Isaac Asimov
Themselves Gods
Earth. The second half of the XXI century. Quite an ordinary mediocre radiochemist Frederic Hallam accidentally discovers that in a dusty flask with a label “Wolfram” suddenly turned out to be some other substance. Spectrometric analysis shows that this is an isotope of plutonium, which theoretically can not exist, in addition it turns out that the radioactivity of a substance is constantly increasing and it emits positrons carrying an unusually high energy. Hallem proposes the only possible hypothesis: if a substance that can not exist according to the physical laws of our universe still exists, therefore, before it was in a parallel universe, where these laws are different. After a while it becomes clear that the inhabitants of the parallel universe – the paralyzes – knowingly carry out the exchange of matter between the universes, which can occur indefinitely with the release of energy in both universes. Thus, the Earth receives a source of unusually cheap, safe and clean energy, called the Electronic Pump, and Hallam becomes a benefactor of humanity, who does not suspect that the bulk of both theoretical and practical work has been done by other scientists.
But a few decades later the young historian of science Peter Lamont comes to the conclusion that the work of the Electronic Pump represents a colossal threat to our universe. Just as the temperatures of the two bodies are equalized by the second law of thermodynamics, the work of the Electronic Pump leads to an equalization of the properties of the two universes, the main difference being the magnitude of the strong nuclear interactions: in our universe they are much weaker than in the parallel, and their gradual increase in the final analysis should lead to an explosion of the Sun and our entire galaxy branch. Lamont rushes with his ideas from the Father of the Electronic Pump, which, in effect, throws him out the door, to high-ranking officials, but no one wants to see what he does not want to see.
Then Lamont tries to make contact with the people and convince them to stop the Pump. Several pieces of foil with symbols and drawings arrived from the parabolic, which could not be deciphered – the ways of thinking of earthlings and paralyzes are too different. Lamont is assisted by Myron Bronovsky, who is known for translating Etruscan inscriptions. They are sent to the parabolic message in the earthly language, hoping to find the key to the parasymbols, and eventually Bronovsky receives the answer – the word “fear” written in clumsy earth letters, and soon afterwards two other messages, from which it follows that the Pump really carries in danger, but the parabolic can not stop it. Lamont, who already does not understand what is more important for him – to save mankind or simply prove his rightness, to prove that the Father of the Electronic Pump is a blown size, can not use these messages as evidence – he will inevitably be accused of forgery. His only ally out of the game, summarizing everything happening with a quote from Schiller: “Against stupidity, the gods themselves are powerless.”
On one of the planets parascelled, in the world, unimaginable for the Earthman, there are two types of living beings – Hard and Soft.
Rigid have a permanent form of a body consisting of a dense substance, and an opaque shell. The soft tissues are very thin, the shape of the body is variable, they are able to flow, throw out prominences, spread out and thicken – all because they live in a world with a large amount of interatomic interaction, so the atoms that make up their body can be at a great distance from each other. Soft must certainly exist in triads, in which each of the components – rational, motley and emotional – has certain qualities that ensure the harmony and function of the triad. Rational (the left) – the carrier of intelligence, emotion (middle) – of feelings, pestun (pravnik) – the instinct of caring for the offspring. Parts of the triad periodically enter into a process called synthesis, in which their bodies are diluted, matter is mixed, there is an exchange of energy and consciousness. All three become one together, feelings and consciousness are dissolved in the pure joy of being. Synthesis lasts many days, then each of the three again becomes himself. In some cases, during reproduction, reproduction occurs – the kidney is tied. Each triad should produce three children who are almost indistinguishable at an early age, but later acquire the properties of rationality, pestuna and emotion. The grown up children part with their parents (up to this point they are under vigilant observation of the pestle), and then combined into new triads. The triad ends its existence in a process that is called a “transition”. then each of the three again becomes himself. In some cases, during reproduction, reproduction occurs – the kidney is tied. Each triad should produce three children who are almost indistinguishable at an early age, but later acquire the properties of rationality, pestuna and emotion. The grown up children part with their parents (up to this point they are under vigilant observation of the pestle), and then combined into new triads. The triad ends its existence in a process that is called a “transition”. then each of the three again becomes himself. In some cases, during reproduction, reproduction occurs – the kidney is tied. Each triad should produce three children who are almost indistinguishable at an early age, but later acquire the properties of rationality, pestuna and emotion. The grown up children part with their parents (up to this point they are under vigilant observation of the pestle), and then combined into new triads. The triad ends its existence in a process that is called a “transition”. The grown up children part with their parents (up to this point they are under vigilant observation of the pestle), and then combined into new triads. The triad ends its existence in a process that is called a “transition”. The grown up children part with their parents (up to this point they are under vigilant observation of the pestle), and then combined into new triads. The triad ends its existence in a process that is called a “transition”.
And Soft and Hard live in caves and feed, absorbing energy in the form of thermal radiation. Tough ones, who have machines, devices and libraries, teach rations, and do not need emotion and pestle training.
Unlike the other emotions, Dua, the middle of the triad Una (rational) and Tritta (pestuna), can really think, she is interested in what emotions should not interest – it is even considered indecent. Extremely developed intuition helps her to understand many things that are inaccessible to the analytical reason of rationals. She learns from Una that the Pump, giving energy to her world, threatens the death of another universe. But the Rigid are not going to stop the Pump, the planet lacks energy, and the Pump represents a danger only to the Earth, and for their world the work of the Pump only leads to faster cooling of the already long-cooling sun. Dua can not accept this thought. She hates Tough ones also because she comes to the terrible conclusion: Soft are simply self-reproducing machines created by Tough for fun, and transition means death. It penetrates the Hard caves, elusive, because it can penetrate the stone, dissolve in its matter, and finds messages from the Earth. She is also unable to decipher them, like the Tough ones, but she captures the emotions contained in the symbols. It is Dua who sends to Earth those messages that Lamont and Bronovsky receive. She almost dies from exhaustion, but she is rescued, and then she finds out that she was wrong – Soft is not machines, but the initial stage of development of Tough ones. Transition is the last synthesis, as a result of which a tri-individual Tough is formed, and the more uncommon the constituents, the more outstanding personality is obtained in the process of synthesis. Un, Tritt and Dua are synthesized for the last time. like the Tough, but it captures the emotions in the symbols. It is Dua who sends to Earth those messages that Lamont and Bronovsky receive. She almost dies from exhaustion, but she is rescued, and then she finds out that she was wrong – Soft is not machines, but the initial stage of development of Tough ones. Transition is the last synthesis, as a result of which a tri-individual Tough is formed, and the more uncommon the constituents, the more outstanding personality is obtained in the process of synthesis. Un, Tritt and Dua are synthesized for the last time. like the Tough, but it captures the emotions in the symbols. It is Dua who sends to Earth those messages that Lamont and Bronovsky receive. She almost dies from exhaustion, but she is rescued, and then she finds out that she was wrong – Soft is not machines, but the initial stage of development of Tough ones. Transition is the last synthesis, as a result of which a tri-individual Tough is formed, and the more uncommon the constituents, the more outstanding personality is obtained in the process of synthesis. Un, Tritt and Dua are synthesized for the last time. as a result of which a triune individual of the Hard is formed, and the more uncommon the components, the more outstanding personality is obtained in the process of synthesis. Un, Tritt and Dua are synthesized for the last time. as a result of which a triune individual of the Hard is formed, and the more uncommon the components, the more outstanding personality is obtained in the process of synthesis. Un, Tritt and Dua are synthesized for the last time.
With a group of tourists to the moon, Ben Dennison arrives, who once gave high hopes as a scientist, but had the imprudence of neglecting to speak out about the future Father of the Electronic Pump, thus condemning himself to obscurity. Like Lamont, he came to the idea of the danger of the Pump. Dennison flies to the moon hoping to resume research in the field of paratheory. He meets Selena Lindström, who turns out to be not just a guide, but an intuitive – a man with an unusually developed intuition – working with the famous lunyan physicist Neville. Selena gives ideas, and Neville develops them and keeps Selena’s unique abilities in secret, because she suffers from paranoia and is afraid of earthlings. Despite the fact that the lunar colony was formed relatively recently, there is some antagonism between the Moon and the Earth. The inhabitants of the Moon have already formed a certain physical type, they are aging much more slowly than earthlings, which they contemptuously call “earthlings.” Most of the lunarians have neither nostalgia nor respect for the ancestral homeland and strive for complete independence from the Earth – for the Moon is able to fully provide itself with everything necessary. Dennison with the help of Selena begins experiments, the results of which save mankind from the danger looming over him, confirm the brilliant idea and at the same time rehabilitate the disgraced Lamont. The essence of Dennison’s idea is that there are countless universes, therefore among them it is not difficult to find one that is opposite in properties of the para-universe. This antiparaselennaya should be what is called the “cosmic egg” with very weak nuclear interactions and incredible density. Dennison succeeds in changing the mass of pimézones, “drill a hole” into a space-faring one, from which immediately begins to leak a substance that carries energy that can be used. And if the Earth starts to receive energy in a double way – with the help of the Electronic Pump and leaks from the space-covered, the physical laws in the terrestrial universe will remain unchanged, they will change only in the parabolic and cosmetric. And for both, this does not pose a danger, because the people will receive energy from the pump, compensating for the acceleration of the cooling of their sun, and in the space life can not be. which can be used. And if the Earth starts to receive energy in a double way – with the help of the Electronic Pump and leaks from the space-covered, the physical laws in the terrestrial universe will remain unchanged, they will change only in the parabolic and cosmetric. And for both, this does not pose a danger, because the people will receive energy from the pump, compensating for the acceleration of the cooling of their sun, and in the space life can not be. which can be used. And if the Earth starts to receive energy in a double way – with the help of the Electronic Pump and leaks from the space-covered, the physical laws in the terrestrial universe will remain unchanged, they will change only in the parabolic and cosmetric. And for both, this does not pose a danger, because the people will receive energy from the pump, compensating for the acceleration of the cooling of their sun, and in the space life can not be.
So, humanity overcomes another crisis. Peter Lamont finally gets well-deserved fame, Dennison is offered any place in any earthly university or institution, but he stays on the moon and accepts Selena’s offer to become the father of her child.
Summary Themselves of the gods