Summary “Three brothers”

Fairytales Faithful Johannes (“Faithful Johannes”) – one of the types of German folklore – a selfless friend, in this version (originating from the area of ​​the Tzvern) servant, in the other (from Paderborn) – a royal son named Josef, helping his stepbrother. VI, having learned that for the happiness of the young king left to his care by the deceased king-father, by the will of a mysterious force, three definite actions must be committed, takes them on himself, although he knows that after that he will turn into a stone a statue. But the feat VI is only one phenomenon of real devotion, which provides an answer from the side, the one to whom it is addressed.

For his part, the king, in order to resurrect the faithful servant, willingly sacrifices both of his children, personally killing them. Then the same mysterious power is infused into the return to life of VI, thanks to which he, in turn, resurrects the royal children. The name of the hero is associated with the idea of ​​friendship as a force that creates universal happiness.

Hans and Gretel (“Hans and Gretel”) are children who embody the primordial human cheerfulness and natural resilience in life’s adversity, leading to a just victory over them. The characters are represented in the tales of German lands (Hesse and Swabia), as well as Denmark and Sweden. The image of childhood, deduced in the figures of G. and G., contains a combination of ingenuity and resourcefulness with kindness, compassion, the ability to forgive: the girl pushes the witch into the blazing furnace without hesitation, and suffers because it is difficult to send a two-handed crossing through the river; the father who agrees to leave them in the forest for sure death, the children happily bring their newfound wealth, realizing that he went for it because of his poverty.

The qualities with which G. and G. are endowed become the guarantee of the establishment of order on earth; the well-being of young heroes is firmly secured not only thanks to treasures: death is carried away by the evil stepmother. The young acquires the meaning of a truly human.

Iron Henry (“The King of Frogs, or Iron Henry”) is one of the examples of the image of a faithful servant created by the people’s imagination. Refers to the number of “German” characters in the collection of the Brothers Grimm (as opposed to such as Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, found in the tales of other peoples); comes from the land of Hesse and is considered one of the oldest in Germany. The servant of the royal son, saddened by the fact that his master was turned into a frog by an evil witch, pulled his heart with three iron hoops so that it would not burst from suffering. When a young man releases the love of a royal girl from witchcraft, returning him to his former appearance, the hoops one by one fall from the heart of JG. The happiness of man – in the well-being of the one to whom he was born to serve – is the thought behind the figure of the protagonist of the tale. Form,

Summary “Three brothers”