Summary of “Galosh” by Zoshchenko

“Of course, it’s not difficult to lose a galosh in a tram”.

In a tram after all the crush, crowd and on feet come. The narrator went into the tram in two galoshes, and left – in one. “I took off the rest of the galoshes, wrapped it in a newspaper and went like this.” A familiar tram driver said that there is a chamber of lost caves. I came to this cell, described the signs: the galoshes are almost new. Only the third season is worn.

The sock is almost completely torn off, the heels are worn, but the sides are still holding. Such a galosh was taken out to the victim, but they refused to give it back. It is necessary, they say, to bring a certificate from the house management, that he is really rubbish and blank. And in the house management they demanded a certificate from the tram park, but in the end they took pity: they demanded to write a statement of loss and issued the required certificate. The poor fellow received his galosh back. Wow!

A week did not bother, and please, galosh! Only the “remaining” galoshes he lost during this time… “But I have another galosha, I put it on the dresser.” Another time it will be boring, you’ll look at the galoshes, and it’s somehow easy and harmless to get on your soul. “I think that the office works gloriously! I’ll save this galosh for memory. admire. “



