(1924 – 1997)
Soloukhin Vladimir Alekseevich (1924 – 1997), the poet, the prose writer. He was born on June 14 in the village of Alepino, Vladimir Region, in a peasant family. After graduating from school, in 1938 – 42 he studied at the engineering school in Vladimir, received the specialty of a mechanic-instrumentalist. During the war, Soloukhin served in special forces guarding the Kremlin. In 1946, having published his first poems in Komsomolskaya Pravda and realizing his vocation, he entered the Literary Institute. M. Gorky, who graduated in 1951. The first collection of poems “Rain in the Steppe” appeared in 1953. Then followed the poetry collections “Zhuravlicha (1959),” In Flowers (1962), “Live on Earth (1965), in which In the course of time, the author’s aspiration to philosophical comprehension of life intensified: from 1951 he traveled extensively throughout the country and abroad, publishing reports in various publications. The first separate book of sketch prose “The Birth of Zernograd” was published in 1955; next – “The Gold Bottom” – in 1956. The book “Vladimirskie Proselyki” (1957) attracted serious attention of readers and critics, receiving the most approving responses. In 1964 he published the autobiographical novel “Mother-stepmother”. A special place in Soloukhin’s work is occupied by his artistic and journalistic books “Letters from the Russian Museum” (1966) and “Blackboards” (1969). In 1964 – 81 was a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Young Guard”. Living in Moscow, Soloukhin did not break ties with his native places, local people. In 1965 a collection of poems “From the Lyrical Positions” comes out. In the 1970’s saw the light of the book “Olepinsky ponds” (1973) and “Visit 3vanka” (1975). In the 1980s – “Time to collect stones” about Optina desert (a monastery near Kozelsk) and a collection of short stories and essays “Disaster with pigeons”. The theme of Russian nature, spiritual wealth of the people has always occupied the writer, he wrote about the need for their preservation and protection. Died Soloukhin April 5, 1997 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.