Summary Natalia, Boyar’s daughter Karamzin

Natalia N. Karamzin, boyar daughter
The main heroine is Natalia, she lives in pre-Petrine Russia. Her parents: father, boyar Matvey, – a rich man, a faithful adviser to the tsar; Natalia’s mother died and she was brought up by a nanny. The whole way of life of the heroes is regulated by the rules of “Domostroi”, and Natalia’s life is completely subordinate to this way of life. In the morning, together with the nanny Natalia goes to church to pray, then give alms to the poor. At home, Natalya works behind her hoops, sews, sheaves lace. Her father lets her go for a walk with a nanny in the garden, and then she again sits down for the needlework. In the evening, she is allowed to talk with her friends under the supervision of nannies. Natalia’s life is closed and poor in events, but even with such a life, she can dream and thinks a lot about everything. We see how kind she is, how she loves her father and the strict nurse, how she admires the nature and beauty of Moscow. She is very hardworking and obedient, what should be the girl of that time. But the time comes, and she starts to dream with thoughts of love. The long-awaited meeting takes place in the church, and Natalia falls in love at first sight, not even knowing the name of that young man. Not meeting him the next day, she misses and suffers, does not eat, does not drink, trying at the same time to hide from all her anguish. Seeing her lover again, she is happy that “the hour of the Mass was for her one blissful second”. Nanny arranged a meeting with lovers, and young people conspire to escape and secretly get married. We see the heroine’s experiences: the happiness of the first love, the immeasurable confidence in Alexei, the feeling of guilt in front of the loving father, shame for the pain she causes him. But according to the rules of “Domostroi” the true wife must forget everything for her husband and obey everything in everything. Natalia is ready for this. Even when the nurse, frightened of Alexei’s armed servants, screamed that they were in the hands of the robbers, Natalia calmed down just from Alexei’s words. She believed and knew that he could not be an evil person. She finds happiness with Alexei, but continues to embroider patterned towels for his father. Her dream is to forgive her father, and she prays every day about it. But then it’s time to go to Alexei’s war, and Natalia, wearing men’s clothes and hiding her hair under the helmet, goes all the way with him on the battlefield and fights there like a man. This her act forces the king and father to forgive her. that the father forgive, and she prays every day about it. But then it’s time to go to Alexei’s war, and Natalia, wearing men’s clothes and hiding her hair under the helmet, goes all the way with him on the battlefield and fights there like a man. This her act forces the king and father to forgive her. that the father forgive, and she prays every day about it. But then it’s time to go to Alexei’s war, and Natalia, wearing men’s clothes and hiding her hair under the helmet, goes all the way with him on the battlefield and fights there like a man. This her act forces the king and father to forgive her.

Summary Natalia, Boyar’s daughter Karamzin