promise, “the youth continues,” then I the first is ready to put my head on it. “
The next morning a fat Pole appears in the inn, accompanied by two Cossacks. Imagining the haughty nobleman, the Pole in a menacing voice began to drive the “Muscovites” out of the hut. Kirsha recognizes in him Pan Kopychinsky, who is known to him for service in the army of Hetman Sapieha and known for his cowardice. Kopychinsky fumbles in the oven and finds a roast goose there, and despite the hostess’s warning that this goose is a stranger (he put it into the oven Alexei for his master), he is accepted to eat it. Yuri decides to teach a brazen Pole and, setting his gun at him, forces him to eat the goose completely.
Having learned Kopychinsky, Yuri and his servant leave the inn. Soon they are caught up by Kirsch and reports that behind them a chase – two cavalry companies of the Poles came to the village, and Kopychinsky assured them that Yuri was taking the treasury to Nizhny Novgorod. Under Yuri, a horse is killed, and Kirsha, giving the boyar to his stallion, carries away the pursuit of himself.
Fleeing from the Poles, the Cossack hides in the hut, which stumbles in the forest more often. This is the cottage of the famous sorcerer Kudimych. And now the old woman Grigorievna came to him from the village with presents from the nurse of the young boyarshni. Buried in the closet Kirsch overhears the conversation of the old woman with the sorcerer and learns that the Boyar’s daughter, as she visited Moscow, where she married her for the Polish Pan, began to languish. No other than the evil fair-haired man whom the servant called Yuri Dmitrievich, has jinxed her. This young fellow did not let her down from her eyes every day, as she listened to the Mass at the Savior on Bor. And the old woman asks the sorcerer to teach her his “leisure”. Kudimych teaches Grigorievna how to turn on boyar canvases, that they disappeared the third day, and slanders the old woman in public to point to Fedka the Hamster, in which Kudimych hid them.
After the cottage was empty, Kirsha went out along the path and headed to Shalonsky’s paternoster, where, according to Alexei, he hoped to see Yuri. Behind the outskirts of the village, hearing a noise, he hides in a pit of guilt, in which he discovers canvases. Remembering the overheard conversation, he decides to teach a “fake” sorcerer and hides the canvases at the chapel.
Coming to the wide street of the village, Kirsha gets on the wedding train. Ahead of all, there is Kudimych, surrounded by honor. In the hut, which included the guests, sits an ugly old woman, muttering “barbarous words.” This Grigoryevna wants to compete in the fight with Kudimych. They both guess in turn and “see” the canvases in fagot by Fedka Hamster. But Kirsha is a stronger sorcerer – from claiming that the canvases are buried in the snow behind the chapel, where they are discovered by astonished peasants.
Meanwhile, Yuri and his servant had already reached Shalonsky’s abode. Entering the boyar’s rooms, Yuri saw before him a man of about fifty with a pale face, “bearing the stamp of strong, unbridled passions.” Shalonsky was amazed to see, as a messenger from Pan Goncevsky, the son of the “hardened hatred of the Poles” boyar Dimitry Miloslavsky. From a letter from Goncevsky, Chalonsky learns that the Nizhny Novgorod people are recruiting an army, intending to speak out against the Poles, and that he, Kruchin, must send Yuri to Nizhny, in order to “bow to the chief ringleaders to obedience, promising them royal mercy.” An example of the son of the former governor of Nizhny Novgorod, who kissed Vladislav’s cross, should reason with them.
Yuri is happy to fulfill Gosiewski’s commission, for he is sure that “Vladislav’s election will save our fatherland from the final ruin.” But, according to Shalonsky, the rioters should not be pacified by a gentle word, but with fire and sword. Bold speeches by Yuri infuriate him, and he decides to put a secret spy to him – his stirrup Omlyash. Shalonsky is worried about the health of her daughter – she is the future wife of Pan Gonsiewski, the favorite of the Polish king. Hearing about the sorcerer, who shut up Kudimych himself, he demands that he treat Anastasia with a boyar court. Kirsha, knowing from Alexei about Yuriy’s heart-wrench, reveals to Anastasia the name of a Russian-haired young man, whose blue eyes have jinxed her, is Yuri Miloslavskiy, and only him be a young boyar.
The miraculous recovery of her daughter delighted and surprised Shalonsky. The wizard is suspicious to him, and therefore, just in case, he puts a guard on him.
Having supported with honor the glory of a skilled sorcerer, Kirsha decides to find Yuri, but discovers that he is guarded. And then there was a conversation overheard by him during the night between Omlyash and his boyfriend: on orders from the boyar on the road to Nizhny Novgorod, a forest ravine of Yuri is waiting for an ambush. Kirsha decides to flee: under the pretext of examining the Argamak, whom the boyar gave him for curing his daughter, he sits on his horse – and was like that.
In the forest, the Cossack catches up with Yuri and Alexei. He tells Yuri Miloslavskiy how Anastasia, Shalonsky’s daughter, treated the same black-eyed boyar that crushed Yuri’s heart, and says that she too loves him. The story of the Cossacks leads the youth into despair: in fact Anastasia is the daughter of a man deeply despised by him, a traitor to the fatherland. Meanwhile, Kirsha, driven by the desire to unite his lovers at any price, did not even hint at Yuri about a conspiracy against him.
Soon, a hefty little fellow was forced into their fellow travelers, in which the Cossack recognized Omlyash in a voice. Shortly before the expected ambush, Kirsch deafens Omlyash and points at him as a robber. Waking up, Omlyash admits that Yuri is facing an ambush in front of six people. After tying the robber to a tree, the travelers moved on and soon left for the walls of Nizhny Novgorod,
In Nizhny Yuri with a servant stop at boyar Istomy-Turenin, a friend of Shalonsky. Tourainein, like Chalonsky, fiercely hates the “seditious town” and dreams to outweigh all the Nizhny Novgorod instigators, but, unlike his friend, knows how to hide his feelings and is known as a respected person in Novgorod. He must reduce Yuri with the local honorary citizens, so that he persuaded them to be submissive to the “Russian Tsar” Vladislav.
But at heart Yuri is vaguely. No matter how he tries to convince himself that his mission is to save the fatherland from the “calamities of the interregnum,” he feels that he would give half the life, just to appear before the Novgorodians as a simple soldier ready to die in their ranks for the freedom and independence of Russia.
His anguish is aggravated when he witnesses the greatest patriotic upsurge of the Novgorodians, at the call of the “immortal” Kozma Minin, who are giving their property “for the maintenance of military people,” ready to help “orphan Moscow.” In the square where this significant event takes place, the head of the Zemsky militia was elected Demetrius Pozharsky publicly, and Minin, the treasurer of the Nizhny Novgorod treasury. Having fulfilled his duty as messenger of Goncevsky on the boyar council, Yuri can no longer restrain his feelings: if he were a Novgorod citizen, and did not kiss the cross to Vladislav, he tells the boyars, he would consider it for happiness to lay his head for holy Russia.
Four months passed. Near the Shalonsky’s path, from which there is only one ashen, Alexei and Kirsha, who heads the detachment of Cossacks, meet by chance. Alexei, thin and pale, tells the Cossacks how the robbers attacked his master when they returned from the boyar council. He, Alexei, was stabbed-four weeks between life and death, and Yuri’s bodies were never found. But Kirsha does not believe in Miloslavsky’s death. Remembering the conversation overheard in Kruchin, he is sure that Yuri is in captivity with Shalonsky. Kirsha and Alexei decide to find him.
Kudimych Kirsch learns that Shalonsky and Tureenin are hiding in the Murom forest on the Teply Stan village, but immediately falls into the hands of Omlyash and his associates. And again the savvy comes to his aid: using his glory sorcerer, he seeks the robbers buried in the forest treasure until the help of his Cossacks come to him.
Now in the hands of Kirsi and Alexei there is a conductor to Teply Stan. They arrive at the farm in time – the next day Touraine and Chalonsky were going to leave the farm, and Yuri, who is kept in chains in the dungeon, was expecting an imminent death.
Hardly alive, exhausted by hunger, Yuri was released. He intends to go to the Sergius Lavra: bound by an oath, which can not be violated, Yuri is going to get a monastic vows.
In the laurel, meeting with the father of the cellar Abrahami Palitsyn, Yuri in confession makes his soul easier and vows to dedicate his life to “repentance, fasting and prayer.” Now he, the novice Abraham, fulfilling the will of his shepherd, must go to the camp of Pozharsky and take up arms with the “earthly weapon against the common enemy” of the Russian land.
On the way to the camp of Pozharsky, Yuri and Alexei get to the robbers. Their leader, Father Jeremiah, who knew and loved Dimitry Miloslavsky well, is going to give his son his honor, with honor, and one of the Cossacks comes with the news that the daughter of the traitor Shalonsky, she’s the bride of Pan Gonsevsky, is captured. The robbers are eager for an instant reprisal of the “heretic” over the bride. Yuri is in despair. And then to his aid comes Father Jeremiah: allegedly for confession, he leads the young to the church and there crowns them. Now Anastasia is the legal wife of Yuri Miloslavskiy, and no one dares to raise her hand.
Yuri drove Anastasia to the Khotkovo Monastery. Their farewell is full of grief and tears – Yuri told Anastasia about his vow to accept a monastic order, which means that he can not be her husband.
The only thing that remains for Yuri is to drown his agonizing anguish in the blood of his enemies or in his own. He participates in the decisive battle with Hetman Hotczević on August 22, 1612, helping the Novgorodians, together with their squad, to reverse the battle in favor of the Russians. Together with him, Alexei and Kirsha
Yuri are wounded side by side. His recovery coincides with the end of the siege of the Kremlin, where the Polish garrison was imprisoned for two months. Like all Russians, he hurries to the Kremlin. With sadness and anguish, Yuri stepped over the threshold of the Church of the Savior to Bohr – woeful memories torment him. But Abraham Palitsyn, with whom the young man meets in the temple, releases him from a monastic vow – the act of Yuri who married Anastasia, not an oath, but the salvation of one’s neighbor from death.
Thirty years have passed. At the walls of the Trinity Monastery, the Cossack sergeant-major Kirsch and Alexei met – he is now the servant of the young boyar Vladimir Miloslavsky, son of Yuri and Anastasia. And Yury and Anastasia are buried here, within the walls of the monastery, they died in 1622 in one day.
Summary Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russian in 1612