Creativity of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. unquestionably, is one of the best pages of Russian literature. And although he did not accept Soviet power, he emigrated to the West and wrote almost all his works there, for which he received the Nobel Prize, his works were and remain completely Russian in spirit.
His favorite subject of his work is the theme of love. Bunin began to create works about her at the beginning of his writing career, but later collected his best novels in the famous cycle “Dark Alleys”. The constant appeal to this topic was sometimes impulsive – the basis was an unusual case. But all together, these stories showed the multifaceted and multifaceted love. But, perhaps, the very first work about love can be considered the story “Grammar of Love” (1915), which will be devoted to analysis.
Already the name of the story itself is paradoxical: the word “grammar” is translated from Greek as “the art of reading and writing letters.” Thus, the grammar of love is perceived as an oxymoron. that is “the combination of the incompatible.” On the other hand, this title contains author’s irony: how can one learn to love according to some textbooks?
The plot of the story is quite simple: “some Ivlev.” as the author calls it shortly, happens to be in a ruined estate. Its owner, the landowner Khvoshchinsky, died shortly before, leaving unusual rumors about himself as a uyezd odd fellow, who was waiting for a brilliant future, a career, but “this love, this Lushka, fell on him”. in the end made up the meaning of his whole life. Khvoshchinsky fell in love with his maid Lushka, “his whole life was obsessed with love for her.” but, being a nobleman, he could not marry a serf.
After the birth of his son, Lushka, according to legend, drowned, and Khvoshchinsky locked himself in the room where Lushka once lived, and spent the rest of his life as a recluse, reading books. Obviously, in order to drown out the oppressive feeling of guilt before himself, he bought wedding candles and even wore an engagement ring all his life.
Upon learning of the death of Khvoshchinsky, Ivlev decides to visit his estate to look at the “deserted sanctuary of Lushka.” Not knowing how to explain the purpose of his visit, he asked the son of Khvoshchinsky, a very pretty young man, “black, with beautiful eyes.” look at the library left over from his father. It is important for a hero to decide for himself: “What kind of person was this Khvoshchinsky, crazy or some kind of soul focused on one?”
The books turn out to be very specific: “The morning star and night demons.” “Reflections on the mysteries of the universe.” “Sworn tract”. It becomes clear to the hero “how that lonely soul that ate forever from the world in this little room” was fed. But only one “tiny” book attracts Ivlev’s attention. It was “The Grammar of Love, or The Art of Love and Being Mutually Beloved”. published almost one hundred years ago. It consisted of little arguments about love, some were underlined by Khvoshchinsky’s hand, and he, according to his son, kept her under the pillow at night.
Ivlev understands that for this person Lushka became a shrine. Everything that happened in this world he explained “lushkin influence.” And it seems that Lushka died already almost in time immemorial. “Grammar of love.” which became almost a prayer book, Ivlev buys for an expensive price, and recalling a simple necklace Lushkino – “a cheap cheap blue balls.” feels the same thing that he once experienced in an ancient Italian city, looking at the relics of one saint.
It is then that the reader becomes clear that Ivlev is the protagonist of the story. The history of the landlord Khvoshchinsky and his beloved Lushka shocked him as a child. In his view, she became a legend. But having seen this sacred place personally, he realizes that another’s seemingly love story has become a part of his life.
Thus, the story emphasizes that love is a great value. She is sublime, pure and chaste. But the reader will not see the picture of family well-being, as Bunin often does, because a person can experience happiness only for a moment, but this moment will remain in the soul forever.