“Sid” Corneille in brief summary

The teacher of Elvira brings Dinya Khimene a pleasant message: from two lovers of the young nobles – Don Rodrigo and Don Sancho – the father of Jimena, Count Gormaz, wants to have the

Summary of the novel by M. A. Bulgakov “Master and Margarita”

Once in the spring, in Moscow, at an unusually hot sunset, two citizens appeared at the Patriarch’s Ponds: Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz, chairman of the board of one of the major literary organizations; he was

Summary One summer season

M. Drabble One summer season The novel takes place in England in the early sixties. The heroine of the novel, Emma Evans, on whose behalf the story is narrated, recalls the events that happened

“The Latest Letters of Jacopo Ortiz” Foscolo in Brief Content

The action begins in October 1789, ends in March 1799 and unfolds mainly in the north of Italy, in the vicinity of Venice. The narrative is a letter from the main character, Jacopo Ortiz,

Summary of the Hunter’s Notes: Lgov

IS Turgenev Notes of the hunter: Lgov Lgov – a large steppe village. Near it there is a pond overgrown with reeds; there were ducks. Behind the boat, the hunters turned to a local

The Death of the Hero

R. Aldington Death of the hero The action takes place in 1890-1918. The work is written in the form of the author’s memories of his peer, a young English officer who died in France

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

Ken Kizi One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Hero-narrator Bromden – the son of a white woman and an Indian leader – pretends to be weak, deaf and weak-minded. He has long been in

“Trust that burst” O. Henry in summary

Once the heroes of the cycle “Noble crook” Jeff Peters and Andy Tucker, who, according to Peters, “each dollar in the hand of another… perceived as a personal insult, if he could not perceive

Summary Dmitry Borisovich Kabalevsky. Cola Bryunion (Master from Klamsi)

COLA BRUNION (MASTER OF CLAIM) Opera in three acts (six scenes) Libretto by VG Bragin Characters: Cola Bryunion Selina (Lasochka) Martina Gambi Zhyflyar Duke Ml de Teom Curet Notary Woman with a torch Pulyar,

Summary “A Tale of Akira the Wise”

Akir was an adviser to Sinagrip, king of Ador and Nalive land. He was told by God that he would remain childless. Akira had a wife and great wealth, but there was no heir.
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