“Russian man on rendez-vous” refers to the journalism and has a subtitle “Reflections on reading the story of Mr. Turgenev” Asya “. In this article Chernyshevsky gives a broader picture associated with contemporary Russian society, namely, with the image of a “positive hero” of novels and novels, which in some situations shows unexpected negative properties of character. First of all, these traits are manifested in love and personal relationships.
The title of the article is directly related to the reason for its writing. Food for thought was the ambiguous situation in the story “Asya”, when the girl showed determination and herself appointed a date to the hero.
In the first lines – impressions from the scene of the meeting in the story “Asya”, when the protagonist tells the girl who came on a date with him: “You are to blame for me, you have me confused in trouble and I must stop my relationship with you.” “What it is?” – Exclaims Chernyshevsky. “What is she guilty for, is it that she considered him a decent man, compromised his reputation by coming on a date with him?” This man is more crappy than a notorious scoundrel. “
Further, the author analyzes the love line of a number of works by Turgenev in order to understand whether the author made a mistake in his hero or not, and concludes that in Turgenev’s works the main character personifying the “ideal side” behaves in love affairs as “a miserable scoundrel “. “In” Faust, “the hero tries to encourage himself by the fact that neither he nor Vera have a serious feeling for each other. He keeps himself so that Vera herself must tell him that she loves him. In “Rudin” the case ends with the insulted girl turning away from him, almost ashamed of her love for the coward. “
Chernyshevsky asks the question: “Perhaps this pathetic feature in the character of the characters is a feature of Turgenev’s novels?” – And he himself answers: “But remember any good, true life story of any of our current poets. If there is an ideal side in the story, rest assured that the representative of this ideal side acts in exactly the same way as the faces of Mr. Turgenev.” In order to argue his point of view, the author analyzes the behavior of the protagonist of Nekrasov’s poem “Sasha” for an example: “I told Sasha that” one should not weaken soul “, because” the sun of truth will rise above the earth “and that it is necessary to act to implement its aspirations, and then, when Sasha starts to work, he says that all this is in vain and will lead to nothing, that he “talked empty”.
Then the author unexpectedly declares that the hero should not be condemned, and begins to talk about himself and his worldview: “I became pleased with everything that I see beside myself, I am not angry at anything, do not grieve at all, nothing and no one in the world I do not want anything – in a word, I will tell you how I became a man from a melancholy person so practical and well-intentioned that I would not even be surprised if I received a reward for my own well-meaning. ” Chernyshevsky resorts to the detailed opposition of “misfortune” and “guilt”: “A robber slaughtered a man to rob him, and finds in himself that it is his fault.” The careless hunter accidentally wounded a man and the very first is tormented by the misfortune that he did – it’s not fault, but simply trouble. ” What happens to the hero of the story “Asya” – trouble. He does not benefit from the situation when a girl in love with him wants to be with him, and he goes backwards: “The poor young man does not understand the business at all, taking part in. The matter is clear, but he is obsessed with such stupidity, who can not reason with the most obvious facts. ” Further the author gives a number of examples from the text, when Asya allegorically, but very clearly gave “our Romeo” to understand what she really feels – but he did not understand. “Why are we so severely analyzing our hero, how is he worse than others, how is he worse than all of us?” but he is obsessed with such stupidity that he can not reason with the most obvious facts. “Next the author gives a number of examples from the text, when Asya allegorically, but very clearly gave” our Romeo “to understand what she really feels – but he did not understand.” Why are we so severely analyzing our hero? How is he worse than others? How is he worse than all of us? ” but he is obsessed with such stupidity that he can not reason with the most obvious facts. “Next the author gives a number of examples from the text, when Asya allegorically, but very clearly gave” our Romeo “to understand what she really feels – but he did not understand.” Why are we so severely analyzing our hero? How is he worse than others? How is he worse than all of us? “
Chernyshevsky reflects on the happiness and ability not to miss the opportunity to be happy: “Happiness in ancient mythology was represented as a woman with a long braid, fluttering in front of her wind, carrying this woman, it is easy to catch her while she flies up to you, but miss one moment – she will fly by, and you would have been in vain to pursue it: you can not seize it, you are left behind, the happy moment is not returnable, not to miss a favorable moment-this is the highest condition of everyday discretion. The happy circumstances are for each of us, but not everyone knows how to use them. “
In conclusion of the article Chernyshevsky leads a detailed allegory, when in a situation of long and exhausting litigation the hearing is postponed for a day. “What can I do now, let each of you say: Will it be clever for me to hasten to my opponent for the conclusion of the world? Or will the only day remaining on my couch be cleverly lying on my couch?” Or it will be clever to throw a crude cursing on the judge favoring me, a friendly warning who gave me the opportunity to finish my litigation with honor and profit for myself? “
The article ends with a quote from the gospel: “Try to reconcile with your opponent until you have reached him before the trial, otherwise the enemy will give you the judge, and the judge will give you the executor of the sentences, and you will be thrown into prison and you will not leave it until you will pay for everything to the last detail. “
“Russian man at rendezvous” Chernyshevsky in brief