Summary “The Parisian Mother of God” Chudinova

The revenge in Western Europe was captured by Muslim immigrants. The Shariah is legalized. Catholic churches are destroyed and indulged. The French, who did not accept Islam, live in the ghetto. Notre-Dame Cathedral was turned into Al-Franconi mosque. Catholic Church. By the time the Muslim expansion began, it had become a “parody of itself,” a folklore and cultural organization, collapsing. At the same time, Catholic traditionalists from the Priestly Brotherhood of St. Pia X. which goes into the catacombs. Only a few participants in the Resistance – poppies – continue to struggle.

The heroes of the novel blame Liberalism, atheism, tolerance, the decline of authority and the emasculation of the Catholic Church due to the reforms of the Second Vatican Council in the troubles of Europe. Although they understand that resistance will not change anything, their motive is to “die standing up.” After it becomes aware of the impending bloodless liquidation of non-Muslim ghettos, they unite with the last Catholics to capture Notre Dame.

The novel was published in 2005, a few months before the riots in Paris. In Russia, the novel became a bestseller. caused a great public response and was awarded the “Bastcon” award for 2005. Later the book was translated into several European languages: French, Serbian, Turkish, English and Norwegian.

After the end of the French translation for a long time it was not possible to find a publishing house ready to publish a novel in France. According to the French book publisher Jean Robin, potential publishers ignored the book because of its politically incorrectness.

The author and translator planned to post the text of the novel on the Internet for free distribution, but in 2009 the publisher was still found. They became the French publishing house Tatamis, which released the translation on April 15, 2009.

In Turkey, the novel is published in a pirated manner.

Time of action

The time of action of the main part of the novel was indicated on the cover of the early editions as 2048. There is an opinion that the year of action is chosen as a reference to the 1984 novel of Orwell.

In the text of the novel there are also references to the exact dating of what is happening:

… and the Old King and the Old Duke have already placed in the bishops four paladins. And the people rejoiced and rejoiced greatly. And it was exactly sixty years ago, Valerie, or rather, sixty years will be in two months.

The leaders of the traditional Catholic Catholics, Archbishop Marcel Lefevre and Bishop Antonio de Castro-Maher, ordained four priests to the bishops on June 30, 1988. That indicates April 30, 2048.

However, other quotes from the novel may indicate the year 2040:

… For how many years these arches have not heard Latin, involuntarily thought Father Lothar, because long before Muslims, the year, perhaps, from the seventieth. It’s about seventy years ago.

The prototype of Sophia Sevazmiou-Grinberg (in her childhood) is Alla Geifman (in 1986 she was abducted by Chechen fighters in 1999, the refusal of the American visa was in 2000)

The novel has a vividly anti-Islamic character. that the author himself admits. Chudinova calls herself a “convinced Christian”; Orthodox Christians and traditional Catholics are selected as positive heroes. followers of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.

According to the writer, opponents blamed her bias, xenophobia, focus only on radical Islamism and superficial knowledge of the Koran. Answering, Chudinova pointed out that a Christian can not recognize Islam for equal rights, since the Bible directly calls Christianity the only true religion. As for tolerance and political correctness, they are already branded in the author’s comments on the novel.

Some reviewers noted the apparent racism of Chudinova and the unrealistic nature of her predictions.



