Modern Ibsen Norway. A cozy and inexpensive furnished apartment of lawyer Torvald Helmer and his wife Nora. Christmas Eve. Nora enters the house from the street, she brings with her many boxes – these are gifts for the Christmas tree for children and Torvalda. The husband lovingly fusses around his wife and jokingly accuses her – his squirrel, butterfly, bird, chrysalis, lark – in foreboding. But this Christmas, Nora objected to him, they will not hurt a little bit of motivation, since Helmer takes office as the director of the bank from the new year and they will not need, like in previous years, to save literally everything.
After courting his wife, Helmer retires to the office, and into the living room enters the long-time friend of Nora fru Linde, she just got off the steamer. Women have not seen for a long time – almost eight years, during this time, a friend managed to bury her husband, whose marriage was childless. And Nora? Is she still carefree in life? If so. In the first year of marriage, when Helmer left the ministry, he had to take business papers outside his main job, and sit over them until late at night. As a result, he fell ill, and the doctors said that only the southern climate can save him. They spent the whole year in Italy with their whole family. Money for the trip, a fairly large amount, Nora allegedly took from her father, but this is not true; she was helped by a gentleman… No, no, let Frou Linda do not think anything like that! .. Money is borrowed against a receipt.
Will Frou Linde settle here again in their city? What will she do? Helmer probably will be able to arrange it in her bank, just now he is making up the staff list and talking in the office with attorney Krogstad, intending to fire him, – the place is freed. How? Frou Linde with him a little familiar? Yeah, it’s understandable, it means they lived in the same city and sometimes met.
Torvald Helmer really fires Krogstad. He does not like people with a tarnished reputation. At one time, Krogstad made a forgery-forged the signature on the monetary document, but escaped the court, having managed to get out of the difficult situation. But it’s even worse! An unspecified vice spreads around the seeds of decay. A person like Krogstad should be forbidden to have children-only criminals will grow up with such a tutor.
But forgery, as it turns out, Nora did. She forged a borrower’s signature on her loan letter to Krogstad, which she could not turn to – at that time he was lying at death. Moreover, the document is dated the day when his father could not sign, because by that time he had already died. Running from work Krogstad asks Nora that she put in a word for him, he perfectly proved himself in the bank, but the appointment of the new director confused all his cards. Helmer wants to sack him not only for the dark past, but even for the fact that he recalled it several times to the “you”. Nora asks for Krogstad, but Helmer refuses to take her seriously. Then Krogstad threatens Hope with exposure: he will tell her husband where she took the money for a trip to Italy. In addition, Helmer learns about her forgery. Having achieved nothing from Nora this time, Krogstad openly blackmails both spouses: he sends a letter to Helmer with a direct threat – if the story with the forgery of Nora comes out, he will not be able to hold the post of director of the bank. Nora rushes in search of an exit. First she flirted with a friend of the family, Dr. Rank. He secretly in love with her, but is doomed to death – he has hereditary syphilis. Rank is ready for Nora’s sake and would have given her money, but by this time it turns out that Krogstad needs something different. The story of Dr. Rank ends tragically – Helmer’s spouses receive a postcard with a black cross from him by mail – the cross signifies that the doctor has locked himself at home and does not accept anyone else: he will die there, without frightening his friends with his appearance. he sends a letter to Helmer with a direct threat – if the story with the forgery of Nora floats out, he will not be able to hold the post of director of the bank. Nora rushes in search of an exit. First she flirted with a friend of the family, Dr. Rank. He secretly in love with her, but is doomed to death – he has hereditary syphilis. Rank is ready for Nora’s sake and would have given her money, but by this time it turns out that Krogstad needs something different. The story of Dr. Rank ends tragically – Helmer’s spouses receive a postcard with a black cross from him by mail – the cross signifies that the doctor has locked himself at home and does not accept anyone else: he will die there, without frightening his friends with his appearance. he sends a letter to Helmer with a direct threat – if the story with the forgery of Nora floats out, he will not be able to hold the post of director of the bank. Nora rushes in search of an exit. First she flirted with a friend of the family, Dr. Rank. He secretly in love with her, but is doomed to death – he has hereditary syphilis. Rank is ready for Nora’s sake and would have given her money, but by this time it turns out that Krogstad needs something different. The story of Dr. Rank ends tragically – Helmer’s spouses receive a postcard with a black cross from him by mail – the cross signifies that the doctor has locked himself at home and does not accept anyone else: he will die there, without frightening his friends with his appearance. but is doomed to death – he has hereditary syphilis. Rank is ready for Nora’s sake and would have given her money, but by this time it turns out that Krogstad needs something different. The story of Dr. Rank ends tragically – Helmer’s spouses receive a postcard with a black cross from him by mail – the cross signifies that the doctor has locked himself at home and does not accept anyone else: he will die there, without frightening his friends with his appearance. but is doomed to death – he has hereditary syphilis. Rank is ready for Nora’s sake and would have given her money, but by this time it turns out that Krogstad needs something different. The story of Dr. Rank ends tragically – Helmer’s spouses receive a postcard with a black cross from him by mail – the cross signifies that the doctor has locked himself at home and does not accept anyone else: he will die there, without frightening his friends with his appearance.
But what does Hope do? Shame and exposure are frightening her, it’s better to commit suicide! But the inexorable Krogstad warns: suicide is meaningless, in that case her memory will be shamed.
Help comes from an unexpected side – from the friend of Nora Frou Linde. At a decisive moment, it is explained with Krogstad: in the past, they were connected by love, but Frou Linde married another: she had an old mother and two younger brothers in her arms, while Krogstad’s financial position was fragile. Now Frou Linde is free: her mother and husband have died, the brothers have really risen to their feet – she is ready to marry Krogstad, if he is still needed. Krogstad is delighted, his life is improving, he finally finds both love and a loyal person, he refuses to blackmail. But it’s too late – his letter in Helmer’s mailbox, the key to which is only with him. Well, let Nora find out what her Helmer is really up to with his sanctimonious morality and prejudice! – decides Krogstad.
In fact, after reading the letter, Helmer almost hurts in hysterics from the righteous anger that has engulfed him. How? His wife – his bird, his bird, the lark, his doll – a criminal? And this is because of her family well-being, achieved by such hard work, is now on spray! From the requirements of Krogstad they can not be rid of until the end of the days! Helmer will not allow Hope to spoil the children! From now on they will be put in charge of a nanny! To maintain external decency Helmer will allow Hope to stay in the house, but now they will live separately!
At this moment the messenger brings a letter from Krogstad. He refuses his demands and returns a loan from Nora. Helmer’s mood instantly changes. They are saved! Everything will be as before, even better! But here Nora, which Helmer is accustomed to consider his obedient toy, suddenly rebels against him. She leaves home! Leaves forever! First, the father, and then Helmer used to treat her as a beautiful doll, which is nice to caress. She knew this before, but Helmer loved and forgave him. Now it’s different – she was very hoping for a miracle – that Helmer, as a loving husband, would take her to blame. Now she no longer loves Helmer, as before Helmer did not like her – he just liked to be in love with her. They are strangers. And to live as before is to commit adultery, selling oneself for convenience and money.
Nora’s decision stuns Helmer. He is smart enough to understand – her words and feelings are serious. But is there really no hope that one day they will reunite? He will do everything so that they are no longer strangers! “It would be a miracle of miracles,” Nora answers, and miracles, as she was convinced by experience, are rare. Its solution is final.
“Doll House” by Ibsen in brief summary