“Kholyushino Podvorie” Ekimova in the summary

The glory of the strongest owner on the Don farm in Vikhlyaevsky is firmly held by the one-legged Kholyusha, according to the passport Burbolomei Vikhlyantsev, seventy years of age. So he survived until the moment when they allowed the peasants, “so all the more kept.” And then, after all, the cunning had to start up, if only to hide the livestock in the subsidiary farm.

Few people on the farm remembered that the hard-working family had lived in this estate before: a father, a mother, three sons and a daughter. Two big wars and years of hard times have swept them through life. The spacious courtyard was once surrounded by bases, sheds, kitchens and other buildings. Once upon a time there lived a cattle, and on winter contentment a cow-bucket with a calf, a two-year-old and half-year-old bull-calf, a dozen goats and goats of Erem, and six sheep with them lay. Peacefully gnawed gilt and two dozen goose wandered around the yard and a herd of well-fed turkeys with two turkeys.

In one of the Epiphany frosts, Holusha found a track of a one-horse sleigh in his courtyard. There is no hope of a district drunkard. Just in case, I went to the collective farm office – the duty officer promised to call the district police.

And after Cholyusha suddenly realized: are all good things whole? I looked at the beast, was glad. Lambs and goats with thick, clean wool. Feeled Belobokaya – she had to roll; Beloukhuy checked – the old man dreamed of making all the goat’s plant with such a rare fluff as she had – with a blue tint.

But the most native of the whole beast was Zorka. It was her tenth year, and she led her family from a distant, legendary Star – the foremother of milk-yielding, “food” cows. Years of Zorkin came out, it was time to change it, and soon she had to go back again…

The district police examined the scene of the incident the next morning. Touched by Cholusha, he began to invite both guardians of order to the table. One of them seemed to be waiting for this. It turned out that Yegor was the brother-in-law of the victim, the husband of the granddaughter of the sister of Fetini, who lives in the city.

Yegor did not confuse the abomination of the desolation of the Hollyshin’s dwelling, in which the mouse hordes operate, he did not disdain to taste the scrambled eggs with lard for vodka, and listened to a simple story about his life: “The work is delirious… Delov da Delov. They shocked Egor the scale of the Holoshin farm. He felt sorry for the old man, and he felt respect for him. And suddenly it dawned upon him. In a town not far from them a house with a kitchen garden is sold for five thousand, that would be Holyusha there to move and live with Fethinya and her eldest daughter who are suffering from the oppression of another son-in-law.

The militia “gazik” with the guest drove off, and another trouble came over Kholyusha, Belobokaya said. It was already late at night that Cholush recollected Egorov’s proposal and decided to insist on his own: “It is inconceivable stupid to throw such an estate and go to someone else’s side.” We will live together here! .. “

In the evening of the next day the thieves again showed up to Holusha. When his neighbors arrived at his cry, they found that at home everything was turned upside down, and the owner himself was spread out for fun.

Holyusha was only deafened. In the house he woke up and first looked around the locks on the chests in the upper room. And when I discovered the disappearance of the accordion from the red corner, I lost consciousness again. Evil tongues claimed that it was in it that he kept his considerable cash.

But no trouble could not get rid of the usual worries. By morning, Hollya barely stood up. At noon Egor and his partner were with the victim. He answered questions, cried, but how much money was in the accordion, he could not remember!

Yegor remade all the Holoshins of the case, and refused to go to Vikhryaevskoe to refuse to leave – he has a service and a family, and here there are neither schools, nor hospitals. And Fetinje back there is no move. However, if Holushe was not enough to move money, Yegor promised to help. Left alone, Holusha could not fall asleep for the first time in many years. His thoughts were that it was necessary to leave.

The thieves were not caught, and Egor’s visits became more frequent, the house in the district center of Cholusha approved and immediately decided in a businesslike way that he would supply the cattle with new strong bases. Egor categorically rejected these plans: where to feed the cow and where to mow the hay? The old garden will certainly be taken away. So the conclusion is one – the economy is eliminated! It’s time to rest – to play dominoes, cards.

After the next sleepless night, HOLYUSHINA, the move was decided. For the house, Holyusha paid at once. Cattle and poultry were sold “with a bang.” Have transported furniture. Spring was approaching and the final move was near. It remains to find a buyer for Zorka. The new collective farm agronomist came to bargain together with Egor at a time when Holisha was clearly out of sorts.

Yesterday Zorka was at home the night before. A new Star was born – “everything is clean with her, without carrying it!”. The legend of the ancestor of the Zorky clan-tribe was embodied in this little calf.

What kind of bargaining could be, if the Lord sent such a blessing to Kholyusha? And is it possible to transport a calf from such grass and water? Besides, Beloukhaya also brought two goats…

Egor looked at him and did not know whether to cry or laugh.

… Hollya died in early April. I jumped from the black porch into the ground with a blackened face. Found it in the evening. After the funeral the farmstead suddenly became empty. On the farm about Holusha sometimes remembered, rarely in a kind way.

And in the middle of May the collective farm electrician Mitka in one of the deep sand caves discovered Holishin’s accordion. It was packed full of pieces of paper. Ego were receipts-obligations to supply the state with milk, meat, butter, eggs, wool, potatoes, live-raw materials and furs. “The People’s Commissariat… The Ministry of Finance… The State Bank… on the basis of the decree… You are obliged… Receipt No. 328857 taken from Vihlyantsev… to the Defense Fund of the country for the amount of RUB two thousand five hundred… August 16, 1941 … 1937 … 1939 … 1952 … 1960 … 1975 … You are obliged to surrender the milk of the basic fat content of 115 liters or the melted butter 4600 … “

Mitka burned all this “chancery”, and buried the accordion – away from sin. On the farm he bought a quarter and went to the house of the Holushino…

“Kholyushino Podvorie” Ekimova in the summary