Summary “Oorfene Deuce and his Wooden Soldiers” Volkova

Wonderful powder

In the Blue Country, which was inhabited by kind and kind-hearted Munchkins, lived the morose, solitary carpenter Oorfene Deuce, who was trying to be different in everything from his fellow tribesmen. Oorfene was a master of his craft, but the things he did, turned out to be as evil as he was. They tried to hit the owner, and children’s toys had such fierce muzzles that the children, seeing them, cried. Soon, Oorfene lost his customers and asked Gingema for services, which aroused the dislike of the Munchkins.

When the van collapsed on Gingema and crushed it, Oorfene was in another part of the country. After the death of the sorceress, he took to her her eagle owl, the wise Guam, and again settled alone.

Once in the garden of Urfin the wind brought the seeds of an unusual plant. From them you could make a powder that animates objects. At first Oorfene revived the dead bear and toy clown. Munchkins, seeing this, decided that Oorfene was a powerful wizard. Having subordinated to themselves the inhabitants of their village, Oorfene forced them to collect wood, from which he made wooden soldiers – dubolomas. Above the soldiers, Oorfene staged a corporal of mahogany and a rosewood general, who was taught military science.

Having overthrown with the help of the wooden army of the current ruler of the Blue Country of Prem Kokus, Oorfene Deuce proclaimed himself the ruler, and decided to conquer the Emerald City.

Having overcome the obstacles with losses, the army entered the Emerald Country. An ancient friend of the ruler of the Emerald City, the Scarecrow the Wise, the raven Kaggi-Carr, now occupying a prominent position at the court, saw a wooden army and flew into the palace to warn. And the birds flew at the soldiers and detained them.

The storm failed, and the army decided to besiege the city. Residents refused to engage in battle, only Faramant and Dean Gior defended the city. But the inhabitants were running out of food supplies, and the Scarecrow sent Kaggi-Carr to the Tin Woodman for help.

Oorfene threw his assistant, a wooden clown, through the wall, and he found a traitor in the city, Rufa Bilan. Having come to the aid of Faramanta and Dina Gior, Rufus Bilan mixed the sleeping pills in the drink with the guards and, when they fell asleep, let the enemy in.

The Tin Woodman who came to the rescue fell into a trap. They with the Scarecrow flatly refused to serve Oorfene Deuce and he imprisoned them in the basement. The scarecrow decided to send Ellie a letter of help. After tying the wood sheet with a drawing to the foot of Kaggi-Karr, the captives sent the crow to Kansas.

To establish himself as a ruler, Oorfene appointed a grandiose folk celebration, at which the musicians refused to play and the orchestra was created from dubolomas. So that people believe that he is a magician, Oorfene ate a few mice and leeches, which the cook cooked of meat and chocolate cream.

Soon the court chronicler presented an extensive report in which it was irrefutably proved that the genus of Urfinus comes from the ancient kings, and, therefore, Oorfene rules the country perfectly lawfully.

To catch the discontented, Oorfene made wooden policemen. They had thin legs that made them unusually quick, and huge ears.

To help friends

Meanwhile, her uncle, her mother’s brother, one-legged sailor Charlie Black, came to visit Ellie. He was a sea captain, experienced many adventures, but Elli’s story of a trip to the Enchanted Country was struck him.

Somehow during the evening walk into the hands of Ellie rushed the crow, which the boys hit the wing. To the crows’ foot was attached a sheet on which were painted the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow. The drawing was intersected by straight lines. Charlie and Ellie guessed that friends are behind bars and they need help.

Soon, Charlie, Ellie with Toto and Kaggi-Carr went on a journey. After many days of travel, they approached the desert, and then moved on the ship made by Charlie. Finally, the mountains surrounding the Enchanted Land appeared, but then the ship changed course, and, hitting the rock, crashed. After looking closely, the travelers saw on the stones an inscription “Gingema”. The wicked sorceress bewitched the stones, so that no one from outside could penetrate into the Enchanted Land. It was impossible to move away from the stones. The travelers camped and began to wait for a happy event. Reserves of water and food were running out, the forces were running out. The crow was struggling and begging for freedom, Ellie had the idea that above her, a resident of the Enchanted Country, Gingema’s witchcraft is not powerful, and released a bird.

Soon the water ran out, and then the crow returned with a brush of wonderful grapes in its beak. With the help of berries the travelers regained their strength, passed the stones and found themselves in the Enchanted Land, where Kaggi-Carr and Totoshka returned the ability to talk.

Having got into the Blue Land of Munchkins, the travelers learned about the lawlessness of the new ruler. Kaggi-Carr flew into the forest to call the Lion. While the Lion was getting to the Blue Country, the crow hurried to the Emerald City to tell the captives that Ally had already come to their aid. She also said that the residents of the Emerald City repent that they did not come to the aid of the Scarecrow, and they want to return the old ruler.

Inspired by the news, the Scarecrow from the tower called the people and made a speech in which he urged residents not to give up, since Ellie arrived and the victory is near. Learning of this, Oorfene Deuce set the Scarecrow in the dungeon.

To free the Munchkins, the governor of Urfinus Deuce in the Blue Country was tricked out of the house by cunning. Accompanied by wooden soldiers and their corporal, the governor fell into a trap – Munchkins were free.

By a familiar road paved with yellow brick, having overcome already familiar obstacles, friends got to the Emerald Country. With the help of the queen of Rame’s mice, they entered the dungeon, to get to the Emerald City through the underground passage. Ramina warned that the dungeon is inhabited by a terrible monster, and behind the glazed window is a country of miners. Miners do not tolerate sunlight and come to the surface only at night to exchange minerals for food. They are a peaceful people, just do not like when they invade their lives.

In the dungeon really lived a terrible monster – Six-footed. He attacked the travelers, but ran away, injured. In the dungeon, friends saw a hole, behind which was a country of underground miners. They also saw the Sixpaws, who rotated the wheels to pump up the water. Suddenly, before the opening appeared a flying pangolin, on which sat a man. From an onion, a man shot at travelers who, fortunately, had time to bounce off.

Reaching the tower, Ellie changed into a resident of the Emerald City and, with the help of a palace cook, entered the dungeon where Faramant and Dean Gior were sitting. Having freed them, as well as the Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman, the travelers went to the Purple country, so that the skillful masters of Miguna would make them weapons.


With the help of his ax, the Tin Woodman cut a detachment of dubolomas and freed his country from the invaders. Having received rich gifts and a cannon that shoots fire, the friends returned to the Emerald City to free the country from Urfinus Deuce.

Meanwhile, Oorfene Deuce, frightened by the appearance in the country of Ellie, began to make new soldiers. Not regretting himself, he worked day and night, but then the powder ended and the wooden army came to an end.

Disgracefully losing the battle, Oorfene Deuce was captured. The splendor of the Emerald City was restored, the trial began on Oorfene Deuce, and Rufus Bilan managed to escape into the dungeon.

The Scarecrow Wise, after listening to Charlie’s advice, decided to leave Urfinus Deuce alone with him, let him be lonely with punishment. Guessing that all the malice of the dubblers in their faces, the Scarecrow ordered them to make their faces kind and cheerful. The general became a dance teacher, and dubolomes made safe the way from the Emerald country to the Blue. Ellie and Toto and Charlie returned home.

In the Blue Country, in which the good Munchkins lived, there lived a solitary and evil carpenter Oorfene Deuce, who tried to stand out from his fellow tribesmen. Oorfene was an excellent connoisseur of his work, but everything he did was as evil as he was.

Once in the garden of Urfin the wind brought the seeds of a wonderful plant, from which a powder was obtained, animating objects. Oorfene animated a dead bear and a toy clown. Munchkins saw this and decided that Oorfene was a great wizard. He made himself a wooden army – doubloons. And then, having overthrown the ruler of the Blue Country – Prema Kokusa, Oorfene Deuce himself became ruler. Then he decided to conquer the Emerald City.

The storm did not work, and the army surrounded the city. Residents did not want to fight, and only Faramant and Ding Gior were defending the city. The inhabitants ran out of food, and the Scarecrow sent a raven of Kaggy-Carr to the Tin Woodman for help.

The Woodcutter with the Scarecrow categorically refused to serve Oorfene Deuce and he imprisoned them in the basement. The scarecrow wrote to Ellie a letter of help. He tied the message to Kaggi-Karr’s paw and sent a crow to Kansas. Her uncle, Charlie Black, came to visit her. Once he was a sea captain, in his life there were many different adventures.

One day, while walking in the evening, a crow came to Ellie, to the foot of which was tied a message. There were depicted the Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow. Straight lines passed through the whole drawing. Charlie and Ellie guessed that friends need help.

Charlie, Ellie with Totoshka and Kaggi-Carr went to the aid of their friends. After many days they came to the desert, and then advanced on the ship that Charlie did. Finally, the mountains that surrounded the Enchanted Land appeared, but suddenly the ship crashed. The travelers looked closely and saw on the stones the inscription “Gingema”. The Sorceress bewitched the stones so that no one could get into the Enchanted Land. The travelers began to wait. Food and water were coming to an end, the forces were running out. Ellie, released the crow, because she guessed that above her witchcraft Gingema is not powerful.

The crow returned with a brush of wonderful grapes. With the help of berries Charlie, Ellie and Totoška recovered their strength and found themselves in the Magic country, and Kaggi-Karr and Totoshka were able to talk again. When the travelers arrived in the Blue Country, they learned about all the chaos of the new ruler.

When Ellie reached the tower, she changed into a resident of the Emerald City, made her way to the dungeon, and freed her imprisoned friends. Then they all went to the Purple country, so that the masters of Miguna would make weapons for them.

The Iron Lumberjack cut the soldiers with an ax and freed the country from the invaders. Friends returned to the Emerald City to free the country from Oorfene Deuce. In the meantime, Oorfene Deuce, was very frightened by the appearance of Ellie and began to make new soldiers. He did not spare himself, he worked day and night, but suddenly the powder ended and the wooden army came to an end.

Oorfene Deuce lost the battle. His punishment was loneliness. And the Scarecrow guessed that all the anger of the dublons was in their faces, and therefore ordered them to make their faces kind. Ellie, Toto and Charlie returned home.



