Summary of “Alka” Abramova

Summer. The last time the main heroine of Alya Amosova was in her native village of Letovka last year, at her mother’s funeral. Now she wanted to know as much as possible about the news from her aunt Anisya and Mani, who came to visit. They told her about the main thing – the construction of a new club and the marriage of Alka’s girlfriend.

Alya a couple of years ago moved to the city and worked in the dining room as a waitress, where she was arranged by Arkady Semyonovich. Not bad earned and the chief praised. She said that she no longer lives with her knave Vladislav Sergeyevich. I found out that he was paying alimony and realized that he could not provide them financially.

Alka was so bored by her native village that she wanted to experience all the charms at once: to wash at the bathhouse, and to go along the road, near the bird cherry bush, near which she used to wait with her father for the tired mother returning from the bakery; and in the meadow under the mountain, where the haymaker was all morning; and by the river…

During the walk, Alka met her acquaintances: not immediately recognizing her neighbor, Peku Kamenniy in a car, which he had long dreamed of; played her teacher Evlampia Nikiforovna, went to the almost completed new club, where she really enjoyed it. She met with her friends, helped them mow the hay, and then gaily and squealed in the river. Alka was very happy to return to her native village atmosphere.

At home at dinner, Alya discussed with the old women gathered in her aunt’s house everything: pensions, icons, berries, the use of living water… Then they went with Anisya for berries. In the forest, the special smell of leaves reminded Alya of the deceased mother and aroused sadness… But going out onto the road, she met Peku again and, having talked with him, was distracted from the memories of her mother. After returning from a walk, Alka met old Khristoforovna. She said that the path to the river was renamed Paladin’s path in honor of Alina’s mother. She was still a toiler worker – no one has walked this path so much as she. When she reached the bakery where her mother worked, Alka again became sad, because this bakery took her mother to the grave. She stood and waited for her mother to appear in the window. But this did not happen, and Alya went to the local store.

Stores were the girl’s passion. There she met Seryozha, on which she had sighed not so long ago. He was drunk. After chatting with the saleswoman Nastya, Alya went on. Seryozha did not leave his head. She remembered how well she was with him, and compared with what he is now.

Then the main character went to old girlfriend Lidke. In her house, much has changed, and she herself was very much prettier. Lidka met her friend very warmly, and they always discussed Lida’s growing stomach. She was pregnant just from Mitya, who had been caring for Aley for a long time.

Returning from the guests, Alya and her aunt Anisya began talking about men. My aunt kept asking Al about her boyfriends. Then Mitya Yermolov was again discussed. Alka could not resist and cried, leaning on her shoulder to Anisie: “Aunt, aunt, why no one likes me?” Alka believed in love and envied Lidke with Mitya. Auntie tried to calm her niece, she said how beautiful she was, and that everything would work out for her, then she quietly put Alya to bed.

The next day, Alka seemed to be calling her mother, and she woke up. Ali’s home was empty for many years, and so Alya lived with her aunt. Barefoot, she ran to the mother’s house. She ran into the courtyard where everything was done, as her mother wanted, ran through the gate, through the passage, ran into the room where the bed on which her mother had died, and whispered: “Mom, I have come.” But except cat Busik in the house no one responded. The cat did not leave home even after the death of his mother, and Alya began to reproach herself for having changed her mother’s home to the city. “Mom, Mom, I’ll stay… Do you hear? I’m not going anywhere else… Ala whispered… Tears streamed down her cheeks.”

Alya was determined to stay in the village. First of all, she cleaned up in her parents’ house. How, after all, it’s wonderful to heat the stove in the morning, wash the floors yourself, to make the samovar itself warm. And what a pleasure to walk barefoot on a clean, washed house! Alya thought for a long time who she would work with and decided that she would become a milkmaid. Now she did not understand why she had gone to a crowded city to serve drunken uncles when there were so many charms of life at home. Manya and Anisya were against Ali’s decision, but nevertheless the girl went to the city for things.

Arriving in an apartment where they spent two years living with a friend, the first thing Alya got loose with Tomka. She was going to a party and calling Alka with her, but she refused. Learning that Alya was going to leave back to the village, Tomka persuaded her to stay and try to work with her stewardess of the international class. All the determination of Alka disappeared, because she dreamed of such work. She stayed.

Two years later in the autumn Anisie received a letter from Ali. Brief, without explanation: sell the house, send money. Anisya in her whole life neither Alke, nor her mother did not contradict, but then rested, did not flinch. Mother and father spent all their lives in this house so much effort… Soon Anisya fell ill. She was waiting for the door to open and a carefree, smiling Alka would appear on the threshold.

“Auntie, and I did find a buyer.” Come on, pack it on the table, wash it…

Summary of “Alka” Abramova