Briefly about the novel “Carmen” P. Merimee. The image of Carmen

Novella, or rather a novel, “Carmen” is perhaps the most famous work of Merimee. The theme chosen for “Carmen” already had a romantic tradition, but the writer made her realistic development. The central character of the work is the Gypsy Carmen. The realistic character of this image is clearly more vivid when comparing it with the image of Esmeralda in V. Hugo’s novel “Notre Dame de Paris”, which, in fact, is a beautiful romantic fiction. Merimee least idealizes Carmen. She is the product of the environment, is closely connected with him, she has all the disadvantages: stealing, lying, etc. However, at the same time, the heroine is endowed with the best human qualities, the one that most appreciated Merimee: she is always true to her whole nature, honest and sincere in what is important to her, – in their feelings. Carmen is characterized by inner freedom, defending which, she prefers to die better than to yield. This is the human dignity and attractiveness of the heroine.



