Summary Silver Pigeon

Andrey Bely
Silver Pigeon
On the golden morning of the hot, stuffy, dusty Trinity, the day goes along the road to the glorious village of Tselebeyev Daryalsky, well, the very one who had been renting Fyodorov’s house for two years, and often went to his fellow-villager, Schmidt, who had spent days and nights reading philosophical books. Now in the neighboring Gugolev lives Daryalsky, in the estate of Baroness Todrabe-Graaben – her granddaughter Katya, his bride. Three days, how they got engaged, although the old Baroness, the simpleton and the Darylsky boy, do not like it. Daryalsky goes to the Church of Tselebeyev past the pond – the water in it is clear, blue – past the old birch on the shore; drowns in glowing – through the bent branches, through the sparkling spider-tow – the deep celestial blue. Good! But a strange fear creeps into the heart, and the head is spinning from the abyss blue, and pale air, if you look closely, is completely black.
In the temple – the smell of incense, mixed with the smell of young birches, muzhik sweat and lubricating boots. Daryalsky prepared to listen to the service – and suddenly he saw: a woman in a red kerchief stares at him steadfastly, his face is bezbrovoe, white, all in rowan. Pockmarked woman, a werewolf hawk penetrates into his soul, quiet laughter and sweet peace enters the heart… From the church, everyone has already left. A woman in a red kerchief comes out, behind her carpenter Kudeyarov. Strange looked at Daryalsky, attracting and cold, and went with the woman pockmarked, his worker. Mitry Mironovich Kudeyarov, a carpenter, hides in the depths of the log. He does furniture, and from Likhov, and from Moscow they order him. Day works, in the evenings to the ass Vukola walks – read the carpenter in the scripture – and at night the strange light through the shutters of the cottage Kudeyar goes – whether it’s praying, or with the worker her Matryona, a carpenter,
Knowingly, it is clear that at night Kudeyar and Matryona prayed, the Lord blessed them to become the head of a new faith, a pigeon, a spiritual, – why the consent was called their consent by the Dove. And the faithful brothers had already appeared in the neighboring villages and in the town of Likhov, in the house of the richest flour mills of Luka Silych Yeropegin, but until then he had not revealed himself to Kudeyar’s dove. Faith pigeon was to reveal itself In a certain sacrament, the spiritual child was to be born into the light. But for this, a man was needed who was able to assume the fulfillment of these sacraments. And the choice of Kudeyar fell on Daryalsky. On Dukhov’s day, along with poor Abram, a messenger of Likhov’s pigeons, Kudeyar came to Lihov, to the house of merchant Yeropegin, to his wife Fekle Matveyevna. Luka Silych himself was away for two days and did not know that his house had turned into a pigeon’s arrival, something wrong in the house, rustling, whispering settled in it, yes it became empty to him from the view of Fekla Matveyevna, the woman’s whit, the “tetekh-lepehi”. Chah he was in the house and became weak, and the drug that secretly poured into his tea wife as a carpenter, apparently, did not help.
By midnight, the pigeon’s brothers in the bathhouse, Fekla Matveyevna, Annushka the dovecote, her housekeeper, the old Likhovs, the petty bourgeoisie, the medic Sukhorukov, had gathered. The walls are decorated with birch branches, the table is covered with a turquoise satin with a red medley in the middle of a velvet heart, torn by a silver beaded pigeon – the hawk at the dove came out in needlework, that beak; A silver dove was hoisted above the tin lamps. He reads the carpenter of the prayer, turns around, hands over the table, hands spinning, brothers spinning around in the dance, the dove reviving on the shaft, zagulkaet, flies to the table, grabs the satin claws and pecks the raisins…
Day spent in Tselebeyev Daryalsky. At night, through the forest, he returns to Gutovo, wanders, wanders, seized by fears of the night, and as if he sees before his eyes the wolf-like, inveterate eyes of Matryona, the witches pockmarked. “Katya, my dear Katya,” he mutters, running away from the obsession.
The whole night Katya was waiting for Daryal, the ashen curls fall to the pale face, the blue circles under the eyes clearly appeared. And the old Baroness locked herself in proud silence, angry with her granddaughter. They drink tea in silence, the old lackey Evseich serves. And Daryalsky enters easy and calm, as if there was no yesterday and the troubles have dreamed. But this lightness is deceptive, the soul depths wakened by the sight of the woman waking will wake up, will drag you into the abyss; Passion takes place…
The troika, like a big black bush, blossomed bush, furiously swept out of the lozin and froze at the porch of the Baroness’s house. General Chizhikov – the one that commissions for merchants and who is rumored to be not Chizhikov, but agent of the third branch of Matvei Chizhov, – and Luka Silych Yeropegin have complained to the baroness. “Why did the guests come,” thinks Daryalsky, looking out the window, “another figure is approaching, an absurd creature in a gray felt hat with a small, flattened head. His classmate Semyon Chukholka, he always appeared in the bad days for the Daryal days. Yeropegin the baroness of the bill makes, says that her valuable papers are worth nothing more, she demands payment. The baroness is ruined. Suddenly a strange creature with an owl spout grows up in front of her – the Tchukholka. “Get out!” the baroness screams, but Katya is already in the doorway, and Daryalsky is approaching in anger… The slap in the face clicked fiercely in the air, Baroness’s hand opened on Pyotr’s cheek… It seemed as if the ground between these people had collapsed and all rushed into the gaping abyss. Daryalsky says farewell to the place of his beloved, his foot has never set foot there yet. In Tselebeyev, Daryalsky, tottering, drinking, about Matryona, a carpenter’s worker, inquires. Finally, at an old oak hollowed out with her. She looked obliquely, invited me in. And the oak is already another man. Beggar Abram with a tin dove on a staff. Describes pigeons and faith pigeon Daryalsky. “Your self,” – answers Daryalsky. Daryalsky says farewell to the place of his beloved, his foot has never set foot there yet. In Tselebeyev, Daryalsky, tottering, drinking, about Matryona, a carpenter’s worker, inquires. Finally, at an old oak hollowed out with her. She looked obliquely, invited me in. And the oak is already another man. Beggar Abram with a tin dove on a staff. Describes pigeons and faith pigeon Daryalsky. “Your self,” – answers Daryalsky. Daryalsky says farewell to the place of his beloved, his foot has never set foot there yet. In Tselebeyev, Daryalsky, tottering, drinking, about Matryona, a carpenter’s worker, inquires. Finally, at an old oak hollowed out with her. She looked obliquely, invited me in. And the oak is already another man. Beggar Abram with a tin dove on a staff. Describes pigeons and faith pigeon Daryalsky. “Your self,” – answers Daryalsky.
Luka Silych Yeropegin returned to Lihov, home, about the charms of Annushka, his housekeeper, he dreamed. He stood on the platform, he looked all askance at an elderly gentleman, dry and lean, his back slender, straight as a young man’s. The lord introduced himself to him on the train, Pavel Pavlovich Todrabe-Graaben, senator, on the business of his sister, Baroness Graaben, arrived. No matter how evil Luka Silych understands, he does not manage to cope with the senator and see no baroness money. The house frowns, and the gate is locked. Yeropegin sees: there is something wrong in the house. The wife, who wanted to go to the Tseubeev priest’s house, let go, walked around the room himself, and in the chest of a woman found the objects of pigeon’s wings: vessels, long, to the floor, shirts, a piece of satin with a silver dove tearing the heart. Annushka-dovecote enters, hugs gently, promises to tell everything at night. And at night the potion mixed him in a glass,
Katya and Evseich send letters to Tselebeyevo, – Daryalsky hides; Schmidt, who lives in his dacha among philosophical books, in astrology and Kabbalah, secretly wise, looks at the horoscope of Daryalsky, says that he is in trouble; Pavel Pavlovich, from the Asian abyss, calls back to the west, to Gugolovo, – Daryalsky answers that he is going to the East. All the time he spends with his wife the pock-marked Matryona, they are getting closer. How to look at Matryona Daryalsky – she’s a witch, but her eyes are clear, deep, blue. The carpenter left home and returned, found lovers. He was annoyed that they had come together without him, and more angry that Matryona fell in love with Daryalsky. He puts his hand on Matryona’s chest, and a golden beam enters her heart, and a carpenter builds a gold bracelet. Confused in a golden web of Matryona and Daryalsky, do not break out of it…
Assistant works Daryalsky at Kudeyar, in the cottage Kudeyarovskaya they are fond of Matryona and pray with the joiner at night. And as if from those spiritual hymns the child is born, turns into a pigeon, hurls himself at Daryalsky with a hawk and tears him to the breast… It’s getting hard for Daryalsky, he thinks, recalls Paracelsus’s words that an experienced magnetizer can use human love forces for his purposes. And the guest came to the joiner, Sukhorukov, a copper-maker from Likhov. During prayers, everything seemed to Daryalsky, that there were three of them, but someone else was with them. I saw Sukhorukov, I understood: he is the fourth.
In the tea, Sukhorukov and the joiner are whispering. This copper-man potion Annushka for Yeropegin brought. The joiner complains that Daryalsky was weak, but he can not be released. And Daryalsky and Evseich are talking, looking at the coppersmith and the carpenter, listening to their whispers, decides to go to Moscow.
The next day Daryalsky and Sukhorukov go to Lihov. He follows the tinsmith, grasps Daryalsky’s cane in his hand and probes a bulldog in his pocket. Back in the droshky, someone jumps after them, and Daryalsky drives the cart. He is late for a Moscow train, there are no places in the hotel. In the pitch darkness, the nocturnal encounters the coppersmith and goes to spend the night in the house of Eropeginsky. The feeble old man Yeropegin, who tries to say something, seems to him to be the very death, Annushka the pigeon says that he will sleep in the wings, take him to the bathhouse and close the door with a key. Daryalsky dawdles, and he left a coat with a bulldog in the house. And now four men are stamping at the door and waiting for something, because they were people. “Come in!” cried Daryalsky, and they entered, a dazzling blow knocked down Daryalsky. Sighs of four stooped, fused backs over some subject were heard;
The clothes were removed, the body wrapped in something and carried. “A woman with her hair down went ahead with a pigeon in her hands.”

Summary Silver Pigeon