V. Mayakovsky
The play takes place in the USSR in 1930. The inventor of Eccentrics is going to include the time machine he designed. He explains the importance of this invention to his friend Bicyclebikin: you can stop a second of happiness and enjoy a month, you can “twist the stretched long years of grief.” Bicyclebikin suggests using the time machine to reduce boring reports and grow chickens in incubators. Chudakov offended practicality Bicycle. Appears Englishman Pont Keach, interested in the invention of Chudakov, accompanied by an interpreter Mizayansova. Oddly explaining to him the device of the machine, Pont Keach records something in a notebook, then offers the inventor money. Bicybodin says that there is money, he drives the guest away, imperceptibly pulling out a notebook from his pocket, and to the bewildered Chudakov explains, that there is no money, but he will get them at any price. Chudakov turns on the car, an explosion is heard. Chudakov snatches a letter written “fifty years ahead”. The letter says that tomorrow they will receive a messenger from the future.
Chudakov and Bicybodin are seeking admission from Pobedonosikova, the head of the coordination department (chief administrator), seeking money to continue the experience. However, Pobedonosikova’s secretary, Optimistenko, does not let them to the authorities, presenting them with a ready-made resolution – to refuse. Pobedonosikov himself at this time dictates to the typist speech on the occasion of the opening of a new tram line; interrupted by a telephone call, continues to dictate a fragment about the “bear of the pen” by Leo Tolstoy, interrupted again, dictates the phrase about “Alexander Semenych Pushkin, the unrivaled author as the opera Eugene Onegin, and plays of the same name.” Pobedonosikov comes to the artist Belvedonsky, whom he instructed to choose furniture. Belvedonsky, explaining to Pobedonosikov that “there are styles of different Louis”, invites him to choose from three “
Pobedonosikov is going to rest, under the guise of a stenographer, taking Meyaliansov with him. His wife, Paul, whom he considers much lower than himself, who has risen on the “mental, social and apartment ladder,” wants to go with him, but he refuses her.
On the court in front of the apartment Pobedonosikova Bicycle with Chudakov bring a car that explodes with fireworks fire. In its place there is a Phosphoric woman – a delegate from 2030. She was sent by the Institute of the History of the Birth of Communism, in order to select the best representatives of this time for the transfer to the communist age. Phosphoric woman is delighted with what she saw when she briefly circled the country; she suggests that everyone prepare for the transfer to the future, explaining that the future will be accepted by all those who have at least one trait in common with the collective of the commune – the joy of working, the thirst to sacrifice, the indefatigability to invent, the profit to give, the pride of humanity. Flying time will sweep and cut “ballast weighed down with trash, ballast devastated by unbelief.”
Polya tells the Phosphoric woman that her husband prefers her to others – more educated and intelligent. Pobedonosikov is concerned that Paul “did not take rubbish out of the hut.” A phosphorous woman talking to the typist Underton, who was fired by Pobedonosikova for painting her lips (“To whom?” – the Phosphoric woman is surprised. “” Yes to myself! “- answers Underton.” If those coming for details were painted, then they could say – visitors are offended, “the guest from the future is perplexed). Pobedonosikov tells the Phosphoric woman that he is going to go to the future solely at the request of the collective, and invites her to provide him with a post in the future corresponding to his current position. Immediately he remarks that the others are much less worthy people: Bicyclebird smoking, Chudakov drinking, Fields – a petty bourgeois. “But they work,” the Phosphoric woman objected.
There are final preparations for sending to the future. Phosphoric woman gives orders. Chudakov and Bicybodin with their assistants carry out. The Time March sounds with the refrain “Forward, Time! Time, Forward!”; Passengers are coming to the stage under its sounds. Pobedonosikov requires a lower seat in the compartment. Phosphoric woman explains that everyone will have to stand: the time machine is not yet fully equipped. Pobedonosikov outraged. There is a worker pushing a trolley with things Pobedonosikova and Mizayansova. Pobedonosikov explains that in the baggage – circulars, letters, copies, abstracts, extracts and other documents that he needs in the future.
Pobedonosikov begins a solemn speech dedicated to “the invention of his time apparatus”, but Chudakov twists it, and Pobedonosikov, continuing to gesticulate, becomes inaudible. The same thing happens with Optimistico. Finally the Phosphoric woman commands: “One, two, three!” – A Bengal blast is heard, then – darkness. On the stage – Pobedonosikov, Optimistenko, Belvedonsky, Mesalyansov, Pont Kich, “discarded and scattered by the devil’s wheel of time.”
Summary V. Mayakovsky Bath