Summary of the “Sea Workers” Hugo

Part one. Sier Klyuben

That day it was snowing. Parisian man was following the girl. The girl was Deryusheta – one of the most charming on the island. The man was a lodger, Deryushetta wrote his name on the snow, Zhiliat lived in the Sensanson parish, but he was not liked because his house was visited by “evil spirit”. The house was notorious, and there were rumors that “the devil himself visited him at night”, before there lived only sorcerers. It is said that at the end of the revolution, a woman with a child (an Englishwoman or a Frenchwoman) settled in Guernsey, pronunciation and rural spelling changed her name to Gilliatt, she lived with a boy who was her son or nephew. She had little money, but she had enough for a dull life. She bought a meadow in the Sergeant and arable land in Rock Crespel. In the “house beyond the outskirts” hosted the evil spirit.

When She settled there with her son, everything calmed down in the house. The house was repaired somehow, and he became alive, they lived in seclusion, they avoided everyone, the Boy turned into a young man and the old woman died soon. She left her son a box with a dowry (shirts, skirts) and a piece of paper on which it was written: “Your wife, when you get married.” The lodging was unsociable and wild, his solitude became loneliness. In the church he did not go, often left the house at night, “talked with sorcerers”, often fished, worked in the garden. People claimed that near the stones, Gilliatt spoke to the toad and practiced witchcraft. Lodging saved the nests of birds that the boys were ruining. The girls considered him ugly, he very well knew the sea business.

Mass Lethieri – seasoned sailor, swam a lot, traveled a lot. He had a predilection for beautiful women, but he never married. He had two main attachments – Durand and Deryusheta (his niece). Deryusheta was a pretty girl, “her whole face breathed kindness and tenderness,” Durande – the steam ship Lesteri.

Ranten lived with his wife and son in the house on departure and served as a robber brothel, he was a thief, a robber. His wife helped him in thieving matters. He fought on fights, showed scrupulousness in matters of honor and was physically strong man, he often went on a round-the-world voyage. But one day he disappeared, and no one could tell where he had gone. His cash was kept in the cash register, but he also took fifty thousand francs, which belonged to Letieri. Letieri, engaged in short sea shipping and shipbuilding, made 100,000 francs, Ranten took half from him. Six months passed after Ranten’s flight, and out of the port, astonished, came a ship-the first steamship in the waters of the Channel’s “Shalande Letieri.” “Shalande” flourished, This ship Lesteri dubbed Durando. Durand and Deriucheta are one name, Deryuchetta diminutive from Durand, Leyeri raised Deryushetta as a young lady, she had a music teacher, books, she was charming since childhood, she called her uncle her father, she had two maids – Dus and Grasse. Mass Lesteri himself ruled Durand, but soon he had to look for a replacement. He chose Klyuben – mean to the words of the Tortval. He was very hardy in business and had self-confidence, he was a wonderful swimmer.

Sier Kljuben, having learned or understanding the appearance of Ranten, warned Letieri that Ranten was a crook. Deryusheta did not get married. Letieri dreamed that Deryusheta’s husband “was partly Durand’s husband.” When everyone found out that Deryusheta was a wealthy heiress, there was no end to the proposals. Mass Lesteri hated the clergy as all the priests took up arms against his “devil’s vessel” and secretly built intrigues. But the dislike of the priests was in his blood. Mass Lesteri was not literate and wrote with errors. Deryusheta was carefree, lived “today’s day.” When she wrote the name of Zhilyat in the snow, she was 16 years old. The lodging eschewed the women and avoided them. But on that Christmas morning, when Deryusheta wrote his name on the snow, Deryusheta’s image did not go out of his head. He did not say a word to her,

Duranda gave Letieri a large profit of £ 1,000. Once Zhiliat went to fishing and saved a man who was almost drowned (p. 130-131). The young man thanked Zhilyat and gave him the Bible.

Klyuben was not proud, he often communicated with crooks. He finished loading Durand, took a few passengers and sailed from Saint-Mano to Guernsey. The boys liked to ruin their nests, they went into the house of “ghosts.” Jacarezade was home to the homeless. Everywhere in cities and seaports there are “scum of society”. Klyuben bought a revolver for 6 louis from the armourer. Ranten killed the guard near the Cape of Decolalet, Clyuben found Ranten behind this case. Sier Kljenen directed a revolver at Ranten and forced him to give the casket (snuffbox) with the money (4 banknotes: from thousands and 10 feet), since 10 years ago Ranten, having left Ternsei, took from the cash register fifty thousand francs of the Letieri enterprise.

In the last century, fishermen, having lost their way, found a corpse on top of the cliff “Man”. This rock is so named because one “man from the ship lived, eating mollusks and died immediately.” Durandah hit the cliff, then plunged into the water with her nose and “died.” Crying was heard, the cargo was flooded. will be broken by the storm and Klyuben will not leave him. It forgives Tangruil who failed to manage – “When the ship dies, the captain dies!” Then everyone shouted: “Hurray to Captain Clywen!” Klyuben was left alone on the cliff, doomed to death, but joy The fact is that before he had a ripe plan: he would force Ranta give money, but to disappear, to pass the dead. To make the welt attempts to expose him, for he sank Durand (str.204). He “wanted to disappear, jumped on the Dover reef. Vesba crew and passengers were saved, coma captain, who did not want to leave the steamer! (p.217) But at night they met the ship “Kashmer”, which brought them to the port of Saint-Pierre. It all happened because of the helmsman Tangruil, who was put in jail. jumped on the Dover reef. Vesba crew and passengers were saved, coma captain, who did not want to leave the steamer! (p.217) But at night they met the ship “Kashmer”, which brought them to the port of Saint-Pierre. It all happened because of the helmsman Tangruil, who was put in jail.

Klyuben showed greatness of spirit. All in despair. Lethieri had no money and builders to create a car, and no one decided to invest in such an unreliable business. In order to save the car, one must go to the Dover cliffs, one to land in the sea, live for several weeks without stock and risk life (p. 221). Deryusheta said that if there was such a person, she would certainly marry him. Lived heard her words. Letieri did not sleep or eat from despair and wrote a statement that he did not intend to file a complaint against Tangruil and obtained his freedom. Suddenly two priests came to him, one old and the other young Jacques-erod and Ebenezer. Herod came with consolation and advice. He offered Lesteri to supply arms to the tsar to suppress the insurrection in Poland, then, in order to acquire the fortune, to acquire the company’s shares, engaged in the development of plantations, on which slaves worked, offered to be a representative of royal majesty in litigations in the enforcement of sentences. Letieri did not agree to anything. Jacquemin took the Bible in his hands and said that the Bible, revealed at random, portends. Opening the book, Jacques Erod read: “Rebekah, seeing Isaac, said:” Who is this man that comes to me? “Isaac introduced her into his tent and took her as his wife, and his love for her was great.” Ebenezer and Deryusheta looked at each other. said: “Who is this man, what is coming to me?” Isaac brought her into his tent and took her as his wife, and his love for her was great. “Ebenezer and Deryusheta looked at each other. said: “Who is this man, what is coming to me?” Isaac brought her into his tent and took her as his wife, and his love for her was great. “Ebenezer and Deryusheta looked at each other.

Part two. Housing Lukavets

Zhiliat went on a dangerous journey, he hurried to help the dying car, he suffered cold and deprivation. Seagulls and cormorants plundered all the food from him. Birds were also against Zhilyat. He only had a saw, a chisel, a hammer, he did not have any food. To rescue Durand’s car would require an entire army, and Zhiliat was alone. Every evening, having finished the work, Zhiliat had supper with dried bread, soaked in water, sea urchin or sea chestnuts, and spent the night in a stone cave. In Big Dover, Lodging entered the cave, he fixed the ropes, chains, he grew thin, his hair and beard grew, he walked barefoot, his shoes took him to the sea, his hands and shoulders were cut to him by splinters of the anvil. He had only one shirt left, he was soaked to the bone and was thirsty. He even had to suck the wet sleeve of his jacket. In the open sea there was excitement. Housing provided both types of work – water work and construction work, it adjusted the rate of descent to the speed of the rising tide. Its construction was like a gigantic wattle fence with beams instead of rails and chains instead of willow twigs.

He freed the car, but there was no pipe. Lodging fed on sea crayfish and lobster. A storm was approaching. Lodging was not far from the place where Sjer Kljenen died. Suddenly he felt that someone grabbed his arm and stared – it was an octopus. When the octopus sticks to the prey, it entangles and binds it with long straps. The octopus can not be torn off (8 tentacles) (p. 353-355). The tiger can eat, and the octopus can suck. Being alive drunk is even worse than eaten. Zhiliat dodged the tentacle and plunged a knife into it. The octopus fell dead. Suddenly, Gilliat saw a corpse eaten by crabs. Next to the trumpet, he saw a snuff-box with money – 75 thousand francs, on the belt it was written: “Ser Klyuben.” The octopus took over Clywen, and the crab devoured the corpse. Lodging bandaged the wound of the botik, the canvas of the tarred canvas closed access to the incoming waves. The boat did not leak a drop of water, Gilliat took off his pants and laid them in a hole. She seemed reliable. “He fought alone with the ocean, he grabbed hand to hand with a storm.” At the dawn of the Lodging, the victorious wave, drawn into the belt of Clywen from 75,000 francs, Lodging with the rescued car, Gilliat left the Dover reef. He headed for Guernsey.

Part Three. Deryushetta

The life of Mass Letieri has become a meaningless vegetation. Deryusheta became very sad, nothing pleased her. One day, a letter from Ranten was brought to the house of Letieri, that he returned to Clywen 3 banknotes of 1000 pounds each (75,000). (Ranten made an indecent way loan of 75,000). In Saint-Mano, a judicial investigation was initiated into the disappearance of the guard No. 619. There were suspicions that Klyuben had done this. Everything turned out that Klyuben conceived the collapse of the steamer – the evidence was a hidden or a bag with a reserve of provisions, hidden in the house of ghosts. And if we assume that the crash was accidental – was not he obliged to give the rescued passengers 75 thousand for the transfer of Letieri? (p. 388) Letieri saw from the window the Durand’s trumpet, Gilliatt returned to Saint-Sanson. Lived looked at the treasured windows of Deryusheta. Suddenly Ebenezer came up to her, he suggested that she marry him and together sail to “Kashmir”. They confess to each other – to a friend in love. Ebenerer says that he noticed her in the church on Sundays and Thursdays. Suddenly there was a cry: “Help!” But Deryusheta and Ebenezer did not hear anything. Mass Lesteri was overjoyed to see Durande unharmed (p. 402). Lodging gave him 75,000, which he found in Clywen. Zhiyat said that he does not like Deryusheta, Messe Letieri did not believe him and said that if Gilliatt does not marry Deriuhette, she will spend her entire life in the girls. seeing Durand as unharmed (p. 402). Lodging gave him 75,000, which he found in Clywen. Zhiyat said that he does not like Deryusheta, Messe Letieri did not believe him and said that if Gilliatt does not marry Deriuhette, she will spend her entire life in the girls. seeing Durand as unharmed (p. 402). Lodging gave him 75,000, which he found in Clywen. Zhiyat said that he does not like Deryusheta, Messe Letieri did not believe him and said that if Gilliatt does not marry Deriuhette, she will spend her entire life in the girls.

At that moment Deryushetta came into the room, and behind her was Ebenezer. Mass Letieri announced the wedding of Deryusheta and Zhilyat. Suddenly, Deryusheta faints. Everyone was delighted with the action of Zhilyat. Mass Letieri wrote a letter to Zhiliat for him to go to the dean for permission, since he was busy building the ship of Durand. Letieri wants to play the wedding as soon as possible. Ebenezer and Deryusheta in despair. For the priest there is nothing more fatal than love for a woman. They worshiped each other. Deryushetta says that after parting with Ebenezer, she will die. The lodging heard their conversation and asked them to marry. He asks them to leave, and when they return, Massa Letieri will forgive them because Duranda remains in consolation. Housing assumed all responsibility. Ebenezer recognized Zhilyat. Ebenezer was the young man who saved the life of Gilliatt. the lodging went to the church with Deryushetta and Ebenezer and said that he had been sent from Mass Lethieri. Housing gave the dean a letter to Letieri. Never Deryusheta was so happy.

Deryusheta and Ebenezer did not have an engagement ring. Zhilyat took off his ring from his little finger and handed it to Deryushette and Ebenezer. At parting, Gilliatt gives Deryushette a chest with a dowry, destined for his future wife: “Your wife, when you get married.” The boat with Ebenezer and Deryushetta landed at Kashmir. Zhiliat remembered how Deryusheta wrote his name on the snow, how long ago it was! In a golden glow, Gilliatt saw Ebenezer and Deryushetta. The lodging looked at the ship. In the eyes of Zhilyat there was nothing earthly, his gaze darkening, like a fading sky. When the ship disappeared on the horizon, the head of Zhilyat disappeared under water. There is only the sea left.

Summary of the “Sea Workers” Hugo