Once, on April 28, 2941, TE, a wizard named Gandalf and thirteen gnomes, headed by Thorin, knocked at the house to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins. They persuaded the hobbit to go camping for the treasures of the dwarves, captured by the dragon Smog and piled in the caves of Lonely Mountain. Bilbo is hired as a robber (burglar), and Gandalf hands Torin a card and a key. Gandalf claims that he was given a card and a key before disappearing in an unknown direction, Father Thorin Train, exactly one hundred years ago. Gandalf adds also that Trayn was obsessed with the mind in the dungeons of the dark magician Necromancer, and Gandalf rescued him from there.
Fifteen travelers (that is, dwarves, Bilbo and Gandalf) go on a difficult journey. On the way, they fall into the hands of trolls, cannibals. They are rescued by Gandalf, who took advantage of the natural stupidity of the trolls: skillfully imitating their voices, he prevented them from agreeing with each other – how to deal with prisoners – weld, crumble or crush. The coming dawn turned the trolls into stone. Happily avoiding the fate of being eaten, the travelers found a cave in which the trolls kept gold and jewelry stolen from travelers. Bilbo, Gandalf and Thorin, in addition, took possession of the weapons stored in the cave of the trolls – the Elven swords Orcrist and Glamdring (and Bilbo received his subsequently famous blade Sting).
After this adventure the travelers made their way to Rivendell, the house and fortress of Elrond, the leader of the elves and the people of the North. Elrond, examining the map of Thorin, makes a discovery. On the map, the moon runes were written with a phrase indicating how one can find a secret door on the western slope of Lonely Mountain. Having stayed in Rivendell until June 22 (Ivanov’s Day), resting and gaining strength, the travelers went on.
On the way through the misty mountains, during an overnight stay in an enchanted cave, the dwarves and Bilbo seize the old enemies of the goblins – goblins (later Tolkien calls them orcs). Binding the dwarves and Bilbo with a single chain, the goblins dragged the travelers to the Supreme Goblin court. Again they were rescued by Gandalf. He arranges an explosion in a cave, and the Supreme Goblin strikes with a sword by Glamdrning. Having freed themselves from the chains, the gnomes flee, but on the road in the dark they lose Bilbo. He, falling from the back of Bombura, who was dragging a hobbit, hit his head and lost consciousness.
Waking up, Bilbo begins to look for a way out. He finds himself in deep dungeons, where he accidentally finds a ring. Then he has to play puzzles with the master of the ring – a strange creature calling himself Gollum, putting his life on the line, in exchange for Gollum’s promise to show him the way up. Bilbo wins, but Gollum still tries to kill him – he suspects that his missing ring is from Bilbo. Running away from Gollum, Bilbo accidentally puts on the ring and becomes invisible. Gollum runs past. Going after the complaining and complaining Gollum, Bilbo first learns the mystery of the ring (it’s really magical), and secondly, gets to the exit from the labyrinth.
Having deceived the goblins guarding the door, Bilbo hurries along the tracks of his comrades. They wait for him at the fire, discussing what to do-move on, finding him dead, or trying to help him out. The appearance of Bilbo put an end to the controversy, and Gandalf led the travelers to the master of the local forests – Beorn. However, they almost fell into the teeth of the goblin allies, the terrible bloodthirsty wolves – vargas. Escaping from the Vargs on the tree, travelers get help from eagles that hate both the Wargs and the Goblins. Eagles take everyone to the rock Carrock, from where the gnomes, Gandalf and Bilbo go to Beorn. Beorn, after listening to their incredible story, at first did not believe them, but after capturing and interrogating the goblin and the varg, he became convinced of the veracity of the narrated. From this moment Beorn becomes their faithful ally. He supplies them with everything necessary to replace things lost in the dungeons of goblins, and also indicates the shortest path through the Forestry. At the edge of this forest, Gandalf bids farewell to the dwarves and Bilbo, claiming that he was urgently summoned for Saruman’s affairs.
Heroes continue their way without Gandalf. Warned by Beorn, they do not turn off the trail. Days go by days, but the Black Forest does not end. Finally, they go to the Black Creek, the water in which is enchanted. During the crossing Bombur falls into the water of the stream. Despite the fact that he managed to save, he falls asleep firmly. Now they, besides their luggage, are to carry and sleeping Bombura. Imperceptibly, the Black Forest was over, the beech forest began. The outfall is already close, but tired and hungry travelers do not know this. They see fires, hear songs. Rushing to the fire, they leave the trail. Lost, the gnomes lose Bilbo and Thorin.
Thorin was captured by the elves of King Thranduil, who, suspecting the scout of a scout, imprisons him in a dungeon. Bilbo meets a huge spider and kills him with his sword Sting. Then he goes to help his comrades and finds them suspended in a web surrounded by giant spiders. Wearing a ring, Bilbo teases monsters and takes them away. Returning, he releases friends.
Continuing the path without Thorin, the dwarves are captured by the elves. Bilbo, wearing the Ring, makes his way into the elven chamber after the captives. During the interrogation of the gnomes, they did not say anything to Thranduil about the purpose of the trip, and he, being angry, ordered to keep the prisoners in the dungeon until they talked. Bilbo, using an invisible ring, wanders around the castle, and seeks a way to free the prisoners and escape. They helped the case – using empty barrels and a secret passage from the underground palace of the elven king, the dwarves successfully go free and swim to the Lake City – Esgaroth. In Esgarot, Thorin is honored by local residents and helps him and the gnomes to equip the expedition to Lonely Mountain.
The Dwarves managed to reach the mountain unnoticed. They explore the western slope and find a place that can be a side entrance. But it is possible to open it only when the prophecy on the map, found by Elrond, is fulfilled. Bilbo, sent to the intelligence service, abducts a precious cup from Smog, which leads him into an indescribable rage, and then literally provokes him into anger, once again descending into the treasury. Enraged Smog, realizing that the dwarfs were helped by people from the lake, leaves the cave and attacks Esgarot, burning it to the ground, but suddenly dies from the arrow launched by the archer-man Bard. Dwarves get their treasures and find a home, but since everyone else considers them to be a slain dragon, people and elves claim to gnome wealth claiming the rights of the Mountain.
Between Bilbo and Thorin, which seemed to be all that had to be brought together, a conflict arose-Bilbo secretly from Torin finds Arkenstone, the Heart of the Mountain, a huge diamond that Thorin valued above all other riches. Since Thorin refused to share with the Bard and the Elf King, Bilbo made his way to the camp of the people and gave Arkenstone Bard as a pledge.
Thorin, having conceived the power to take away Arkenston, asked for help from his relative, Dain, who came to Erebor with an army of gnomes of the Iron Hills. However, at this time, people, elves and gnomes suddenly had a common enemy – the mountain was attacked by an army of goblins. The Battle of Five Hosts began, in which the goblins were defeated with great difficulty. Among the dead were Thorin and his nephews Fili and Kili.
After the victory, people, elves and gnomes reconciled with each other and shared the treasure among themselves. Bilbo received his share of the treasures, and immediately went to his homeland.
On his way back, Bilbo stayed a little with the king of the elves of Tirkuil Thranduil and asked him for forgiveness for involuntary theft, when he had to hide in his halls, waiting for the opportunity to free the gnome friends. Bilbo flatly refused to go through the forest, despite the fact that he was accompanied by Gandalf and Beorn. Therefore, to the house Beorn walked around the forest, rounding it from the north.
In the house of Beorn, Gandalf and Bilbo were dismissed until the spring, after which they continued their way westward. Having reached the cave of three trolls, where gold was hidden, Bilbo and Gandalf dug it out and proceeded to the house of Elrond, in Rivendell. No matter how pleasant it was for Bilbo to stay with Elrond, the longing for home only a week later drove him forward. Returning home, Bilbo found that he was in time for the end of the auction – he was officially recognized as deceased, and all his valuables were sold. The lawsuits lasted for several years, but many of Bilbo’s things disappeared.
Bilbo recorded his adventures. Later these notes, along with Bilbo’s poems, entered the Scarlet Book of Western Crome. The ring was kept by him, he subsequently transferred it to his nephew Frodo, whom he officially made his heir.
Summary of “The Hobbit, or There and Back” by Tolkien