Summary of the “Viper” Sotnyk

Chapter 1: “Borya came in. It was a boy of about twelve, well-nourished, rosy-cheeked, the gray cap was crooked on his head, the black jacket flung open, in one hand he held the laundry basket and in the other he carried a rope bag with a large jar of green glass He moved slowly, cautiously, keeping the bag at a respectful distance from himself and not taking his eyes off of her until Bori appeared, the silence was broken only by the tapping of the wheels and by someone’s measured snoring. “In the basket, Borya drove four snakes, frogs, 8 lizards and 11 frogs. Separately, there was an adder in the bank. These amphibians and reptiles were to form a school terrarium.

Chapter 2: “Almost the whole car listened to the conversation now: smiling faces appeared from all branches, one of the passengers was a lieutenant, the adder doubted in the bank or the viper, maybe even one more.” Bory took out the jar, but there was not a snake in it. “. It turns out that she is crawling somewhere here. It was very noisy in the car. On the lower benches, recently crowded, now there were many empty seats, but from every third shelf several pairs of female legs hung down. Passengers who stayed at the bottom sat with their heels on opposite benches. “The conductor of the car went to report to the senior train about the incident.

Chapter 3. A viper was found by one of the artisans (a student of a vocational school) in a corner, under the bench of a side seat. The conductor brought a poker. “The lieutenant carefully took the poker from her:” Comrades, maybe we will not, but? We’ll have mercy on the viper. “They all argued, some said that they would not keep the adder in the school anyway, others claimed they were holding, but under special supervision of the teacher biology, while others agreed with the latter, but considered it dangerous to give viper to Bora: suddenly he would release it again in a tram or in the metro. “The lieutenant volunteered to help Bora bring the viper to the house. The viper was tampered with a shovel, pinned with a poker, removed and identified in a jar. “And the bank, this time solidly closed, was kneeling beside the lieutenant, next to the lieutenant sat Borya, silent and shining, until the very passengers remembered their student years aloud,



