Herman Melville White Pea Jacket In 1843, in a harbor of the Pacific, a young sailor – it is easy to recognize the hero of the novel “Taipi”, continuing his journey home – enters
The action takes place in the thirties and ends in the spring of 1941. The sisters of Makiok belong to an ancient family. At one time, their name was known to all residents of
From the county town of the N-provincial province, a battered britzka departs in the July morning, in which the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Kuzmichev, the rector of the N-th church of Fr. Christopher of Syria
N. Gogol Dead Souls Volume One The proposed story, as will become clear from the following, occurred somewhat shortly after the “glorious expulsion of the French.” In the provincial town of NN comes the
The main character of the poem is Vasily Terkin. It’s a guy at least where he can stand up for himself and the eater is excellent. Terkin is a veteran fighter. This is his
The central character of Ivan Bunin’s story has never been mentioned for the entire story by name. On the ship, in Capri and in Naples, he is called the gentleman from San Francisco. In
Prosper Merimee The chronicle of the reign of Charles IX of 1572. In France religious wars between Catholics and Huguenots are in full swing. There is a fierce struggle for power in which the
LN Andreev Grand Helmet Four players play in the “screw” three times a week: Evpraksiya Vasilievna with his brother Prokopy Vasilievich against Maslennikov and Yakov Ivanovich. Yakov Ivanovich and Maslennikov absolutely do not approach
LP Hartley Mediator Aging Lionel Colston recalls the days he spent with a boy from his school friend Markus Model at the Brande Hall estate in the summer of 1900. The belief in the
F. Sacchetti Three hundred novels In the preface to his book, the author confesses that he wrote it, following “the example of the excellent Florentine poet, Messer Giovanni Boccaccio.” “I, the Florentine Franco Sacchetti,