In the Zemsky hospital there is a reception. The doctor left to marry, that’s why the patient receives a paramedic named Kuryatin. He is about forty years old, dressed simply and untidy. In the hand the paramedic is holding a foul-smelling cigar. Here came the sexton Vonmiglasov, brought the prosphora. The paramedic asked what had happened. The deacon complains of a strong toothache. He says that neither is, nor can not drink. The paramedic ordered the sexton to sit down and open his mouth. It can be seen that there is a big hollow in one tooth. The sexton tells about the means that the kind people advised him. He tried to put vodka with horseradish, but this remedy did not help him. He was also advised to rinse his mouth with warm milk. But he does not want to try this remedy, because there is fasting, and milk can not be drunk. The paramedic thought and said that you need to tear the tooth. The sexton agrees. He says: “You better know, Sergey Kuzmich. On that you are trained to understand this matter as it is, what to tear, and what drops or other things… On that you, benefactors, and are set, God grant you health, so that we for you day and night, fathers native… on the coffin of life… “The paramedic takes the necessary tools and tells that for him, any” surgery is nothing. “He says that the landowner Alexander Ivanych of Egypt came very recently and had a toothache. educated and intelligent person, he is acquainted with many professors in Petersburg, but he also had to pull out a tooth. dsher argues that tear teeth is also not so easy. “The teeth are different. One tear with forceps, another goat’s leg, the third with a key… To whom as. “Finally the paramedic took a goat’s leg and went to the clerk’s. He told him to open his mouth, then took the forceps. The paramedic says: “Now we have it… tovo… Time to spit… Cut the gums only… make the traction along the vertical axis… and everything… (pinches the gum) and everything…” gratefully tells the medical assistant about his scholarship. Kuryatin begins an operation to remove the tooth. The sexton is in pain. He loudly shouts: “Our fathers… Holy Mother… Ввв…” The paramedic demands that the patient does not interfere with him, he does not grab his hands with his. But the deacon continues to shout: “Fathers… are guardians… (shouts).” Angels, Wow… Yes, pull, pull, what are you pulling for five years? ” The paramedic is very serious: “It’s a matter of… surgery… Immediately impossible… Here, here…” “Vonmiglasov raises his knees to the elbows, moves his fingers, bulges his eyes, breathing intermittently… On his crimson face there is sweat, tears in his eyes. “Kuryatin sops, he stumbles before the sexton and pulls… “Suddenly a tongs from the tooth fell from the paramedic.” The sexton realizes that the tooth is in place. “He almost cries, reproaches the paramedic:” He pulled. That you so in the next world pulled! We thank you humbly! If you do not know how to tear, do not take it! I do not see the light of God… “The medical assistant is angry, says that the patient himself was interfering with him.” They cursed. “The paramedic says that the tooth is torn very hard, the scribe reproaches him with stupidity.” Then he again ordered the patient to sit down and open his mouth. Kuryatin complains about the lack of education of the people and continues the operation, while he says: “Teach the scientist! Such an uneducated people, O Lord! Live with this sort of… you are crazy! Open your mouth… (puts forceps on). Surgery, brother, is not a joke… It’s not in the choir read… (makes traction). Do not twitch… Tooth, it turns out, old, deeply rooted… (pulls). Do not move… So… so… Do not move… Well, well… (there is a crunchy sound). I knew that! “The deacon almost lost consciousness, and the assistant gossiped that it was necessary to use the goat’s leg.” The deacon thrust his fingers into his mouth and realized that instead of a tooth in his mouth there were two protruding protrusions that scolded the medical assistant. illiteracy and ignorance, the feldsher again mentions the landowner of Egypt who did not swear. The deacon took away the prosphora that the paramedic brought him and left, holding his hand to the cheek. The heroes of the story “Surgery” look both comical and miserable. Foot doctor’s assistant, who at the beginning of the story feels very proud of their special situation. The paramedic is trying to present itself intelligent and knowledgeable person. But the reception of the first patient shows the foolishness and ignorance of the paramedic. At first the sexton is imbued with the speeches of the paramedic, looks at him with reverence. But after the paramedic tries to wrest his tooth from him, the respect of the sexton gives way to contempt and hatred. The humor of the situation is how the feldsher first presents himself. And how the pride flies away from him. The speech of the characters is of no small importance, it characterizes them perfectly. Feldsher Kuryatin tries to present himself as a scientist, and in conversation he constantly refers to a certain gentleman to whom he managed to snatch a tooth. The paramedic complains about the people’s knowledge, despite the fact that he himself can not boast of learning and education. The deacon’s speech was at first obsequious. He tries to please the paramedic, fawns before him. But as the sexton realizes, that before him a foolish and stupid person, his speech also changes. She becomes angry, angry. The sexton does not hesitate to scold the paramedic, showing the true attitude to him.
Summary of Chekhov’s Surgery