Daniel Defoe is an English writer, publicist.
Born Defoe in Criplegate in about 1660. Education in the biography of Daniel Defoe was received at the Newington Academy. Since then, Defoe has been fascinated by the study of foreign languages, and later improved his knowledge during trade trips to Europe. Biography of Daniel Defoe is also known as politics, and besides – an entrepreneur. Adventurous character traits of Defoe became the cause of his frequent ruin, as well as repeated acquisitions of wealth.
The first of his works Defoe wrote in the form of pamphlets satirichesko-publicistic genre. Popularity within London was brought to him by the pamphlet “True Englishman”, defending the king. Undoubtedly, this act brought Defoe closer to King William III. After trying various professions, Defoe finally settled on the choice of writing activity. For one of his scandalous pamphlets Defoe was sentenced to 7 years in prison.
However, the most famous biography of D. Defoe, thanks to his novel “Robinson Crusoe.” All descriptions of this work are very accurate. The motifs of the novel, suggesting simplicity against the backdrop of ingenuity, later became characteristic of many writers.
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Biography of Daniel Defoe