Biography Andrei Kistyakovsky
(11/10/1936 – June 30, 1987)
Kistyakovsky Andrey Andreevich (11/10/1936, Moscow – June 30, 1987, Moscow). From an old noble family. Many relatives on the part of the mother were repressed in the 1930s, and K.’s father, who was in charge of the chair of sports facilities at the construction institute, also underwent a short-term arrest.
In the eighth grade, K. left school, worked as a gasmaker, a fitter at the Moscow Automobile Plant. Likhachev. After the service in the army he changed several works. He studied at the Moscow Automotive Institute, where he left and entered the Moscow State University. In 1971 he graduated from the Romance-German Department of the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University, specializing in English and Literature. Since 1967 began to be published. After graduation, he worked as a translator of fiction from the English language (in the USSR his translations of the stories of W. Faulkner, R. Danken, C. P. Snow, F. O’Connor, and others) were published.
Back in the 1960s, K. approached the circle of nonconformist artists “Lianozovo school.” In 1974-1976 translated into Russian the novel of Arthur Koestler’s “Blinding Darkness” – one of the central works of Western literature on the theme of the degeneration of the proletarian revolution into a totalitarian dictatorship. Translations of this book went to samizdat before, but this was the first professional translation, which later earned the approval of Koestler himself. The book was supposed to be published abroad (but with the expectation that it would get to the USSR K. believed that “this book is needed in a country that in some sense gave birth to it”), the text was transmitted to the West by S. Khodorovich. In 1978 the book was published in the Publishing House. Chekhov with the preface of K.
Since that time, K. began to participate in the work of the Fund for Assistance to Political Prisoners, which was administered by S. Khodorovich at that time in the USSR. After his arrest in April 1983, he appointed K. his successor. 05/18/1983 K. announced that he had entered the disposal of the Fund. K. immediately underwent searches, threats and even beatings. And in June he had cancer discovered, and he was hospitalized for a long time. In early 1984, the authorities managed to paralyze the activities of the Fund for Assistance to Political Prisoners through repression.
The last years of his life, K. heavily ill, but managed to complete the translation of the book by D. Tolkin “Keepers”.
He was buried at Dolgoprudny Cemetery.
Papovyan A. G.
The materials of the journal UFO