Summary of “The Dishmonger Parsley”

This happened in those early times when steppe peoples often attacked Kievan Rus. Some of them, Pechenegs, once came to Belgorod, but they could not seize the attack. They then surrounded the city and took a siege. The state of siege continued for a long time. There was a famine. Weakened people came to such despair that they were about to surrender to the Pechenegs. They assembled a veche (people’s congregation in ancient Russia and said: “Is it better for us to die like that?” “We’ll surrender to the Pechenegs – who will be left alive and who will be killed, we all die from hunger anyway.” Then an old man stood up and gave an intelligent advice He offered not to surrender to the enemies, but to try to outwit them. “The old man gave a task from every yard to collect at least one handful of oats, wheat or bran. When all this was collected, the women made a chat, dug a well,

The next day, several Pechenegs were invited to the city for negotiations. Seeing how the Russian people get food from the well and eat it, the Pechenegs were very surprised. And the townspeople said: “Can you stand up for us? If you stand for ten years, then what will you do for us? For we have food from the earth.” The Pechenegs decided that the land itself feeds the people of Belgorod. So, do not overpower them Russian. So the enemies left the city walls with nothing.

Traditions were composed and told by a simple Russian people. It is he who makes up the bulk of the Russian state, folk art is the artistic embodiment of it. In traditions such popular ideals as patriotism, mind and resourcefulness were reflected. In the “Legend of the Belgorod Kisel” a wise old man, a simple Russian and a man, with his savvy saves the Russian land from the invasion of the Pechenegs. The hero of this legend embodied the image of a simple Russian people, savvy without intrigues and artful cunning, strong without a showy boasting of one’s own strength and to the self-forgetfulness of the one who loves his Motherland, ready to defend Russia to the last.



