P. Calderon The
Hidden Caballero
In Madrid, Casade Campo, the favorite park of the townspeople, don Juan Carlos and his servant Mosquito await twilight. They can not appear in the city during the day: two months ago, Don Carlos killed a noble caballero Alonso, the son of Don Diego and the brother of Lysard, in which Don Carlos was unrequitedly in love. This feeling did not prevent him at the same time to take care of another noble lady – Selay, which was the reason for the fight: Alonso was in love with Selju. Fearing the punishment of the authorities and revenge of Alonso’s relatives, Don Carlos was forced to flee to Portugal hastily, to which Selia sent him a letter, persuading him to return and find refuge in her house, where no one would think of looking for Don Carlos until he put things in order, because of a hasty departure. But Don Carlos has another reason to strive for Madrid: he dreams of wandering around the windows of Lizardi at night, which can not be forgotten, although now she can hardly count on her benevolence. Fate smiles to Don Carlos: while the caballero waits in Casada Campo for darkness, the coach of Aisarda unexpectedly overturns unexpectedly, and only the intervention of Don Carlos saves the life of a woman. Closing his face with a cloak, he stubbornly refuses to give his name to Lysward, but in the end retreats to her insistence. Lyssard is shocked and outraged by the insolence of Don Carlos, but takes himself in hand and, telling his savior that today her gratitude was replaced by the idea of revenge, but that the next morning, Don Carlos can no longer be calm for his life, abandons him. the coach of Aisarda unexpectedly overturns unexpectedly, and only the intervention of Don Carlos saves the life of a woman. Closing his face with a cloak, he stubbornly refuses to give his name to Lysward, but in the end retreats to her insistence. Lyssard is shocked and outraged by the insolence of Don Carlos, but takes himself in hand and, telling his savior that today her gratitude was replaced by the idea of revenge, but that the next morning, Don Carlos can no longer be calm for his life, abandons him. the coach of Aisarda unexpectedly overturns unexpectedly, and only the intervention of Don Carlos saves the life of a woman. Closing his face with a cloak, he stubbornly refuses to give his name to Lysward, but in the end retreats to her insistence. Lyssard is shocked and outraged by the insolence of Don Carlos, but takes himself in hand and, telling his savior that today her gratitude was replaced by the idea of revenge, but that the next morning, Don Carlos can no longer be calm for his life, abandons him.
Meanwhile, Selia’s brother, Felix, unexpectedly returns to Madrid from the military campaign: he received a letter informing that one of his admirers, Selia, who had appointed a meeting, caused the duel between Don Carlos and Don Alonso, and fortunately managed to slip away the unrecognized. And Felix returns to protect the honor of his sister and intends to take the most severe measures for this, despite the indignation of Selia and her resolute protests. The dispute between brother and sister interrupts the arrival of don Juan, who is engaged to Lysardo and considers himself obliged to avenge the death of his future wife’s brother. Don Juan tells Felix that he met a man very much like the killer Alonso, and tracked down where the suspicious stranger had stopped. He asks his friend Felix to go with him and help identify this person, because full of confidence,
As soon as they leave, Don Carlos appears with the faithful Mosquito. Upon learning of Felix’s unexpected arrival, he wants to leave the house of Selia immediately, but the girl manages to persuade him to stay: she explains that their apartment is connected by a secret staircase to the lower floor, which is known only to her, and that, upon learning of her brother’s arrival, she ordered wall up the lower door, leaving only one way out – into her own dressing room. Don Carlos is touched by the courage of the girl and the foresight with which Selia took care of everything, but still does not dare to take advantage of such hospitality and is inclined to leave, but then don Juan and Felix return unexpectedly. Carlos and Mosquito do not have any other choice but to quickly hide behind a secret door. Brother Selly was frightened to death in the fact that he got into a duel and mistakenly took a man for Don Carlos, he killed him. To hide the unrecognized was not possible: Felix heard distinctly how one of the soldiers who came running to the sound of the sword called his name. Now he himself was in the position of Don Carlos: he needs to hide as soon as possible in order to avoid punishment for the murder. But since, bound by the need to protect the honor of his sister, Felix can not completely leave Madrid, he decides to immediately change the apartment. On his orders, the servants hurriedly take out all things, and very soon the house is empty: there is no one left in it, and the front doors are carefully locked – Don Carlos and Mosquito unexpectedly remain trapped. They do not realize this at once, having decided at first that everyone is asleep, but soon they are convinced that their assumption is wrong. Hardly they manage to understand that they are locked up without food in an empty house, where all the windows, including the attic, are taken up by bars, as the owner of the house comes – he was called by the police, who is searching for Felix. Making sure that he is not here, and believing the owner’s words that Felix left Madrid a few months ago, the police leave the house, where soon comes Don Diego, Lysard’s father, who very much likes the apartment left. He immediately decides to take it off for Lysard and don Juan, and within a few hours new tenants are already in the house. Lysard, like Selya, takes a room with a secret door, of which she certainly does not know anything, under her dressing room. Here the servant of don Juan brings gifts to his master for the bride and her maid. who really likes the apartment left. He immediately decides to take it off for Lysard and don Juan, and within a few hours new tenants are already in the house. Lysard, like Selya, takes a room with a secret door, of which she certainly does not know anything, under her dressing room. Here the servant of don Juan brings gifts to his master for the bride and her maid. who really likes the apartment left. He immediately decides to take it off for Lysard and don Juan, and within a few hours new tenants are already in the house. Lysard, like Selya, takes a room with a secret door, of which she certainly does not know anything, under her dressing room. Here the servant of don Juan brings gifts to his master for the bride and her maid.
When everyone leaves and silence comes, Don Carlos and Mosquito get out of their hiding place and decide that Mosquito will change into a woman’s dress and go unnoticed from home to help with the help of relatives and friends of Don Carlos. The stir caused by the disappearance of the dress, which Mosquito chose from a pile of presents, raises all the asleep inhabitants of the house, even Don Diego. Selya, wrapped in a raincoat, suddenly appears, begging Don Diego to help her escape from the man pursuing her. Don Diego, like a true caballero, rushes to the door, demanding no explanation to detain the fictional persecutors of Selia. At this time, because of the secret door, there is a Mosquito dressed in a woman’s dress, returned by Don Diego, in the shadows taking over Selia, gallantly escorts him to the exit. During this time, Selya has time to explain everything to the released from the cache of don Carlos and give him the key from the front door. However, she herself does not have time to leave: don Juan joins the room and Felix came to him. Hiding behind the curtain, Selya hears that his brother, finding her disappearance and deciding that she went on a date to don Carlos, is determined to find and kill the offender; don Juan is willing to help him.
In their absence, Lysarda in the darkness encounters Selyu and is tortured by jealousy, tries to look into that face, but Selye manages to hide. And don Juan, who has returned at this time, encounters Don Carlos, but, not recognizing him because of the half-darkness, he takes for Lysard’s admirer. While Lysard and don Juan shower each other with jealous reproaches of infidelity, Don Carlos and Selia hide behind a secret door, where, unable to bear all the worries, Selya falls without feelings. Don Carlos faces a painful task: who to trust, whom to turn to for help. He opts for compassionate Beatrice, Lysard’s maid, but instead of her in one of the rooms, suddenly sees Lyssard. The girl is indignant, but, being afraid of being compromised, she is forced to hide Don Carlos in Beatrice’s room.
Meanwhile, outside the door of the house, don Juan saw Mosquito and, grabbing him, tries to find out where his master is hiding. And since he refuses to answer, mainly because of fear that Don Carlos is behind a secret door and can hear him, the Mosquito is locked in a room – until he decides to become more talkative. Left alone, Mosquito wants to hide behind a secret door and finds there the grief-stricken Selju : the girl heard Don Carlos’s love affair with Lyssard, and is determined to open the real reason for Don Carlos’s appearance in this house, but here the footsteps and voices of don Juan and Felix are heard, and Mosquito hurries to hide in and Selya do not have time to do it. Don Juan tells Felix that the servant of Don Carlos is caught, and Felix asks to be left alone: he hopes to find out from the servant the whereabouts of Don Carlos, and along with his sister, But instead of Mosquito friends find a woman wrapped in a raincoat in the room. Taking her aside, don Juan tries to find out who she is, and before his insistence, Selya is forced to retreat – the girl throws the edge of her cloak covering her face. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. and at the same time, and his sister, But instead of Mosquito friends find in a room wrapped in a woman’s cloak. Taking her aside, don Juan tries to find out who she is, and before his insistence, Selya is forced to retreat – the girl throws the edge of her cloak covering her face. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. and at the same time, and his sister, But instead of Mosquito friends find in a room wrapped in a woman’s cloak. Taking her aside, don Juan tries to find out who she is, and before his insistence, Selya is forced to retreat – the girl throws the edge of her cloak covering her face. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. Taking her aside, don Juan tries to find out who she is, and before his insistence, Selya is forced to retreat – the girl throws the edge of her cloak covering her face. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. Taking her aside, don Juan tries to find out who she is, and before his insistence, Selya is forced to retreat – the girl throws the edge of her cloak covering her face. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. Seeing from the other end of the room the excitement of a friend, intrigued Felix also wants to know the name of the mysterious stranger, and don Juan is in a delicate situation: both – both brother and sister – have confided in him, and none of them he can betray. Fortunately, at this moment, the voice of Don Diego is heard outside the door, which became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. who became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room. who became aware of the disappearance of the servant of Don Carlos from the locked room and who demands to be admitted. Afraid to give Lisard a new occasion for jealousy, don Juan hides the Selju in his room.
Filled with the desire to find a servant, Don Diego orders the whole house to be searched, but he himself resolutely heads to don Juan’s room, but then Selia, wrapped in a cloak, appears on her doorstep. There is no limit to the outrage of Don Diego and Lyssard: both accuse Don Juan of treason – and then the servants lead Don Carlos who, in response to the demand of the landlord, to deny himself categorically, asking permission to leave this unrecognized house, but only with Selay. Don Diego promises a strange guest security – and Don Carlos throws back his cloak. He explains to the dumbfounded Don Diego that he killed Alonso in an honest duel, and in this house he came for Sely, with whom he was betrothed, – the play ends with universal reconciliation.
Summary The hidden caballero