Summary Shibalkovo seed

MA Sholokhov
Shibalkovo seed The
Red Army man persuades the head of the orphanage to take his child from him. Although there are no places, he, too, can not drag him behind the detachment. Forty versts he walked to the city, knocked down his legs, he had no choice, as soon as he gave the little son to the orphanage. Malchonka has already gone the second year, but he has no mother.
Shibalkov tells the story of the birth of a son and the death of a child’s mother. He was a machine-gunner in the detachment, who was chasing the gang of Ignatiev. He once rode on a truck and saw a “lying woman” in the line, went down from the truck, watered her with water, “the woman came to life at all.” The approaching Red Army men are interested in where it came from. The woman began to voice and told that the bandits took her into the convoy, and then raped and abandoned. Shibalkov took her to the tachanka as a victim of the gang. The woman recovered, began washing Cossacks underwear, repairing clothes. But the centurion swore that they were carrying a woman. Shibalkov tried to drive her away, scared that they could kill him in battle. But Daria tears ask the Cossacks not to drive her. Soon, the coachman was killed by the Shibalka, and Daria became a coachman of the truck, and she managed so well, “a whore for another Cossack.” They began with Shibalkom “
Once settled with a gang on different ends of one farm, that’s just the cartridges do not end with the gang. This is kept strictly confidential from the locals, but someone has reported this. The Cossacks went by the avalanche on the Red with a shout: “Surrender, the Red Cossacks, the killers!”
By the morning of the detachment and half left. Daria came to give birth, she slowly went into the woods, and Shibalok followed her. She grabbed the leaves in a ditch like a she-wolf, and toiled, and Shebalok watched her, not daring to approach. But he sees that a woman can not be born. And although it was not the Cossack business, but decided to help her. Daria told him that she told the gang that the Reds did not have cartridges left. Jacob did not want to listen to her at first, he said: be silent, otherwise you will die. But Daria, fearing to die at birth without repentance, decided to tell him everything. She was Ignatieff’s mistress, a year ago she was sent to the Red detachment to inform the gang. She’s dying, and otherwise the entire detachment would have been depleted. Shibalkov was dumbfounded, kicked her in the face with his boot. But then Darya started fighting again.
A child was born. Daria came to life, crying and laughing, crawling near Shibalka at her feet. And he went to the Cossacks and told about the recognition of Daria.
I decided to kill the traitor myself, but asked to spare the child, save his life. The Cossacks agreed. He rushed to Daria: “I will not let you bring a child to your breasts.” If he was born in a bitter time, let him not know the mother’s milk, and you, Daria, should kill me because you are a counter to our Soviet power. backs! “. Daria asks to leave her alive for the sake of the child, who will perish without a mother. But he still killed Darya. With the child, he had a lot of grief. More than once the Cossacks advised him to take the little boy by the legs and the wheel, but Shibalku felt sorry for his own child. Let it grow, there will be a memory for Yakov Shibalku if he is killed in the war: “I’ll die, I will leave offspring.” The child fed mare’s milk. The little boy at first did not take the pacifier, and then got used to it. Shibalkov sewed his shirt from his underwear.
Having told his story, Shibalok asks the director of the orphanage to take the child, because he is uncomfortable dragging him on the fronts. He promises to take his son as soon as they break the gang. At parting, he says: “Do not worry, good citizen, think – he will scream? Not-e-t! .. He has trolleys from the Bolsheviks, biting – biting, there is nothing to hide, but you can not get a tear from it.”

Summary Shibalkovo seed