Summary “The Emperor”
The sovereign is the main subject of Machiavelli’s reasoning and the central political image he created in the treatise. Having first considered what types of states (“republics are either managed unanimously”, Chapter I), giving historical examples of their various options, Machiavelli goes on to the problem of political power and, first of all, those conditions that allow it to be won, but won and retained. Beginning with the XIV chapter, he concentrated entirely on the personality of the ruler, as can already be seen from the titles of individual chapters: “On what people, especially princes, are praised or blamed for” (Chapter XV), “On cruelty and mercy and about that, which is better: to inspire love or fear “(Chapter XVII),” On how princes should keep the word “(Chapter XVIII),” How should the sovereign act to be revered “(Chapter XXI).
In the famous XXV chapter of the Sovereign (“What is the power of fate over the affairs of people and how can it be resisted”) refers to the Time that allows or hinders the achievement of success, namely success is a measure of prowess. This concept (virtu) Machiavelli applied to his G. deprives the former humanistic meaning – moral virtue and interprets in the sense of the ancient, associated with military prowess. The next and last XXVI chapter of the “Sovereign” – “The call to seize Italy, to release it from the hands of barbarians.” Machiavelli does not see in his modern history a person worthy of this goal. Therefore, he is ready to agree even that it was carried out by the unworthy, which served as a prototype for his G. – Cesare Borgia, Duke Valentine. The son of Pope Alexander VI, he was an example of the most cruel, energetic and for the time being a successful political adventurer. After the death of the Pope, fate, however, turned away from Cesare, condemning him to death (1507), and the state created by him with such skill and such blood – to collapse. Machiavelli was the direct Witness of how this state was born in wars, for on behalf of the Florentine Republic of 1502-1504. more than once accompanied the troops of the Duke Valentine, in his reports repeatedly warned how dangerous and cunning he was. During his lifetime, the former opponent of Machiavelli, Cesare, after his death, will be the original from whom the portrait of the ideal contemporary G. will be written off. created by him with such skill and with such blood, – to collapse. Machiavelli was the direct Witness of how this state was born in wars, for on behalf of the Florentine Republic of 1502-1504. more than once accompanied the troops of the Duke Valentine, in his reports repeatedly warned how dangerous and insidious he was. During his lifetime, the former opponent of Machiavelli, Cesare, after his death, will be the original from whom the portrait of the ideal contemporary G. will be written off. created by him with such skill and such blood, – to collapse. Machiavelli was the direct Witness of how this state was born in wars, for on behalf of the Florentine Republic of 1502-1504. more than once accompanied the troops of the Duke Valentine, in his reports repeatedly warned how dangerous and cunning he was. During his lifetime, the former opponent of Machiavelli, Cesare, after his death, will be the original from whom the portrait of the ideal contemporary G. will be written off.