Summary Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka



Glinka has an outstanding historical role in Russian classical music. Summarizing the achievements of his predecessors, he laid the foundations of the national musical style, discovered, like Pushkin in literature, the classical period in the history of Russian music. Creativity Glinka reflected the advanced aspirations of time. With freedom-loving poetry of Pushkin and the Decembrists, his art is brought together by humanism, the ideas of patriotic service to the people. The most important were his operas, which truly recreate the heroics of the historical past, the romance of the national epic. The subtle romance of romances reveals a beauty-filled world of feelings. Picturesque and colorful are characteristic of his symphonic works. Having discovered in the folk song the source of the inexhaustible poetry of Glinka, he created a truly democratic national art

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka was born on May 20 (June 1) in 1804 in the village of Novospassky, Smolensk Province. As a child, he learned to play the piano and violin. Moving in 1817 to St. Petersburg, the future composer was intensively engaged in music, participated in amateur concerts. By 1822 belonged to his first creative experiments: variations on the melody of fashionable romances and arias. Then there are own romances, instrumental plays. By 1829 is the first publication of his works.

In 1830-1834 Glinka lived in Italy, Austria and Germany, getting acquainted with the musical culture of these countries, improving his knowledge of music theory. In this period, the first mature works were created, and upon his return to his homeland, Glinka realized the cherished intention of the national heroic opera. The creation of Ivan Susanin (1836) was of great importance for the further development of Russian musical culture.

High creative maturity marked the second opera of the composer – “Ruslan and Lyudmila” (1842). The images of folk poetic fantasy, embodied in Pushkin’s youthful poem, embodied in Glinka’s opera with a genuinely epic scale. In the years of work on “Ruslan” was written also music for the tragedy of N. V. Kukolnik “Prince Kholmsky” (1840) and numerous romances.

In 1844, Glinka undertook a second trip abroad. Two years he spent in Spain, collecting folk songs, studying the customs and customs of the country. Spanish impressions were reflected in two symphonic overtures – “Aragon Hota” (1845) and “Memories of a Summer Night in Madrid” (1848-1851), colorful, temperamental, filled with rhythms and melodies of Spanish folk music. By the end of the 1840s, the symphonic scherzo “Kamarinskaya” (1848) also played an exceptional role in the formation of Russian symphony.

In the last period of his life, Glinka’s creative activity declined somewhat. The big plans of these years – the opera “Doubles” and the symphony “Taras Bulba” – remained unfulfilled.

Glinka died on February 3 (15), 1857 in Berlin.



