Ostrovsky’s play “The Storm” was written in 1859. The idea of the work appeared in the writer in the middle of summer, and on October 9, 1859 the work was already finished. This is not a classic, but a realistic play. Conflict is a clash of the “dark kingdom” with the need for a new life. The work caused great resonance not only in theatrical, but also in the literary environment. The prototype of the main character was the actress Lyubov Kositskaya, who later played the role of Katerina. The plot of the play is an episode from the life of the Kabanovs’ family, namely, the meeting and the subsequent betrayal of the wife with a young man who has arrived in the city. This event and becomes fatal not only for Catherine herself, but also for the whole family. To learn more about the conflict and storylines, you can read the summary of “
Main characters
Katerina is a young girl, Tikhon Kabanov’s wife. Modest, clean, correct. She is keenly aware of the injustice of the world around her.
Boris – a young man, “decently educated,” came to his uncle, Savl Prokofievich Dikoy. He is in love with Katerina.
Kabanikha is a rich merchant, a widow. An imperious and oppressive woman, subordinates people to her will.
Tikhon Kabanov is the son of Kabanikh and the husband of Katerina. He does what his mother would like, does not have an opinion.
Other characters
Varvara is the daughter of Kabanikhi. A devilish girl who is not afraid of her mother.
Curly – beloved Barbara.
Wild Savel Prokofievich is a merchant, an important person in the city. He is a rude and ill-bred man.
Kuligin is a philistine obsessed with ideas of progress.
Lady is half crazy.
Feklusha is a wanderer.
Glasha is the servant of the Kabanovs.
Step 1
Kudryash and Kuligin talk about the beauty of nature, but their opinions are different. For Kudryash, landscapes are nothing, and they delight Kuligin. From a distance, men see Boris and Wild, who is swinging his arms. They are beginning to gossip about Savl Prokofievich. To them comes the Wild. He is dissatisfied with the appearance in the city of his nephew, Boris, and does not want to talk with him. From the conversation between Boris and Savl Prokofievich it becomes clear that apart from the Wild, Boris and his sister have no one left from their relatives. To get an inheritance after the death of a grandmother, Boris is forced to establish good relations with his uncle, but he does not want to give the money that Grandma Boris bequeathed to his grandson.
Boris, Kudryash and Kuligin discuss the difficult nature of the Wild. Boris admits that it is difficult for him to be in the city of Kalinovo, because he does not know the local customs. Kuligin believes that you can not earn honest work here. But if Kuligin had money, a man would spend them for the benefit of mankind, collecting a perpetual mobile. Appears Feklusha, praising the merchants and life in general, saying: “on the land of the promised live…”.
Boris feels sorry for Kuligin, he understands that the inventor’s dreams of creating mechanisms useful for society will forever remain only dreams. Boris himself does not want to ruin his youth in this remote place: “driven, hammered, and even foolishly falling in love…” in the one with which it was not possible to talk. This girl turns out to be Katerina Kabanova.
On the stage, Kabanov, Kabanov, Katerina and Varvara.
Kabanov speaks with his mother. This dialogue is shown as a typical conversation in this family. Tikhon was fed up with the moral teachings of his mother, but he still babbles before her. Kabanikha asks to recognize her son, that his wife became more important to his mother, as if Tikhon would soon cease to respect his mother. Katerina, while present, denies the words of Marfa Ignatyevna. Kabanova with double force begins to slander himself, so that others around him convince her of the opposite. Kabanova calls herself a hindrance to married life, but there is no sincerity in her words. After a moment she takes control of the situation, blaming her son for being too soft: “Look at yourself, will your wife become afraid after this?”
In this phrase, not only her authoritative character is seen, but also the attitude towards the daughter-in-law and family life in general.
Kabanov admits that he does not have his own will. Marfa Ignatyevna leaves. Tikhon complains about life, reproaching the despotic mother in everything. Varvara, his sister, answers that Tikhon himself is responsible for his life. After these words Kabanov goes to drink to the Wild.
Katerina and Varvara talk heart to heart. “Sometimes it seems to me that I’m a bird” – so characterizes himself Katya. She’s completely withered in this society. This can be seen especially well against the background of her life before her marriage. Katerina spent a lot of time with her mother, helped her, walked: “I lived, I did not grieve about anything, just like a bird in the wild.” Katerina feels the approach of death; admits that she no longer loves her husband. Varvara is concerned about Katya’s condition, and to improve her mood, Varvara decides to arrange a meeting with Katerina with another person.
Barynya appears on the stage, she points to the Volga: “That’s where beauty leads to.” Her words will turn out to be prophetic, although nobody predicts her predictions in the city. Katerina was frightened by the words spoken by the old woman, but Varvara was skeptical of them, since Barynya saw death in everything.
Boar returns. At that time, married women could not walk alone, so Katya had to wait for him to go home.
Step 2
Varvara sees the cause of Katerina’s sufferings in the fact that Katina’s heart “did not go away,” because the girl was soon married. Katerina feels sorry for Tikhon, but she has no other feelings for him. Varvara has noticed this for a long time, but asks to hide the truth, because lies are the basis for the existence of the Kabanovs’ family. Katerina is not used to living dishonestly, so she says she will leave Kabanov if she can not be with him any more.
Kabanov needs to leave urgently for two weeks. The carriage is ready, things are collected, it remains only to say goodbye to relatives. Tikhon tells Katerina to listen to her mother, repeating the phrases for Kabaniha: “Tell me not to be rude to my mother-in-law… to read my mother-in-law as a mother, … so she would not sit idly by… not looking at young guys!” This scene was humiliating for both Tikhon and his wife. The words about other men embarrass Katya. She asks her husband to stay or take her with him. Kabanov refuses his wife and embarrassed him for the mother’s phrase about other men and Katerina. The girl foresees the impending misfortune.
Tikhon, saying goodbye, bows to his mother in the legs, fulfilling her will. Kabanich does not like that Katerina said goodbye to her husband, because the man in the family is the main one, and she has become equal with him. The girl has to bow Tikhon to her feet.
Marfa Ignatyevna says that the current generation does not know the rules at all. Kabanikha is unhappy that Katerina does not cry after her husband’s departure. It’s good when there are elders in the house: they can teach. She hopes not to live up to a time when all the old people will die: “I will not know what the light will be on…”
Katya remains alone. She likes silence, but at the same time she scares her. Silence for Katerina is not a rest, but boredom. Katya regrets that she has no children, because she could be a good mother. Katerina again thinks about flying and freedom. The girl represents how her life might turn out: “I’ll start working some kind of promise, I’ll go to the drawing-room, buy a canvas, and I’ll make clothes, and then I’ll give it to the poor.” They’ll pray for me. ” Varvara goes for a walk, telling that she changed the castle on the gate in the garden. With the help of this little cunning, Varvara wants to arrange a meeting with Boris for Katerina. Katerina blames Kabanykh for her misfortunes, but nevertheless does not want to succumb to the “sinful temptation” and meet secretly with Boris. She does not want to go on about her feelings and violate the sacred bonds of marriage.
Boris himself also does not want to go against the rules of morality, he is not sure that Katya feels similar feelings to him, but still wants to see the girl again.
Step 3
Feklush and Glasha talk about moral principles. They are glad that the Kabaniha house is the last “paradise” on earth, because the rest of the city’s residents have a real “sodom”. They also speak of Moscow. From the point of view of provincials, Moscow is too fussy city. Everything and everything there seems to be in a fog, that’s why tired people walk and faces are sad.
The drunk Dika comes in. He asks Marfa Ignatyevna to talk with him to ease the soul. He is dissatisfied with the fact that everyone constantly asks him for money. His nephew irritates Especially Wild. At this time, near the house of the Kabanovs Boris is passing, he is looking for his uncle. Boris regrets that being so close to Katerina, she can not see her. Kuligin invites Boris for a walk. Young people talk about the poor and the rich. From the point of view of Kuligin, the rich close in their homes so that others do not see their violence against relatives.
They see Varvara, who kisses Kudryash. She also informs Boris about the place and time of the upcoming meeting with Katya.
At night, in a ravine under the Kabanovs’ garden, Kudryash sings a song about a Cossack. Boris tells him about his feelings for a married girl, Ekaterina Kabanova. Varvara and Kudryash go to the Volga bank, leaving Boris waiting for Katya.
Katerina is frightened by what is happening, the girl drives Boris away, but he calms her down. Katerina is terribly nervous, confesses that she does not have her will, because “now her will is over her” Boris. In a fit of feelings, she embraces a young man: “If I’m not afraid of you, will I be afraid of a human trial?” Young confess each other in love.
The hour of parting is close, because soon the Kabanikha can wake up. Lovers agree to meet the next day. Unexpectedly returns Kabanov.
Step 4
The inhabitants of the city walk through the gallery with a view of the Volga. It can be seen that a storm is coming. On the walls of the destroyed gallery one can distinguish the outline of the picture of hell fire, the image of the battle of Lithuania. Kuligin and Wild speak on elevated tones. Kuligin enthusiastically tells about a good deed for everyone, asks Saul Prokofievich to help him. Wild refuses roughly enough: “so you know that you’re a worm.” I want to – I’ll have mercy, I’ll want to – I’ll crush it. ” He does not understand the value of Kuligin’s invention, namely the lightning rod, through which it will be possible to receive electricity.
Everyone leaves, the stage is empty. A thunderclap is heard again.
Katerina increasingly anticipates that she will soon die. Kabanov, noticing the strange behavior of his wife, asks that repent of all his sins, but this conversation quickly ends Varvara. Boris comes out of the crowd, greet Tikhon. Katerina pales even more. Kabanikha can suspect something, so Varvara sends a signal to Boris to leave.
Kuligin calls not to be afraid of the elements, for it is not she who kills, but grace. Nevertheless, residents continue to discuss the impending storm, which “will not pass in vain.” Katya tells her husband that today she will be killed by a thunderstorm. Neither Varvara nor Tikhon understand the internal torment of Katerina. Varvara advises to calm down and pray, but Tikhon suggests going home.
The Lady appears, turns to Katya with the words: “Where are you hiding, stupid? You can not escape from God! … In a whirlpool it’s better with beauty, then, sooner!” In a frenzy, Caterina confesses her husband and mother-in-law to her sin. All those ten days when my husband was not at home, Katya secretly met with Boris.
Step 5
Kabanov and Kuligin discuss the recognition of Katerina. Part of the guilt Tikhon again shifts to Kabanikh, which wants to bury Katya alive. Boars could forgive his wife, but he is afraid of his mother’s anger. The family of the Kabanovs finally crumbled: even Varvara fled with Kudryash.
Glasha informs about the loss of Katerina. All go in search of the girl.
Katerina is alone on stage. She thinks she ruined herself and Boris. Katya sees no reason to live on, asks for forgiveness and calls her lover. Boris came to the call of the girl, he is affectionate and affectionate with her. But Boris needs to go to Siberia, and he can not take Katya with him. The girl asks him to give alms to the needy and pray for his soul, convincing that he did not plan anything wrong. After parting with Boris, Katerina rushes into the river.
People scream that some girl dumped from the shore into the water. Kabanov realizes that this was his wife, so he wants to jump after her. Kabanikh stops his son. Kuligin brings the body of Catherine. She is just as beautiful as she was when she was alive, only a small drop of blood appeared on her temple. “Here is your Katerina, do whatever you want with her, her body is here, take him, but the soul is not yours now: she is now before a judge who is more merciful than you!”
The play ends with Tikhon’s words: “It’s good for you, Katya, and for some reason I have to live in the world and suffer!”
The work “Thunderstorm” Ostrovsky AN can be called one of the main plays among the entire creative path of the writer. Socio-household subjects, of course, was close to the viewer of that time, as close today. However, against the backdrop of all these details unfolds drama, and a real tragedy, culminating in the death of the main character. The plot, at first glance, is uncomplicated, but only by Katerina’s feelings for Boris, the novel “Storm” is not limited. In parallel, you can trace several storylines, and, accordingly, several conflicts that are realized at the level of secondary characters. This feature of the play fully corresponds to the realistic principles of generalization.
From the retelling of “Thunderstorms” it is easy to draw a conclusion about the nature of the conflict and content, but for a more detailed understanding of the text, we recommend that you read the full version of the work.
Summary “Thunderstorm”