Sister Mo, having made an escape, twice miscalculated, but then she combined a legal marriage with Jan II
A certain official-clerk was married to a woman who was frivolous, inclined to love relationships. Even after the birth of her son, she did not care about the child, but only had fun. Once my husband left for business, my wife started a row, ran away with a lover from home, taking my son with me. On the way, the three-year-old began to cry, the negligent mother thrust the child into the grass and went on with her friend.
The child was picked up by artisan Third Li. He was childless, the relatives were very fond of the relatives.
Meanwhile the messenger returned home. It’s empty. No wife, no son. Nobody knows anything. One day, passing by chance by the house of Third Lee, noticed a playing child and recognized in him his son. He refused to give the boy back, insisted that he had found it in the grass and now his child. We went to court. The judge did not believe the Third Lie and ordered to beat him with batoks. He stood his ground. But when the torture intensified, he talked himself out: they say, for a long time a woman with a child has looked after, she killed her and threw him into the river, and took the child into the house. On Third Lie immediately put on a heavy shoe, put on his knees. It remained only to pronounce the verdict.
Suddenly everything went dark. Lightning flashed, thunder roared. The judge collapsed to the ground and emanated a spirit, from the officials of the hat was ripping, the authorities trembled with fear. Moreover, on the back of the deceased judge, the inscription appeared: “Third Lie condemned unfairly!”
I had to continue the inquiry. Soon, Lee was acquitted, and then a careless mother was found.
Such cases in life are not uncommon. Here also the beauty of Mo has got to itself the lover – Jana the Second. Only the husband, having learned, to put up with it did not want and strictly warned his wife. Then lovers decided to escape.
And while Mo was homesick. I decided to ask my husband for permission to go to the pilgrimage. He allowed. I must say that they had a relative – a shuffler Yu Shen, who had long been in favor of Mo. Now I decided not to miss the opportunity. After the pilgrim lured her to his house, watered his wine and reached the goal. Pretty woman did not really resist. She even blurted out drunkenly about escaping with the lover.
She called Yu Sheng Yang several times, then she ordered the boat for a conventional day and an hour to cook.
Yu Sheng to the right day drove the boat to the house of Mo. She almost forgot about the booze, but she remembered about the escape. Hurriedly put things in a boat. We drove off. Then she only noticed that she was not running with that. But to return late.
The husband returned home – did not find his wife. I decided that her lover had stolen. I went to Yan. He denied, and when they sent the cases to the detective authority, confessed that they were plotting with Mo to escape and what happened to the woman later – he does not know. They beat him, beat him, but he did not plan against himself.
And the fugitives settled down together, indulged in amorous pleasures. True, Mo all the time Ian II remembered. I understood that there would be no harm between them, and I planned to sell the woman to a local gay institution. Lured her there by deceit, having pre-arranged with the landlady, and left. I recognized Mo, that her friend sold it, but it was too late.
Somehow happened in those parts of the man from her native places. It was Mo who asked about her husband, and at the same time learned everything about Jan II. I told him my story. The guest promised to tell her husband the news.
And he did. Together they went to the detective order. They started a case about the malicious sale of a man. Yu Sheng was seized and thrown into prison. He could not deny anything. Jan II filed a petition for release for lack of guilt. The judge ordered to deliver the beauty of Mo. A thorough inquiry began.
Yu Sheng beat the batohs and was sent back the money earned for the sale of the girlfriend. Yana was found not guilty, although he committed adultery. Then the deceived husband acted and declared that he was renouncing his wicked wife. Then the neighbors invited her husband to give his wife Jan the Second. He agreed. We made the necessary papers, and everything, to the joy of the beauty of Mo, was achieved in the best possible way.
Lovers learned a lesson from their misadventures and lived together with dignity until their death.
“Pretty Moe Miscalculated” by Lin Mengchu in Brief Content