Summary of Rinkitink in Oz

LF Baum
Rinkitink in Oz
The island of Pingareea is in the Unknown Ocean, north of the kingdom of Rinkitinia, separated from the country of Oz by the Wicked Desert and the possessions of the King of the Dwarves. Pingareei is ruled by King Kitticut, and his subjects are mainly engaged in pearls, which they then bring to Rinkitinia, to the city of Gilged, where they buy it for King Rinkitink. Life in Pingareee goes peacefully, although at one time it tried to capture the robbers from the islands of Regos and Koreegos, but, having received a rebuff, they turned back and, getting into a storm, drowned all to one.
Once Kitticut shows his son Prince Inge three pearls and tells about their magical properties. Blue gives its owner a huge power, pink guards against all dangers, and White is able to speak and gives wise advice. It is these pearls, according to Kittikut, that helped him defend the island from the brigands, and now he makes Prince Inga the guardian of the magic talismans, reporting on the cache in the palace where they are.
A ship arrives at Pingaree, and on it there is a merry fat man, King Rinkitink. He had long wanted to see the island, where such fine pearls are extracted, but the courtiers did not want to let go of their master, and now, having seized the opportunity, he sailed secretly. With him comes and rather grumpy goat Bilbil, on which Rinkitink usually travels when he leaves the palace.
Rinkitinku is warmly welcomed, and he does not hurry to leave Pingaree. But the idyll is disturbed by the appearance of ships from Regos and Koreegos. This time, the invaders manage to catch the royal family by surprise. Destroying the palace and plundering the island, they sail back, loading their ships to the top by another’s good and taking the inhabitants of the island into captivity. The king and the queen share the fate of their subjects.
Inge manages to escape from armed robbers. Soon it turns out that Rinkitinka and Bilbil were lucky to avoid captivity. Finding precious pearls in the ruins of the palace, but not telling them about their companions, Inga sails with Rinkitink and Bilbil to the islands of Regos and Koreegos to try to rescue the unfortunate out of captivity.
When Inga and his friends landed on Regos, his master, the cruel King Gos, sends an army against them, but the pearls do their work, and the Gos and his minions run to horror at Koreegos, where his wife Queen Kor reigns.
It would seem that everything is going well. But then Rinkitink makes a mistake. He does not know that two of the three pearls Inga keeps in his shoes. Angry at the cat, which prevented him from sleeping with his meow, Rinkitink runs into it with one shoe of the prince. Enough in the morning of the shoe, Inga rushes for a search, but the man fell through the ground. While Inga was looking for the first shoe, the maid threw the second into the trash. And it can not be found. Inga has only a white pearl, which advises him to be patient, to be steadfast and wait, but these wise words console the boy little..
In the meantime, the crafty Kor is at Regos to understand what’s what. Realizing that Inga is not as strong as her husband Gosu thought, she captures both the young prince and fat Rinkitinka. She brings them to her palace in Koregeos and turns them into servants.
Boots, as it turns out, did not disappear without a trace. Just found them passing by coal miner Nikobob and carried to his forest hut, where he gave his daughter Zelle. Soon Zella goes to Koreegos with a bucket of honey to sell it to the queen. The girl arrives at the palace on time. Angered at the captive women from Pingaree, the Queen sentences them to flogging and sends Ingu for a whip. He is dejectedly sent to carry out the order and meets Zella. Seeing her shoes with pearls on it, he suggests that she exchange, promising in return to make her parents rich people.
Displeased with the fact that she does not carry a whip and can not start flogging, Cor goes in search of Inga. Seeing that he is changing shoes with a girl, she grabs the whip in a rage, but she does not touch the boy. The Queen strikes him with a dagger, and again is useless. Realizing that her power was again returned to her opponent, which so disturbed Gos, the queen fled from the palace in a panic.
However, she and her husband Gos leave Coregos not empty-handed. They took Inga’s parents with them, boarded the ship and, swam to the possessions of the King of the Dwarves, urged him to hide the prisoners properly.
Following in the footsteps of the rulers of Regos and Koreegos, Inga and Rinkitink also find themselves in the underground kingdom of the Dwarves. Now Inga tells his companion about pearls, and Rinkitink asks the boy to give him a pink one to help him save himself from trouble if they break up with Inga in the caves.
The King of the Dwarves, of course, is not going to give them his captives and in many ways trying to extort the aliens, However, to his annoyance and surprise, he fails all the time. But Inge does not manage to find out where his parents are languishing. About what happened at Pingaree, Dorothy recognizes and asks Ozma to let her go to the rescue. That has nothing against, and Dorothy, taking with him the Wizard of the Emerald City, who learned to cast a good spell, appears at the Dwarf King. He is still not going to release Inga’s parents, but Dorothy, knowing how to get rid of the mean monarch, shows him a basket of chicken eggs. This brings the horror of the King, and he gives his captives.
The wizard, meanwhile, finds out that the goat Bilbil is none other than Prince Bobo from the country of Bobolandia, turned into an animal by an evil sorceress. On his return to the Emerald City, he dispels evil spells, and the grumpy goat disappears, and a handsome young man appears instead.
In honor of the liberation of King and Queen Pingmare, Ozma arranges a feast with a mountain, after which Inga, his parents, and Rinkitink and Bobo leave for Pingaree. While they were staying with Ozma, coal miner Nikobob led the restoration of the island, and now Pingareey has become more beautiful than before. The royal family cheerfully celebrates a housewarming party in the restored palace, and life on the island again flows as before.
One fine day, ships appear again on the horizon. Fears that these are new invaders, quickly dissipated. However, Rinkitinka is still not happy. It turns out that his subjects gilgodtsy greatly missed his master and equipped him with an expedition. Rinkitink agrees to return, but provided that for three more days he will be allowed to have fun on the island. The fun succeeds in glory, and then the fat King and his friend Prince Bobo set sail from Pingareei.

Summary of Rinkitink in Oz