Summary “A Tale of a White Hood”

“The Story” immediately precedes the message of Dmitry from Rome to Archbishop Gennady, in which he reports that the Greek original of the story about the white klobuk was not preserved and he could hardly find only the Latin translation of this work. His own translation of this monument into Russian Dmitry and applies to the message.

“The Story” begins with the history of the white hood. The Roman emperor Constantine, successor to the persecutor of Christians Maxentius, orders to weaken the persecution of Christians. But the sorcerer of Zambria slanders Constantine for the priest Sylvester, who baptized a certain “tsarev husband.”

In the seventh year of his reign, Constantine falls ill with leprosy, which no one can cure. One healer advises the king to bathe in the blood of three thousand newborn infant boys. When the children were gathered, the king went to the Capitol to wash there. Hearing the moans of mothers, Konstantin refuses his decision, preferring to die himself.

At night, Constantine is in the vision of the apostles Peter and Paul and tells him to call for Sylvester, who can show the “font of salvation.” Having bathed in this font, Constantine must recover. But it will not just be a healing, but an inheritance of eternal life. For this, Constantine must endow Sylvester and allow the Orthodox Church to be renewed all over the world. So it really happens.

After healing, Constantine renders Sylvester honor and respect and calls him Pope. Constantine offers Sylvester a royal crown, but the apostles who appeared again give the king a white hood to crown Sylvester. Having received from Konstantin a golden dish on which the royal crown was lying, Sylvester puts a white hood on him and orders him to put him in a “deliberate place”, putting on only on masters’ holidays. Sylvester will do the same to his successors. In the thirteenth year of his reign, Constantine decides that in a place where there is spiritual power, it is indecent to be a secular power. Therefore, he leaves Sylvester in Rome, and he establishes Constantinople and moves there.

From this time, the sacred veneration of the white hood is established. But after a while, some of the king Karul and the Pope Formosa, taught by the devil, back away from the Christian teaching and reject the teachings of the fathers of the church. The pope wants to burn a white hood in the middle of Rome, but he himself was afraid to do it. He decides to send the hood to distant countries and there to betray his reproach to intimidate the rest of the Christians. With a hood sent a messenger Indrik.

During the voyage on the ship Indrik somehow almost did not sit on the hood, but at that moment darkness sets in. God’s power throws him on the ship’s side, and he falls relaxed and dies. Among the messengers is a certain Jeremiah, who secretly professed the Christian faith. He is a vision to save the hood. During the storm, which again appeared miraculously, Jeremiah takes the hood in his hands and prays. The storm subsides, and Jeremiah safely returns to Rome and tells about everything to the pope. Despite the fact that the pope is in great fear, he does not leave his thoughts to destroy or give to the reproach the white hood. In the vision to him at night is an angel with a fiery sword and orders him to send a hood to Constantinople. Not daring to disobey, Pope Formosa sends an embassy to Byzantium.

In Constantinople, the white klobuk receives the virtuous patriarch Philotheus, who also in the vision will know what he must do with the shrine. The apostles Peter and Paul command to send the symbol of spiritual power to Novgorod Archbishop Basil for the veneration of the Church of St. Sophia. In Constantinople, the klobuk is met with honors, and another miracle takes place here: the touch to the klobuk cures from the eye disease of the then-Emperor Ivan Kantakuzin.

Papa Formosa, meanwhile, regrets that he gave the hood, and writes a letter to the patriarch. The patriarch refuses to return the shrine and exhorts the pope, trying to get him back on the right path. Realizing that the white hood is in great honor in Byzantium, the pope falls ill with malice and his disbelief. It changes in the face, ulcers spread throughout the body, a “great stench” emanates from it, the spine ceases to hold the body. Daddy loses tongue – barking with a dog and a wolf, and then with reason – he eats his feces. So he dies, cursed by the honest inhabitants of Rome.

Patriarch Philotheus, despite his virtues, also almost made a mistake. He wants to keep the klobuk at home. To him in the vision are two unfamiliar husband and explain why it was predestined to send the shrine to Novgorod: from Rome grace has gone. Constantinople after a while will be owned by the Hagharians “for the increase of human sins,” and only in Russia did the grace of the Holy Spirit shine. Patriarch Filofei hears the words of his husbands and asks who they are. It turns out that he was shown in a vision by Pope Sylvester and Tsar Constantine. Of course, the embassy with the white hood is immediately sent to Russia.

At this time in Novgorod, Archbishop Basil also gets a vision of getting a white hood. The story ends with a description of universal joy when Archbishop Basil receives an ark with a hood: “And people came from many cities and countries to see the wondrous miracle – Archbishop Basil in a white hood, and in all countries and kingdoms they were surprised when they told about it “.

Summary “A Tale of a White Hood”