Summary of “Chudik” Shukshin

The protagonist of the story – Chudik, with whom something happens all the time – is going to the Urals, to his brother, whom he has not seen for twelve years. Collected things, the next day went to buy train tickets. Before departure there was a lot of time, and he decided to buy gifts for nephews. I bought sweets and then sees: in the store on the floor fifty rubles (at that time it was a lot of money, half-pay). He jokingly shouted that, they say, they do not throw such money away. They put the denomination on the window: suddenly someone would come for her. The freak comes out pleased with himself. But. after a while he discovers that that note is his! But how does he come to the store and say that? Who will count it? I had to go home for another bill, at home his wife scolded (yet!). Finally he took a train, told a story to someone, but they did not believe him. Then it was necessary to get on the plane. He was at first afraid, and then even tried to chat with someone, but he was not taken seriously again. The man sitting next to him read the newspaper, did not fasten his seat belts, and dropped his jaw when landing. Chudik helped him find her, and when he found it, the man only grumbled about hygiene. Arrived. Chudik sent a telegram to his wife: “They landed, a branch of lilac fell on her breast, dear Pear do not forget me.” The telegraph operator corrected for a shorter and more serious “Flew.” Vasily. Chudik knew that he had three children in his brother’s house, but he forgot about the daughter-in-law (his brother’s wife), and she ruined Chudika’s entire vacation. Chudik sat talking to his brother at the table, they began to recall, involuntarily shouted. Snooping cursed them, Chudik and his brother went out into the street. Brother Chudika tells, how his wife seized for his position in society: he is a village. My wife, incidentally, is also from the village, but she imagines herself to be a big bird: she is a barmaid in a management building. Snoha disliked Chudik at once, and he decided to make her happy: he painted the carriage. In the village everyone was surprised when he painted the stove, his daughter-in-law, too, should like his daughter. But it was not there. Chudik painted the carriage, but when he returned from a walk he heard that the daughter-in-law was shouting at his brother: “So tomorrow this fool was not there.” Chudik was offended, sat down in the barn and the next day left. Humming and singing, he returns home. I quote the ending: In one place Chudik slipped, almost fell. His name was Vasily Egorich Knyazev. He was thirty-nine years old. He worked as a projectionist in the village. He loved detectives and dogs. In my childhood I dreamed of being a spy. So, what is this story about, what is its meaning and morality? To begin with, I would like to deal with the main character. What he really is? The description of his autobiographical data is given above, I will not dwell on this again. We will reflect on Chudik’s character. He tries to be helpful, wants everyone to like. Such conclusions can be drawn from his actions: he tells stories to a fellow traveler, helps to search for the jaw of a neighbor on an armchair in an airplane. And all his actions tell us about this. At the same time, he does everything not for mercenary motives. He wants to please everyone, he is afraid that his actions will cause disapproval (this can be seen from the case of money). Therefore, he is upset when he is scolded. Attempts to change attitudes, but do not always understand it. He does not appreciate the character of a person, he thinks, that all people will be equally pleased with his help. To his desire to please everyone, you can add to the fact that he behaves like a child, that is, infantile. He is 31 years old, and he jumps on the field, writes stupid poetry to his wife. And he does not think about his actions at all. He simply does what he thinks others like, but does not think that his actions may be to someone not like.

Summary of “Chudik” Shukshin