Spendiarov is one of the founders of Armenian classical music, a talented composer, prominent music and public figure, youth educator, conductor. According to his own words, he drew material for creativity from folk tunes, Armenian poetry, literature, history, etc. He combined fidelity to the traditions of Armenian folk music with the experience of Russian musical classics.
Alexander Afanasevich Spendiarov was born on October 20 (November 1) in 1871 in the town of Kakhovka. He inherited musical talents from his mother, who had a good command of the pianoforte. Spendiarov’s versatile giftedness manifested itself in his early childhood, but the prevailing interest in music arose later. From the age of seven he begins to write, from nine he learns to play the piano and the violin. In 1890, the young man moved to Moscow, where five years later he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University.
In 1896 Spendiarov met with NA Rimsky-Korsakov, who highly appreciated his compositional talent and introduced him to the circle of St. Petersburg musicians. In subsequent years Spendiarov created many romances, choral compositions, vocal works with orchestra, instrumental and orchestral pieces.
Among the latter two notebooks of “Crimean sketches” (1903 and 1912) and a symphonic picture “Three palms” (1905) are distinguished. Spendiarov settled in the Crimea, occasionally leaving for Moscow, Petersburg, Tiflis, where he performed as a conductor. He met with the greatest figures of Russian culture – AP Chekhov, LN Tolstoy, FI Shalyapin, AM Gorky (for the text of Gorky’s poem he wrote a ballad for bass and orchestra “The Fisherman and the Fairy”, 1902 ); close friendships were established with Spendiarov with his teacher NA Rimsky-Korsakov, and also with AK Glazunov.
In his childhood Spendiarov got acquainted with the folk music of the Crimea.
Since the second decade of the 20th century, his interest in Armenian art has increased. In 1922, the government of Soviet Armenia invited Spendiarov to move to Yerevan and head the musical life of the republic. This period was marked by the flourishing of Spendiarov’s compositional, pedagogical and social-musical activities. Deeply penetrating into the essence of Armenian folk music, Spendiarov created such outstanding works as “Yerevan Etudes” for orchestra (1925) and the opera “Almast” – one of the best creations of the Armenian musical theater.
Among other works of the composer was the Concert Waltz (1906) for the symphony orchestra, “Beda the Preacher” (1907) for voice and orchestra (awarded with the Glinka Prize). Spendiarov died in Yerevan on May 7, 1928.