A Brief Comic Life of Francion

Charles Sorel True comic biography of Francion Achieving the favors of Loreta, the young wife of the castle’s ruler, old Valentine, Francia, having entered the castle in the guise of a pilgrim, plays a

“Confessions of a Comedian” O. Henry in Brief Content

The hero-narrator is famous for his sense of humor. Natural resourcefulness is successfully combined with training, jokes are, as a rule, innocuous character, and he becomes a universal favorite. Once a hero receives a

“Maria Stuart” Schiller in brief summary

The action takes place in England, at the end of 1586 – beginning of 1587. In the castle of Fotringe, her half-sister, Maria Stewart, was imprisoned on the orders of the Queen Elizabeth of

Summary Atta Trol

Heinrich Heine Atta Troll This poem by Heinrich Heine tells of a bear named Atta Troll. The action begins in 1841 in a small resort town Cotare in the Pyrenees, where the lyrical hero

“The Morning of the Landowner” by Tolstoy in a brief summary

Prince Nekhlyudov was nineteen years old when, from the third year of university, he came to summer vacations in his village and one stayed there all summer. In the autumn he wrote to his

Your humble servant cat

Sosaki Natsume Your humble servant cat The narrator is a cat, just a cat that does not have a name. He does not know who his parents are, only he remembers how he got

“The Hobbit, or There and Back” by Tolkien in brief

The hobbits are cheerful, but at the same time a solid little fellow. They are just like people, only half the size of us, and their legs are overgrown with hair, and they live

“Signal” Garshin in brief summary

Semyon Ivanov serves as a watchman on the railway. He is a seasoned man, but not too lucky. Nine years ago, in 1878, visited the war, fought with the Turks. He was not wounded,

“Anton-Goremyka” Grigorovich in brief summary

Anton, a fifty-year-old serf muzhik, lean and hunched, looking at the world of God with extinct eyes, is busy preparing fuel for the winter. Returning to his hut, Anton finds there a guest, a

“Victoria” Hamsun in summary

The action takes place in the modern writer of Norway. From time to time, when a walk or a game is started, the children of the owner of the manor estate, which the people
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