Once upon a time in a small town on the shores of the Mediterranean, the carpenter Giuseppe gives his friend Carlo the organ-grinder a talking log, which, you see, does not want to be heaped. In a poor little room under the stairs, where even the hearth and that was painted on a piece of old canvas, Carlo cuts out a log from a log with a long nose and gives him the name Pinocchio. He sells his jacket and buys an ABC for his wooden son so that he can learn. But on the first day on the way to school the boy sees a puppet theater and sells the alphabet to buy a ticket. During the performance in the farce, the sad Pierrot, the arrogant Harlequin and other dolls suddenly recognize Pinocchio. The presentation of the comedy “Girl with blue hair, or Thirty-three cuffs” is broken. The owner of the theater, he is a playwright and director Karabas Barabas, like a bearded crocodile, wants to burn a wooden trespasser. Here simple-minded Pinocchio to the occasion tells about the painted hearth of Pope Carlo, and suddenly sagged Karabas gives Pinocchio five gold coins. The main thing, he asks, is not to move anywhere from this closet. On the way back, Pinocchio meets two beggars – the fox Alice and the cat Basilio. Having learned about the coins, they offer Buratino to go to the beautiful Land of Fools. Of the money dug in there on the Field of Miracles, it seems as if a whole money tree is growing by the morning. On the way to the Land of Fools, Buratino loses his companions, and robbers attack him in the night forest, suspiciously like a fox and a cat. Buratino hides the coins in his mouth, and to shake them out, the robbers hang the boy on the tree with his head down and move away. In the morning it is discovered by Malvina, a girl with blue hair, together with the poodle Artemon run away from Karabas Barabas, oppressing the poor puppet actors. With purely maiden enthusiasm, she takes up the education of the uncouth little boy, which ends in his installation in a dark closet. From there, he is taken out by a bat, and, meeting with a fox and a cat, the trusting Buratino finally gets to the Field of Miracles, somehow like a dump, digs in coins and sits down to wait for the harvest, but Alice and Basilio deviously attack him with local police bulldogs, and they throw the brainless wooden boy into the river. But a man made of logs can not drown. Mature tortoise Tortila opens Buratino’s eyes to the greed of his friends and gives him a golden key, which was once dropped into the river by a man with a long beard. The key is to open some door, and this will bring happiness. Returning from the Land of Fools, Pinocchio rescues the terrified Pierrot, who also escaped from Karabas, and leads him to Malvina. While in love Piero unsuccessfully tries to console Malvinu with his verses, a terrible battle begins at the edge of the forest. Brave poodle Artemon, along with forest birds, beasts and insects, hammer hated police dogs. Trying to grab Buratino, Karabas sticks his beard to a resinous pine. Enemies retreat. Pinocchio eavesdrops at the tavern talking with the dealer Dyuremarom leech and learns a great secret: the golden key opens the door, hidden behind a painted hearth in the closet Carlo. Friends hurry home, unlock the door and only have time to slam it behind him, as the police officers burst into the closet with Karabahom Barabas. Underground move brings our heroes to the treasure – this is amazing beauty. theater. It will be a new theater, without a director with a lash-seven-tail, a theater in which puppets become real actors. All those who have not yet escaped from Karabas, run to the theater of Pinocchio, where music plays cheerfully, and hungry artists are waited behind the scenes by a hot mutton with garlic soup. Doctor of puppet sciences Karabas Barabas remains in a puddle in the rain.
Summary “The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio” by Tolstoy