Summary “Bylin about Alyosha Popovich”

In the glorious city of Rostov, at the Rostov priest’s cathedral was a single son. His name was Alyosha, they nicknamed him Father Popovich. Alyosha Popovich did not read and write, he did not

Sartre’s “Nausea” in Brief Content

The novel is based on the principle of diary entries of the protagonist Antoine Roquantin, who traveled to Central Europe, North Africa, the Far East and for three years already settled in the city

The “waning bell” of Hauptmann in brief

A mountain lawn with a small hut under an overhanging rock. At the edge of the well sits a young Rautendelein, a creature from the fairies world, and combs his thick reddish-golden hair. Leaning

A summary of Wilde’s “Canterville Ghost”

“The Canterville Ghost” is a short story about the departing England, written by a true Brit. It was published in a journal publication in 1887. The work can be considered as a moderate satire

Summary Nov Nov Ivan Turgenev

IS Turgenev Nov Nezhdanoff gets a home teacher from the Sipyagins at a time when he needs money, even more in changing the situation. Now he can rest and gather strength, most importantly –

Summary Picnic on the roadside Strugatsky

A. and B. Strugatsky Roadside Picnic The action takes place at the end of the XX century. in the town of Harmont, which is located near one of the Visiting Zones. The Visiting Zone

Summary of Prairie

JF Cooper Prairie In the autumn of 1804, along the immense expanses of the American prairies – ever farther to the west, farther from the already inhabited lands – a train of stubborn, unpretentious

Summary “Bylin about Vasily Buslaev”

Ninety years old lives in Novgorod Buslay. He does not argue with anyone and does not quarrel with anyone: neither with Novgorod, nor with Pskov, nor with Moscow. When Buslai dies, his son Vasily

Summary Selected criticism Khodasevich

VF Khodasevich Selected criticism Gumilev and Blok They are people of different poetic generations. Block – a symbolist, Gumilev – the enemy of symbolism. For Blok, his poetry is a spiritual feat, inseparable from

Summary Makar Chudra Maxim Gorky

Maxim Gorky Makar Chudra Romantic night by the sea, a fire burns, an old gypsy Makar Chudra tells the writer a story about free gypsies. To his young interlocutor Makar says: “You chose a
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