In one state there lived a king who loved to joke. Therefore, all his seven ministers were famous jokers. But the king also had a real dwarf-jester, whom everyone called the Frog. The frog together with the girl Tripteto was presented to the king by one general. Once the king decided to arrange a masquerade and instructed the Frog to come up with costumes for guests. The dwarf successfully coped with this task. However, the king and his ministers wanted the Frog to invent something special for them.
Wishing once again to have fun, the king forced the dwarf to drink a glass of wine. Not satisfied with the result, he filled the second glass. At that moment, Tripetta tried to stand up for her friend, knowing that he could not stand the wine. But the king only pushed the girl away and poured the wine into her face, hoping to make others laugh. In response, he heard only the gnashing of Frog’s teeth.
The dwarf managed to get away from the action of the wine and invited the king and his retinue to dress up as “orang-utans”. Having smeared with tar and skirted the tyrant and ministers in a hemp, the Frog tied them with a chain. At the appointed time, eight chained “orangutans” burst into the hall and began to frighten the guests. At the time when they were in the center of the hall directly under the chandelier, they were suspended by a dwarf on a chain hanging from the ceiling. With the help of the Frog torch, the arson of the abusers and with the words “I’m a fool – and this is my last joke” disappeared through the hatch in the ceiling. No one else saw Frog and Tripetta.
In one very beautiful and small state there lived a king who liked to joke. His ministers, who were seven, were also famous jokers. And it did not take a single day to make jokes in the kingdom. But the king also had a real joker who was called a frog, and he was just short. The frog together with the girl Tripteto was presented to the king by one general.
Once the king, having thought, decided to arrange in his kingdom a masquerade. He invited the Frog to come up with costumes for the guests. The little dwarf successfully coped with this task, but the king and his close ministers wanted the dwarf to come up with something for the whole kingdom, something special.
Wanting to have fun, the king made a dwarf drink a glass of wine. But, not satisfied with the result, he filled the wine and another glass. This time, Tripetta wanted to intercede for a friend, remembering that the dwarf can not stand the smell of wine. But the king, pushing the girl away, angrily splashed her face with wine, suggesting that everyone would laugh. The Frog only gritted his teeth in response.
Dwarf, moving away from the action of wine, offered the king and his entire retinue dress up orangutans. Smeared tar and roll in hemp tyrant Ministerial Frog unexpectedly wrapped their chain. And at the appointed time, eight orangutans burst into the hall screaming and began to frighten the guests. The punished, being in the center of the hall, were suspended from above on a chain. With the help of the Frog torch, the arson of the abusers. Loud with the words “I’m a fool and this is my last joke!” He disappeared through the hatch in the ceiling. Since then, Frog and Tripettu have never been seen.
Summary of “Froggy” By