Sir Palem Granville Woodhouse KBE (English Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse, October 15, 1881 – February 14, 1975) is a popular English humorist writer, playwright, comediographer. Knight of the Order of the British Empire. Throughout his work, the works of the “king of comedy” Wodehouse enjoyed tremendous success, he was admired by many celebrities from Kipling to Orwell. His best-known series of novels is about the young British aristocrat Bertie Worcester and his resourceful valet Jeeves, as well as the British television series “Jeeves and Worcester” (1990-1993), which starred comic actors Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie.
Wodehouse is the author of 15 plays and about 30 musical comedies. He worked with Colin Porter on the musical Anything Goes (1934), with Rudolf Friml – on the musical The Three Musketeers (1928), regularly collaborated with Jerome Kern and Guy Bolton. Wodehouse is the author of texts of popular songs, in particular, those that entered the musical of Gershwin-Romberg Rosalie (1928)
Summary Wodehouse P. G