Over the gray plains of the sea, the wind gathers clouds. Between the clouds and the sea proudly thunderstorm Burevestnik, a black lightning like. Then, with a wing of the wave touching, then with an arrow soaring to the clouds, he screams, and the clouds hear joy in the bold cry of a bird. In this cry – thirst for the storm! The power of anger, the flame of passion and the certainty of victory are heard by the clouds in this cry.
The seagulls moan before the storm – moan, rush over the sea and at the bottom of it they are ready to hide their terror before the storm. And the grouse also groan – they, the loons, can not enjoy the battle of life: the thunder of blows frightens them.
The stupid penguin timidly hides the fat body in the cliffs… Only the proud Stormy Petrel boldly and freely over the gray sea from the foam!
Everything is darker and lower than the clouds drop over the sea, and they sing and the waves rush to the height towards the thunder. The thunder roars. In the foam of anger, the waves moan, arguing with the wind. That covers the wind of a swarm of waves embraced by a strong and throws them with a sweep in wild anger at the cliffs, smashing into the dust and spray emerald hulks. The stormy petrel screams with a shout, a black lightning like a bolt pierces the clouds, a foaming wave of wings rips. Here he is worn like a demon – a proud, black demon of a storm – and laughs and sobs… He laughs over the clouds, he sobs with joy!
In anger of thunder, – a sensitive demon, – he has long tiredness hears, he is sure that they will not hide the clouds of the sun, – no, they will not hide! The wind howls… Thunder roars… Blue flames glow flocks of clouds over the abyss of the sea. The sea catches arrows of lightning and extinguishes in its depths. Exactly fiery serpents, wind into the sea, disappearing, reflections of these lightning.
Storm! The storm is coming soon! This bold Stormy Petrel proudly throws itself between the lightning above the roaring sea; then the prophet of victory screams: “Let the storm come stronger! ..”
Summary of M. Gorky’s fairy tale “Song of the Petrel”