Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin is a Russian writer, historian, publisher, founder of Russian sentimentalism. The creator of the “History of the Russian State” and a number of famous works of art.
Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich was born December 12, 1766 in Simbirsk in a noble family. Primary education the future writer received at home. Soon his father gave him to the Simbirsk noble boarding house, and in 1778 – to a private boarding house in Moscow. In parallel, Karamzin was engaged in active language learning, attended lectures at the Moscow University.
Military service
In 1781, Nikolai Mikhailovich, at the insistence of his father, entered the military service in the Preobrazhensky regiment. In 1783, the writer made his debut in print with the product “Wooden Leg”. In 1784, the biography of Karamzin as a military man was over, and he resigned in the rank of lieutenant.
Early literary activity
In 1785, Karamzin, whose biography changed its direction dramatically, moved from his native Simbirsk to Moscow. Here the writer gets acquainted with NI Novikov and the Pleshcheyev family. Carried away by Freemasonry, Nikolai Mikhailovich enters the Moscow Masonic circle, where he begins to closely associate with IS Gamaleya, AM Kutuzov. At the same time, Karamzin participates in the publication of the first children’s magazine in Russia – “Child Reading for the Heart and Mind.”
In 1787 Nikolai Mikhailovich published the translation of Shakespeare’s tragedy “Julius Caesar”, in 1788 – the translation of Lessing’s tragedy “Emilia Galotti”. In 1789 in the “Children’s Reading…” the first original work of the writer – “Eugene and Julia” was published.
Travel to Europe
In 1789 – 1790, Karamzin traveled to Europe. The writer visited Germany, England, France, Switzerland, met many famous personalities of that era – S. Bonnet, I. Kant, J. F. Marmontel, I. G. Herder, I. K. LaFather, attended the speeches of M. Robespierre OG Mirabeau. During the trip, Nikolai Mikhailovich created the famous “Letters of the Russian Traveler”, which were published in 1791-1792 and brought the writer wide literary fame.
Mature creativity. “History of Russian Goverment”
Upon his return to Moscow, Karamzin continues to engage in literary activity, writes works of art, critical articles and notes. In 1791, Nikolai Mikhailovich began publishing the literary “Moscow Journal”, in which he first published the story “Poor Liza”, “Natalia, Boyar’s Daughter”. Soon Karamzin released several sentimentalist almanacs – Aglaya, Aonidy, Pantheon of Foreign Literature, My Trivia. In 1802 the story “Marfa-posadnitsa, or Conquest of Novagorod” is published.
In 1803, Emperor Alexander I granted Karamzin the title of historiographer, all the libraries and archives were opened to the writer.
Until the last day of his life, Nikolai Mikhailovich worked on his most important work – “The History of the Russian State.” The book covers events from the most ancient times to the Time of Troubles and includes 12 volumes. The first eight volumes were published in 1818, the next three were published in 1821 – 1824. The last part of “History…” was published after the death of Karamzin.
Died Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin May 22, 1826 in St. Petersburg. A writer is buried at the Tikhvin Cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.
Interesting Facts
- Prose and poetry of Karamzin greatly influenced the development of the Russian literary language, the writer first began using neologisms, barbarisms, departed from the church vocabulary. Karamzin was twice married. The first wife, EI Protasova, was the sister of AI Pleshcheeva. The second wife, EA Kolyvanova, was the illegitimate daughter of Prince AI Vyazemsky. The story “Poor Lisa” Karamzin is the most vivid example of Russian sentimentalism and is studied by schoolchildren in the 9th grade. Karamzin was the first who opened a well-known literary monument – the work of Athanasius Nikitin “Walking for Three Seas.” Thanks to Karamzin, everyday words such as “moral,” “industry,” “scene,” “catastrophe,” “concentrate,” “aesthetic,” “future,” “
Biography of Karamzin