Summary “Farewell to the Mother” Rasputin

Standing three hundred odd years on the banks of the Angara, Matera saw everything in her lifetime. “By the time of the Angara, the bearded Cossacks rose up the Angara up the Irkutsk prison, people who were scurrying to and fro on it spent the night, carrying prisoners along the water, and also, having caught sight of the inhabited shore directly on the bow, they also raked up to him: bonfires, cooked fish soup from the fish caught, two full days the battle rumbled between the Kolchak people who occupied the island, and the partisans who went in boats to attack from both banks. ” There is a church in Matera on the high bank, but it has long been adapted for storage, there is a mill and an “airport” on an old pasture: twice a week people fly to the city.

But one day lower on the Angara they begin to build a dam for the power station, and it becomes clear that many surrounding villages, and first of all the island Matera, will be flooded. “Even if we put five such islands on each other, it will still flood with the top of the head and then not show where the people settled there.” The small population of Matera and those who are connected with the city has relatives there, and those who are not connected with it in any way think about the “end of the world”. No persuasions, explanations, and appeals to common sense can force people to easily leave their habitable place. Here and the memory of the ancestors (cemetery), and the familiar and comfortable walls, and the familiar way of life, which, like a mitten from the hand, you will not remove. All that was desperately needed here in the city will not be needed. “Sticks, frying pans, kvashnya, whorls, cast iron, tuesa, cranes, tubs, tubs, lagoons, tongs, croz… And also: forks, shovels, rakes, saws, axes (only one of the axes was taken), grindstone, iron stove, trolley, sled… And yet: traps, loops, wicker muzzles, skis, other hunting and fishing tackles, every master tool. What sorting through all this? “Of course, the city has a cold, hot water, but there are so many inconveniences that it is impossible to count, and, most importantly, it should become very uncomfortable with unaccustomed use.” Light air, expanses, noise of the Angara, tea-drinking from samovars, leisurely conversations for a long table, there is no substitute for it, and buried in memory is not something to bury in the earth, those who are less than others hurrying to leave Matera, weak, lonely old women, are witnessing how the village is set on fire from one end. ” As never before, the immovable faces of the old women, in the light of the fire, appeared to be waxed, waxed; long ugly shadows jumped and twisted. “In this situation,” people forgot that each of them was not alone, they lost each other, and now there was no need for each other. It’s always like that: in an unpleasant, shameful event, no matter how many people are together, everyone tries to remain alone without anyone noticing – it’s easier then to be free of shame. In their heart they were unwell, awkward, that they stood without movement, that they did not try at all, when it was still possible, to save the house – there is nothing to try. The same will be the case with other huts. “When, after a fire, the women are judged and ranked, whether such a fire happened accidentally or accidentally, the opinion is formed: accidentally: nobody wants to believe in such a folly that a good (” Christ ” ) The owner himself set the house on fire. Parting with his hut, Daria not only sweeps and tidies her, but also whins like a future happy life. She is terribly upset that she forgot to put grease on somewhere. Nastasya worries about the escaped cat, which will not be allowed into the transport, and asks Daria to feed her, not thinking that soon and the neighbor from here will leave at all. And cats, dogs, and every object, and huts, and the whole village as alive for those who have lived their whole life from birth. And once you have to leave, you need to clean everything up, as they remove the deceased for the wires to the next world. And although the rituals and the church for the generation of Daria and Nastasya exist separately, the rituals are not forgotten and exist in the souls of saints and unblemished. that somewhere forgot to grease. Nastasya worries about the escaped cat, which will not be allowed into the transport, and asks Daria to feed her, not thinking that soon and the neighbor from here will leave at all. And cats, dogs, and every object, and huts, and the whole village as alive for those who have lived their whole life from birth. And once you have to leave, you need to clean everything up, as they remove the deceased for the wires to the next world. And although the rituals and the church for the generation of Daria and Nastasya exist separately, the rituals are not forgotten and exist in the souls of saints and unblemished. that somewhere forgot to grease. Nastasya worries about the escaped cat, which will not be allowed into the transport, and asks Daria to feed her, not thinking that soon and the neighbor from here will leave at all. And cats, dogs, and every object, and huts, and the whole village as alive for those who have lived their whole life from birth. And once you have to leave, you need to clean everything up, as they remove the deceased for the wires to the next world. And although the rituals and the church for the generation of Daria and Nastasya exist separately, the rituals are not forgotten and exist in the souls of saints and unblemished. And once you have to leave, you need to clean everything up, as they remove the deceased for the wires to the next world. And although the rituals and the church for the generation of Daria and Nastasya exist separately, the rituals are not forgotten and exist in the souls of saints and unblemished. And once you have to leave, you need to clean everything up, as they remove the deceased for the wires to the next world. And although the rituals and the church for the generation of Daria and Nastasya exist separately, the rituals are not forgotten and exist in the souls of saints and unblemished.

It’s scary for women that a sanitary brigade will arrive before flooding and raze the village cemetery. Daria, an old woman with a character, under whose protection all the weak and suffering gather, organizes the offended and tries to oppose. It is not limited only to a curse on the heads of offenders, invoking God, but also directly enters into battle, armed with a stick. Daria is determined, militant, energetic. Many people in her place would reconcile with the created situation, but not her. This is by no means a meek and passive old woman, she judges other people, and first of all Paul’s son and her daughter-in-law. Strict Darya and the local youth, she does not just scold her for leaving a familiar world, but also threatening: “You will regret it.” It is Daria who most often refers to God: “Forgive us, Lord, that we are weak,

Not only Darya and other old women feel discontent with what is happening. “I understand,” says Pavel, “that nothing can be done without machinery and without the greatest technology, and everyone does not go anywhere.” Everyone understands this, but how can one understand how to recognize what was done to the village? “Why they demanded from people who live here It is possible, of course, not to ask these questions, but to live as it is, and to swim, as it floats, but I’m on the wrong side of it: to know how much and for what, to dig yourself to the truth. and man. “

Summary “Farewell to the Mother” Rasputin