Summary “The Wolf on the Kennels” Krylov

Wolf at night, thinking of climbing into the sheepfold, I got on the kennel. Suddenly the whole horseman’s court rose up – Poczuya gray so close to a bully, Dogs poured into the cribs

“Ninety-third year” by Hugo in a brief summary

In the last days of May, the soldiers and the marquee of the Paris battalion “Red Hat” stumble into the Sodreysk forest to the Breton peasant woman with three children – a baby girl

“Two comrades” Voinovich in brief summary

Sixties. A small provincial town in Russia. Nineteen-year-old Valera Vazhenin lives with her mother and grandmother. Mama Valery works as a senior standard-setting laborer at the plant. The father left the family when the

The summary of the play “Forest”

The motif of the game, mask, comedy, pervades the entire text of Ostrovsky’s play “Forest.” Many characters in this work play their part in the life scene. Heroes of AN Ostrovsky in the “Forest”

Summary “Land of people”

A person reveals himself in the fight against obstacles. The pilot is like a peasant who cultivates the earth and thereby extorts from nature some of its secrets. The pilot’s work is also fruitful.

Summary “Money for Maria” Rasputin

To go for help to his brother Kuzma decided at night, although at heart he doubted that his brother would help – they had long been strangers. Shaking in the cold bus, he remembers

“Türkare” Lesage in short summary

The young baroness was after the death of her husband in very cramped circumstances. Therefore, she is forced to encourage courtship of a little sympathetic and distant from her circle, the businessman Türkare, who

Summary Lady Windermere’s Fan

Oscar Wilde Veer Lady Windermere The play takes place throughout the day in London, in the house of Lord Windermere and his wife, and in the bachelor apartment occupied by Lord Darlington in the

Summary “Sodom and Gomorrah”

Marcel opened the secret to de Charles, becoming an unwitting witness to the love pantomime. At the sight of Jupien, the haughty aristocrat suddenly whined backwards and began to build his eyes, and the

“Centaur” Updike in the summary

The action takes place during several January days in 1947 in the town of Olinger, Pennsylvania First chapter The novel begins with the words “Caldwell turned away, and at the same moment an ankle
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