Summary “Murder of Roger Ackroyd”

“Murder of Roger Ackroyd” – a work-novel by Agatha Christie, created within the detective genre and published in 1926.

The events of the novel’s heroes are developing in the village of King’s Abbot in England. The story is told by Dr. James Sheppard, who later becomes assistant to Poirot.

Mrs. Ferrar, a wealthy widow, is dying. There are many bad rumors about her, one of which is the murder of her husband. A woman is considered a suicide, but soon new facts are revealed that refute this conclusion. It turns out that Roger Ackroyd took care of the deceased, and even planned to marry her. But he, strangely, dies. Now Roger’s daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ackroyd, is in the field of suspicion. The poor man has a mental hypochondria and has a number of abnormalities. Also among the suspects are: Mrs. Ackroyd’s daughter Flora, Major Blent’s hunter, Ackroyd’s secretary Geoffrey Raymond, Roger’s stepson Ralph Paton, Parker’s butler and maid Ursula Born, who was fired from the deceased’s house shortly before the murder.

Poirot begins to investigate. Flora wants it. Before him, the first evidence opens, which clearly indicate Ralph Paton – the only heir to the murdered. Agatha Christie wrote the most interesting of detective novels, based on the idea of ​​turning the narrative of the hero’s story into a cruel murderer. Through long doubts a plot was created. The book instantly gained popularity and various criticism, including negative. Some even called the product a bad taste and found mistakes in creating detective labyrinths. And today the work is considered one of the most talented works of Agatha and has the status of a masterpiece.

The writer used a lot of details, which allowed to create an intrigue, which gets its clue only at the end of the book. Dr. Sheppard confesses to the deed, but at the same time he does not talk about some events in time, during which the murder was committed. The reader suspects literally everyone, which is an innovative way of plotting.



