In the prologue the author reports that he saw in a dream a little bit of a fable about the Perugia Andreuccio, and the story of the false philosopher, who decided to boast of horns, but punished for neglecting the female sex. Two gobs have already appeared on the stage – it’s time to check if the dream turned into a reality.
Both storylines evolve in the play in parallel and are in no way connected with each other. The first begins with female chatter: Betta tells that she gave the room to the buyer of precious stones from Perugia, his name is Boccaccio, and he does not peck the money. In response, Mea exclaims that this is her former master, a very nice man – she grew up in his house!
The second story line opens with a dispute between Polidoro and Radicchio: the gentleman interprets the celestial face of his desired, while the footman extols the healthy, ruddy maidservants – if his will, he would have produced them all in the countess. Seeing the philosopher, Polidoro hastens to retire. The platikostoit shares with Salvadalo thoughts of the female nature: these feeble creatures exude an abomination and anger – truly the sage should not have married. The servant, who chuckles into a fist, objects that his master is ashamed to be ashamed, since the husband serves him only as a warmer. The mother-in-law of the philosopher Mona Papa talks with the merchant about the excesses of men: there is not a more pestilent tribe on the earth – to cover them with a pestilence, rot away from the fistula, fall into the hands of the executioner, get into hell hell!
Mee simply spreads to Tully, the harlot, everything that she knows about her countryman: his wife Sante, the son of Renzo and his father, who has an illegitimate child in Rome from the beautiful Bertha – Boccaccio’s father gave her half of the coinage of papal coinage, and gave the second to her son. Tullia, deciding to cash in with the money of a wealthy Perugia, immediately sends the maid Lisa to Betta with the order to lure Boccaccio to visit.
Wife of the philosopher Tessa instructs the maid Nepitellet to invite for the evening Polidoro, his lover. Nepitella willingly fulfills the commission, because with careless husbands there is nothing to be ceremonious about. Radikkio, using the opportunity, flirts with the servant: while the gentlemen are moping, they could create a glorious salad, because her name means “mint” and his name is “chicory”.
Liza praises Boccaccio for the charms of her mistress. Tullia, barely seeing the “brother”, is flooded with burning tears, shows a keen interest in Santa’s sister-in-law and Renzo’s nephew, and then promises to present half of the coin-it’s a pity that the good-willer has already left this world!
The platystator discusses with Salvalallo the problem of primacy, first-intellect and first-person, but the scientific dispute is interrupted with the appearance of an enraged Tessa.
The softened Boccaccio remains to spend the night at the “sister”. Hired by Tullius, the guards try to seize him on a false charge of murder. Peruginets in one shirt jumps into the window and falls into the locker. At the plea to open the door, Tullius responds with a contemptuous refusal, and the pimp of Kacchadyavoli threatens to tear off Boccaccio’s head. Only two thieves show compassion for the unfortunate and call to business – it would be good to rob one dead man, but first you have to wash the shit out. Boccaccio is lowered on a rope into the well, and at that moment there are outposted guards. The appearance of a fugitive fugitive confuses them, and they run away with screams.
The platystator breaks away from thinking about the erogenicity of the planets. Overhearing what the maid and his wife were talking about, he found out that Tessa was confused with Polidoro. The philosopher wants to arrange a trap for the lovers, in order to teach the teacher who always and in everything protects her darling daughter, and her son-in-law is branded.
Hidden thieves help Boccaccio get out of the well. Then the friendly company goes to the church of St. Anfisa, where the bishop is buried in a precious apparel. Raising the stove, thieves demand that a newbie climbed into the grave – when he passes them a robe with a staff, they kick out a prop. Boccaccio yells in a wild voice, and the accomplices are already anticipating how the brave Perugian will be snubbed when the guards will flee to the screams. Radicchio, lying in wait for Nepitell, hears the joyful murmur of the Platysta-gent who managed to lure Polidoro into his office and hastens to please the mona Palu with this news. The servant immediately warns Tessa. The prudent wife has a second key: she orders Nepitella to release her lover, and instead lead the donkey. The liberated Polidoro vows not to miss any matins from now on, and on visits only go with a lamp. Meanwhile, the triumphant Platarist, having lifted her mother-in-law from her bed, leads her to her house. Salvalalo obsequiously supports each word of the master, calling him the light of wisdom, but Mona Papa does not climb into his pocket for a word, calling his son-in-law an ass. Tessa disinterestedly goes to her husband’s call, and in the alley, as if by chance Polidoro shows up, purring a song about love. Tessa resolutely unlocks the door of the office: at the sight of the donkey, the Platystator turns pale, and Mona Papa curses the evil fate – with what a villain had to be related! Tessa also declares that she will not stay in a house for a second, where she had to endure so many humiliations: out of shyness she concealed her misfortune from her relatives, but now she can admit everything – this murderer who imagines himself a philosopher does not want to properly fulfill his conjugal duties! The mother and daughter are proudly removed, and the Platyster only has to curse his bad luck. As he escorts home Polidoro, who hardly keeps on his feet, Radicchio instructively says that the noble ladies will not get into trouble – the love of the maids is much better and more reliable.
The next trio of robbers is sent to the bishop’s tomb – this time in cassocks. Fate favors them: the church gates are open, and a prop is lying near the grave. Encouraging each other, the burglars are getting down to business, but then a ghost grows from under the plate, and they rush out in all directions. Boccaccio praises the heavens and vows to immediately give traction from this city. For his happiness, past Betta and Mea; he tells them how, by the grace of Tully, he nearly died three deaths – first among dung beetles, then among fish, and finally among worms. The gossips lead Boccaccio to wash, and on this the story of the ill-fated Perugia is completed.
The platystator comes to the sensible conclusion that humility is worthy of a thinker: after all, the desire is generated by the nature of women, and not by the lasciviousness of their thoughts-let Salvalalo persuade Tessa to return home. Mother and daughter relax when they hear that the Platystator repents and confesses his guilt, the philosopher compares Tessa to Plato’s “Feast” and Aristotle’s “Politics”, and then announces that he will begin the conception of the heir tonight. Mona Papa cries with emotion, Tessa sobs with joy, family members receive an invitation to a new wedding. Nature triumphs in everything: being alone with the servant of the monk of the Pope, Salvalallo goes to storm the maiden virtue.
“Philosopher” P. Aretino in the summary