Category: Biographies

  • Biography Kushev Evgeniy Igorevich

    (3.08.1947 – 7.02.1995) Kushev Evgeny Igorevich (3.08.1947, Odessa – 7.02.1995, Munich). He was born in the family of variety artists, was brought up by his mother’s parents. Lived in Moscow. He left school, began to study at the school of working youth, later entered the historical faculty of Moscow State University. In the mid-1960s he…

  • Biography Grigoryev Apollon Aleksandrovich

    (1822 – 1864) Grigoryev Apollon Alexandrovich (1822 – 1864), translator, critic. He was born on July 16 (28 N.) in Moscow. His mother, the daughter of a serf coachman, gave birth to a son before the young people were married, so the “illegitimate” was long considered a Moscow petty bourgeois. Father served in the city…

  • Biography of Abraham Russo

    Avraam Russo is a Russian singer, songwriter. Abraham Russo was born on July 21, 1969 in Syria. Then, in his biography, Russo lived in France for a while. Since childhood he was fond of singing, and also did not miss the opportunity to participate in various creative competitions. After graduation, I started singing on a…

  • Biography of Twain Mark

    Twain (Twain) Mark [alias; real name Samuel Lenghorn Clemens (30.11.1835, Florida, Missouri, 21.4.1910, Redding, Connecticut), an American writer. He spent his childhood in the town of Hannibal (Mississippi). From 1853 he roamed the country, was a pilot on the Mississippi, a miner in the silver mines of Nevada, a gold digger in California, a journalist.…

  • Biography of the Dalai Lama

    Dalai Lama XIV, the political leader of Tibet, who fought for the establishment on its territory of a democratic state, independent of China. Early years Lhamo Thondup was born on July 6, 1935 in the Chinese town of Tatskir, north-east of Tibet, to a peasant family. Following many signs, the spiritual ministers found him when…

  • Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin. Biography

    In parallel with the Turgenev chronicle of spiritual strivings of the advanced intelligentsia of the second half of the XIX century. in Russian literature, a satirical chronicle of socio-historical life was created, bringing to the surface the flaws and ugliness of the state structure of the Russian Empire. Its author was ME Saltykov-Shchedrin, a writer…

  • Biography Lavrenev Boris Andreevich

    (1891-1959) Lavrenev Boris Andreevich (real name – Sergeev) (1891-1959) prose writer, playwright. Born July 5 (17 N. s.) In Kherson in the family of a teacher of literature. He escaped from the parents’ home, got a job on a ship and went on a flight abroad. Floated for two months, until it was removed from…

  • Biography of Yuri Shatunov

    Yuri Shatunov – a singer, a former member of the group “Affectionate May”. Yuri was born on September 6, 1973 in the city of Kumertau of the Republic of Bashkortostan. After the tragic event in the biography of Shatunov – the death of his mother, first he began to be brought up by his aunt,…

  • Biography Annenkov Pavel Vasilievich

    (1.07.1813 – 20.03.1887) Annenkov, Pavel Vasilyevich [19.VI (1.VII) .1813, according to other data 18 (30) .VI.1812, Moscow, – 8 (20) .III.1887, Dresden] – Russian literary critic and memoirist. Born in the family of the landowner of Simbirsk province. He studied at the Mining Institute, was a volunteer at the Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg University.…

  • Biography of Auguste Comte

    Auguste Comte – the founder of sociology, as an independent science, as well as the founder of positivism. Childhood and youth Auguste Comte was born in the south of France, in Montpellier, Hérault. His parents were Louis and Rosalia Comte. He studied at the Lyceum of Joffre and at the University of Montpellier. With the…