Pushkin’s story “Stationmaster” was written in 1830 and entered the cycle “The Stories of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin.” The leading theme of the work is the theme of the “little man”, represented by the image of station supervisor Samson Vyrin. The story refers to the literary trend of sentimentalism.
Main characters
The narrator is an official who “traveled for twenty years in succession, traveled to Russia,” a narrative is being written from his person in the work.
Samson Vyrin is a man of about fifty, a stationmaster “from the venerable class of caretakers”, Duni’s father.
Other heroes
Avdotya Samsonovna is Vyrin’s daughter, a very beautiful girl, at the beginning of the story she is about 14 years old – a “small coquette” with big blue eyes.
Captive Minsky – a young hussar, deceiving Dunya.
The son of a brewer is a boy who showed the storyteller where Vyrin’s grave is.
The story begins with the narrator’s reflections about the fate of the station watchmen: “What is a stationmaster?” A true martyr of the fourteenth grade, fenced by his rank only from beatings, and that is not always the case. ” At the same time, according to the observations of the narrator, “the caretakers in general are peaceful people, by nature obliging.”
In May 1816, the narrator drove through the gubernia province. The man got in the pouring rain and stopped at the station to change his clothes and drink tea. Covered on the table by the daughter of the superintendent – Dunya, who impressed the narrator with her beauty. While the hosts were busy, the narrator was looking at the room – pictures hung on the walls depicting the history of the prodigal son. The narrator with the superintendent and Dunya drank tea, pleasantly chatting “as if the century were familiar.” Leaving, the narrator kissed Dunya in the porch with her permission.
A few years later the narrator again visited this station. Entering the house, he was struck by the carelessness and dilapidation of the situation. The superintendent, Samson Vyrin, was much older and grayer. When asked about his daughter, the old man did not want to answer at first, but after two glasses, the punch started to talk.
Vyrin said that three years ago a young hussar came to them. At first the visitor was very angry that he was not given horses, but when he saw Dunya, he relented. After dinner, the young man allegedly became ill. Bribing a doctor called the next day, the hussar stayed for a couple of days at the station. On Sunday the young man recovered and, leaving, offered to bring the girl to the church. Vyrin dismissed his daughter with a hussar.
“Less than half an hour”, as the caretaker began to worry and went to the church himself. From the acquaintance of the sexton, Vyrin learned that Duni was not at the mass. In the evening a coachman, carrying an officer, arrived and told that Dunya had gone with the hussar to the next station. The old man realized that the hussar’s illness was feigned. From grief Vyrin “fell ill with a strong fever”.
“Hardly recovering from the disease,” the caretaker took a vacation and on foot went to look for his daughter. From a more expensive Minsk, Samson knew that the hussar was traveling to Petersburg. Having understood the captain’s address in Petersburg, Vyrin comes to him and asks him to give him his trembling voice. Minsk responded that he was asking forgiveness from Samson, but he would not give Dunya to him – “she will be happy, I give you my word of honor”. After agreeing, the hussar put the inspector on the street, slipping a few banknotes into his sleeve.
Seeing the money, Vyrin burst into tears and threw them away. A couple of days later, while walking along Liteiny, Vyrin noticed Minskoy. Having cleared his coachman, where Dunya lives, the caretaker hurried to his daughter’s apartment. Entering the rooms, Samson found there luxuriously dressed Dunya and Minsk. Seeing her father, the girl fainted. Angry Minsk “with a strong hand grabbing the old man by the gate, pushed him to the stairs.” Two days later Virin went back to the station. For the third year he does not know anything about her and is afraid that her fate is the same as the fate of other “young fools”.
After a while the narrator again passed through those places. Where there used to be a station, the brewer’s family lived now, and Vyrin, having drunk himself, “died a year ago.” The narrator asked to be taken to the tomb of Samson. The boy, the son of a brewer, told him on the way that in the summer a “beautiful lady” with “three small barchats” came here, who, “came here and lay for a long time,” to the grave of the superintendent.
In the story “Stationmaster” AS Pushkin outlined the special nature of the conflict, which differs from the sentimentalism depicted in traditional works – the conflict of choice between Vyrin’s personal happiness and the happiness of his daughter. The author emphasized the moral superiority of the caretaker, over the other heroes, by depicting an example of the selfless love of the parent for his child.
A brief retelling of the “Stationmaster” is intended for quick familiarization with the plot of the work, so for a better understanding of the story, we recommend reading it completely.